Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và Task 2 đề thi ngày 12/02/2022

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Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 12/02/2022

The picture below shows the difference in the layout of the conference centre in 2010 and 2025.

image-altThe picture below shows the difference in the layout of the conference centre in 2010 and 2025.The maps illustrate a conference centre in 2010 and what it is proposed to look like in 2025.

Overall, there are many changes proposed to take place by 2025, including the addition of several new rooms and facilities, along with the renovation of several existing facilities.

In 2010, there were two adjoining rooms located next to the reception area and hall. By 2025, the rooms are to remain intact, however both the reception area and hall will have been expanded. There will also be a new 20 room residence facility located beside the hall. To make way for these changes, the car park will be reduced in size and moved to a different area.

Several other new facilities are proposed to be built in the large garden area opposite the rooms and halls. These new facilities include an IT centre, a canteen and kitchen, two meeting rooms, a game room, and a music room.

Band điểm ước lượng

TR: 8

CC: 9

LR: 8

GRA: 8

Overall: 8.0

Để diễn đạt các vị trí trong bài, người viết có thể sử dụng những cấu trúc sau:

  • There were two adjoining rooms located next to the reception area and hall.

  • Several other new facilities are proposed to be built in the large garden area.

  • The car park will be reduced in size and moved to a different area

Giải đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 12/02/2022

Đề bài: More and more people are choosing to eat healthy food and exercise regularly. Why? What can we do to encourage this?

Dàn bài

Bài mẫu

The advancement of technology, medicine, and science has created a major shift in many people's lifestyles these days, and there is now a greater emphasis on disease prevention. People are starting to adopt healthier ways of living, including a more health-conscious diet and frequent exercise. This essay will outline the reasons behind this trend and possible ways to promote it further. 

The main cause of this new trend may stem from the influence of the media and the availability and accessibility of healthier options. Firstly, there are a plethora of channels, websites, vlogs, and social media pages about healthy living, and the mainstream media are now promoting more and more information regarding healthy diets and active lifestyles. Because the media has always been a major influence on people's behavior, this can have a significant impact on them. The second reason lies in the easier access to healthy options. Thanks to the development of agriculture and infrastructure, stores and supermarkets are now offering a much wider range of food products with high nutritional value. Besides, more sport and exercise facilities are springing up in urban areas, making it easier than ever for people to stay physically active.

To help support this development, there are several issues that can be addressed by the government. Firstly, despite the availability of healthier food products, some are only accessible at high prices, making it difficult for low-income families to choose healthier options. Therefore, the prices of these products need to be decreased in order to make them more universally attainable. Secondly, governments should allocate more funding to free sport and exercise facilities. This can create more opportunities for people to engage in physical activities through the promotion of different sports. Some remote areas nowadays still experience a severe lack of facilities and equipment for people to participate in sport and exercise.

In conclusion, there are two reasons explaining why people are becoming more health-conscious and the governments can further encourage this trend by assisting in the accessibility of healthy food ,and sport and exercise facilities.

Band điểm ước lượng

TR: 8

CC: 8

LR: 9

GRA: 8

Overall: 8.0

Từ vựng:

  1. (put/ place) greater emphasis on (something): đặt nặng cái gì đó hơn, chú trọng cái gì đó hơn

  2. the availability and accessibility of (something):  sự sẵn có và có thể tiếp cận được của 

  3. disease prevention: ngăn ngừa bệnh

  4. the plethora of: lượng quá lớn

  5. the mainstream media: truyền thông chính thống 

  6. active lifestyle: lối sống năng động

  7. nutritional value: giá trị dinh dưỡng 

  8. stay physically active: duy trì hoạt động thể chất 

  9. universally attainable/accessible (adj): mọi người đều có thể tiếp cận, sử dụng, có được

  10. engage in physical activities: tham gia vào các hoạt động thể chất

  11. a severe lack of (something): sự thiếu trầm trọng của 

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