Describe a thing you once forgot to do: Bài mẫu kèm từ vựng

Sample IELTS Speaking part 2 Describe a thing you once forgot to do chủ đề describe an object (miêu tả một đồ vật) và có kèm theo các từ vựng ghi điểm trong bài.
ZIM Academy
describe a thing you once forgot to do bai mau kem tu vung

Bài viết giới thiệu Sample IELTS Speaking part 2 Describe a thing you once forgot to do thuộc nhóm chủ đề describe an object (miêu tả một đồ vật) kèm theo các từ vựng ghi điểm trong bài. Đây là một trong nhóm chủ đề phổ biến trong bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 2.

Describe a thing you once forgot to do

You should say

  1. What it is

  2. When you forgot it

  3. Why you forgot it

And explain how you felt about this experience

IELTS Speaking sample:

Well, I would like to tell you about a time when I got into trouble because I forgot to lock the door when going out.

It happened 4 years ago when I had just moved to HCMC. At that time, I was living in a tiny student bedsit which was located on a bustling street in Thu Duc district. Actually, my neighborhood was not very safe due to the high crime rate. Although robberies did happen on a regular basis, I still lived there since the accommodation was affordable for a student like me.

On that day, I had a really important exam at school. I should have got up earlier but in fact, I didn’t. I spent hours binge-watching my favorite TV series the night before and that’s why I slept in the next morning. After pressing the snooze button many times, I finally woke up. Since it was only 10 minutes left before the exam, I had to do everything in a rush so that I could go to school on time. Fortunately, I was not so late to get in the exam room but then I realized that I forgot to lock the door of my house. Needless to say, I panicked and instantly returned home. You know what, my laptop was gone. It was stolen. Well, there was no surveillance camera in the area, which meant the chance for me to get it back was nearly 0%. I can’t help crying and honestly I didn’t sleep a wink for nights. This laptop cost me a fortune. On top of that, it was a must-have device for my study. If I hadn’t lost it, I wouldn’t have struggled with all my online assignments during that whole semester. I now have a new one but I still regret forgetting to do such an important thing.

Từ vựng trong IELTS Speaking sample:

1. Bustling street /ˈbʌs.lɪŋ striːt/: Con đường đông đúc, nhộn nhịp

Ví dụ: The experience of exploring a new place through a bustling street food experience

2. High crime rate: tỷ lệ tội phạm cao

  • Crime /kraɪm/ tội phạm

  • Rate /reɪt/ tỷ lệ

  • High /haɪ/ cao

Ví dụ: She feels their high crime rate is due to easier access to liquor now than formerly

3. Affordable (price): mức giá phải chăng, có thể chi trả được

Ví dụ: This is nice clothes at affordable prices

4. Binge-watch /ˈbɪndʒ ˌwɒtʃ/: xem liên tục hết tập này đến tập khác

Ví dụ: We binge-watched an entire season of "Breaking Bad" on Sunday.

5. Sleep in: ngủ nướng

Ví dụ: I usually sleep in on Saturdays.

6. In a rush /ɪn ə rʌʃ/: trong tình thế vội vàng, hấp tấp

Ví dụ: In a rush about so many things

7. Surveillance camera: camera an ninh

Surveillance /səˈveɪ.ləns/

Ví dụ: A surveillance camera recorded what happened next.

8. Can’t help crying /kænt help ˈkraɪ.ɪŋ/: không thể ngừng khóc

Ví dụ: She can't help herself crying a bit now when she says that.

9. Not sleep a wink /nɒt sliːp ə wɪŋk/: không thể chợp mắt

Ví dụ:The president became so anxious that he could not sleep a wink,

10. Cost a fortune /kɒst ə ˈfɔː.tʃuːn/: tốn cả một gia tài

Ví dụ: They cost a fortune.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

How can we improve our memory?

Gợi ý: reminders (công cụ nhắc nhở), to-do list, keep track of important tasks (nắm rõ công việc quan trọng), be organized (ngăn nắp)

Well, for those who are not good at memorizing things, I suggest using some sorts of reminders. Starting with a to-do list on our smartphone, or just by setting up an online calendar that will send reminders to you. It does help people to keep track of all important tasks or appointments and ensure they don’t forget anything that needs to be completed. Another way, I think, is to be organized. I mean, planning things carefully, making a list of all obligations or just keeping everything neat and tidy is enough to help people keep a better track of them.

What kind of people might easily forget things? What kind of things do people often forget?

Gợi ý: The elderly (người lớn tuổi), memory loss (suy giảm trí nhớ), disorganized (không ngăn nắp), mess up (làm bừa bộn)

First, it would be the elderly, I suppose. You know, old people are more likely to suffer from gradual memory loss. As people get older, their brain functions are not good anymore. Like my neighbor, she is now in her late eighties and she always mistakes my name for my mother’s. Besides, people who are disorganized can also forget things quickly. Take me for example, I always mess my room up just to find a book that I don’t remember where I had put it.

What do you think of people using calendars to remind themselves of things?

Gợi ý: terrible memory (trí nhớ tệ), struggle with time management (gặp khó khăn trong quản lý thời gian), use calendars (tận dụng lịch), keep track of necessary things to do, consistently scheduled (lên lịch nhất quán), unconscious habit (thói quen vô thức)

Well, I don’t think it matters. Those who have a terrible memory or are struggling with time management can definitely use calendars to help them keep track of necessary things to do. To be honest, since I downloaded the calendar app to my phone, I haven’t missed any deadlines. For some people, they may be a bit reliant on those kinds of reminders at first, but then when things are consistently scheduled on your calendar, it’s much more likely to transform into an unconscious habit.

Người học cần làm quen với các thao tác và làm bài thi IELTS trên máy tính để giúp tự tin hơn trước ngày thi chính thức. Đăng ký tham gia thi thử IELTS trên máy tính tại ZIM có ngay kết quả.

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