Bài tập về phrasal verb có đáp án chi tiết

Bài viết cung cấp các bài tập phrasal verb kèm đáp án và nghĩa của các phrasal verb trong bài tập, đồng thời hướng dẫn cách học các phrasal verb này.
bai tap ve phrasal verb co dap an chi tiet

Bài viết này cung cấp các bài tập phrasal verb kèm đáp án. Phrasal verb hay cụm động từ là một trong những nội dung đa dạng và phức tạp trong tiếng Anh, bởi lẽ nó được kết hợp từ một động từ và các giới từ, tiểu từ khác nhau, và không mang nghĩa theo cách kết hợp nghĩa của những từ riêng lẻ tạo thành chúng.

Các phrasal verb được đề cập trong bài viết dưới đây là các phrasal verb thông dụng, được áp dụng nhiều trong hội thoại hàng ngày và có thể áp dụng trong các bài thi nói học thuật. 

Xem thêm:

Phrasal verb take

Phrasal verb bring

Phrasal verb make

Phrasal verb put

Phrasal verb get

Bài tập phrasal verb

Bài 1: Chọn phrasal verb phù hợp 

  1. Regardless of many difficulties, the researchers still continue carrying out / carrying on the new experiment.

  2. I should have went to the airport to see him off / get him up, but I was afraid of crying in front of him.

  3. We should work out / narrow down the number of suspects so that we won’t waste time investigating all of them.

  4. The frog suddenly turned out / turned into a princess.

  5. We should quickly work into / work out a solution to serious environmental issues on the globe, or our long-term survival will be threatened.

  6. I guess I’ve got a flu going on / coming on.

  7. My mom takes me to school every morning. She drops me off / gets me off and goes to her office nearby.

  8. It’s hard for Lily to catch up with / keep up with her brother’s speed of learning. She always has to try her best to remain the same speed with him.

  9. They will go away / go around for a few days before going back on track in the office.

  10. I can’t have a meeting with you guys on Friday this week. Could you guys bring it above / bring it forward?

Bài 2: Chọn các phrasal verb phù hợp để điền vào chỗ trống 

catch up with

go off

join in

carry on

get round to

set out / off

take up

turn around

get up to

take off

  1. We’ll _______ at 6 a.m tomorrow and our destination is Phuket Island.

  2. I’m going to a festival this weekend, do you want to _______?

  3. He always procrastinates taking his laptop to a maintenance and repair center but today he has to _______ doing so.

  4. He’s been _______ many bad behaviors recently.

  5. She _______ Linda when she found out that Linda was just pretending to be her close friend.

  6. What you need to do after passing an exam is to _______ learning and preparing for the others. Don’t rest on your laurels.

  7. She suddenly realized that she hadn’t locked the door so she _______ to lock it.

  8. I hate the feeling of sitting on a plane when it _______.

  9. Jane decides to _______ a new sport this summer.

  10. The robber ran fast but the police managed to _______ him.

Bài 3: Chọn giới từ phù hợp để tạo thành câu có nghĩa

  1. Look ______! There’s a training coming!

  2. I decided to pull ______ of the game at the last minute because I’m not satisfied with the rules of the game.

  3. My computer is always breaking ______ whenever I need it the most.

  4. My father encouraged me to go ______ that chess competition, and I always feel thankful that he did so.

  5. Getting up early in the morning is a positive habit for our physical and mental health so I will take ______ it right from tomorrow.

  6. You can’t put ______ telling her the truth anymore. Say it right now!

  7. If you spend enough time researching the information for this presentation, you will finally find it ______.

  8. Bob often comes ______ creative suggestions when he’s happy.

  9. The dishes my mom cooks usually give ______ attractive smells.

  10. Stuart realized some mechanic problems with his car so he pulled ______ to check them.

  11. I guess I’ve run ______ a dog! Let’s go off and see.

  12. Thousands of people are making ______ the biggest festival of the year.

  13. Lee has just arrived at the airport and I’m going to pick him ______.

  14. Mai nevers foots the bills on time so the supplier has cut ______ source of electricity in her house.

  15. I can’t put ______ this noise anymore!. It has been annoying me not one, not two, but 5 weeks!

  16. He used to be the best warrior in the world but today he is knocked ______ by a younger warrior.

  17. Sometimes I forget to plug my printer ______, so it doesn’t work and just gives the signal for hours.

  18. Wait a second, I’m putting you ______ the marketing service.

  19. Don’t forget to turn ______ the air-conditioner before leaving the room.

  20. The food has gone ______, you can’t eat it anymore.

Bài 4: Nối phrasal verb với nghĩa tương ứng của nó

Phrasal verb


1. hand out

a. to clean the surface of something, such as a table, with a cloth

2. live up to sth

b. to be as good as something

3. wipe sth down

c. to take the place of something lost or damaged or to compensate for something bad with something good

4. get down to sth

d. to admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated

5. back down

e. to give something to each person in a group or place

6. put sth/sb down

f. to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left

7. run out

g. to start to direct your efforts and attention towards something

8. make up for

h. to put an object that you are holding onto the floor or onto another surface, or to stop carrying someone

9. make for somewhere

i. to start doing a particular job or activity

10. take up sth

k. to go in the direction of a place or thing

Bài 5: Tìm những phrasal verb có nghĩa tương ứng với các từ in nghiêng

1. The teacher started giving the question papers to the class at 9 o’clock. 

2. If you want to go to college, you have to keep your money to spend in the future.

3. Where are you going? - I’m going to the supermarket.

4. She was 20 minutes late and by that time I had had no patience left.

5. The assignment requires us to create/ suggest/ think of a marketing plan.

Bài 6: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. Put … what you’re doing and listen to me!

A. away B. off C. down D. into

2. Please take care … my dogs while I’m away

A. over B. of C. with D. in

3. Some scientists have founded … the genetic structure of this animal

A. out B. of C.that D. into

4. How often do you catch … your friends?

A. out B. on C. of D. up with

5. I love shopping but trying … clothes is such inconvenient!

A. off B. on C. over D. with

6. Don’t throw those apples …. They are still fresh.

A. away B. off C. in D. with

7. Take your time to read my book. You don’t have to give it … immediately.

A. on B. to C. back D. up

8. The finance department puts … some ideas to invest into real estate

A. forward B. off C. up with D. down

9. The fact that the meeting was called … in last minutes made me frustrated.

A.out B. upon C. on D. off 

10. I ran … my ex the other day and I chose to ignore him.

A.out B.on C. into D. over

Bài 7: Ghép 1 động từ với 1 giới từ ở dưới bảng sau để tạo nên phrasal verb phù hợp cho các câu dưới đây:


go/ fill/ make/ wake/ take/ fall/ take/ drop/ live/ hang


after/ up/ out/ up/ in/ out/ up to/ in/ up/ on 

1. I … at 6am everday.

2. My brother … my dad. They have the same eyes and chin.

3. Please … this application form for joining the club

4. His cooking was delicious and I'll never … that.

5. Helen … love with a stranger. It was love at first sight.

6. I got into drugs because I was … with the naughty kids

7. Sometimes we have arguments but quickly … after that

8. If you want to lose weight, remember to … a diet!

9. To … a sport can help you pass time and become stronger

10. … whenever you’re in the area

Bài 8: Đọc và xem những câu dưới đây đúng hay sai. Nếu sai, hãy giải thích vì sao và sửa lại cho đúng.

1. We ate out a dinner last night

2. Every night we wipe the tables down before we close the restaurant

3. The photo bring back many meaningful memories

4. I want to ask my dog out

5. He asked around me about the details of the new policy

6. The tests are coming near so let’s get down to studying

7. Can you look my stuff after for me?

8. My grandparents have lived a war through

2. Đáp án bài tập phrasal verb

Bài 1:

  1. carrying out 

  2. see him off 

  3. narrow down

  4. turned into

  5. work out

  6. coming on

  7. drops me off

  8. keep up with

  9. go away

  10. bring it forward

Bài 2:

  1. set out / off

  2. join in

  3. get round to

  4. getting up to

  5. goes off

  6. carry on

  7. turned around

  8. takes off

  9. take up

  10. catch up with

Bài 3:

  1. out

  2. out

  3. down

  4. in for

  5. to

  6. off

  7. out

  8. up with

  9. off

  10. in

  11. over

  12. for

  13. up

  14. off

  15. up with

  16. out

  17. in

  18. to

  19. off

  20. off

Bài 4:

1. e

2. b

3. a

4. g

5. d

6. h

7. f

8. c

9. k

10. i

Bài 5:

1. handling out 

2. save up

3. making for 

4. run out of

5. come up with

Bài 6

1. A

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. A

9. D

10. C

Bài 7: 

1. wake up

2. takes after

3. fill out

4. live up to

5. fell in 

6. hanging out

7. make up

8. go on

9. take up

10. Drop in

Bài 8:

1. “eat out” có nghĩa là ăn ở ngoài. Phrasal verb này không đi với tân ngữ đằng sau. 

=> Sửa thành: We ate out last night.

2. Đúng. “Wipe the tables down” có nghĩa là lau mặt bàn

3. Đúng. “bring back” có nghĩa là gợi nhớ lại

4. “ask sb out” có nghĩa là rủ ai đó đi chơi. Phrasal verb phải đi với tân ngữ là người. 

=> Sửa thành: I want to ask my friends out

5. “ask around” có nghĩa là tìm kiếm/hỏi nhiều người xung quanh. Theo nghĩa, người dùng không cần đi kèm tân ngữ chỉ người ở sau phrasal verb nữa.

=> Sửa thành: He asked around about the details of the new policy

6. Đúng. “get down to sth” có nghĩa là tập trung làm cái gì đó

7. “look after sth” có nghĩa là trông coi cái gì. Tân ngữ sẽ đi sau cụm phrasal verb chứ không được đặt ở giữa

=> Sửa thành: Can you look after my stuff for me?

8. “live through sth” có nghĩa là sống, trải qua một cái gì đó. Ở trong câu trên, tân ngữ đã bị đặt sai bị vị trí.

=> Sửa thành: My grandparents have lived through a war 

Tổng kết

Trên đây là các bài tập phrasal verb - cụm động từ được sử dụng phổ biến trong tiếng Anh. Người học hãy luyện tập thành thạo để áp dụng các phrasal verb trên không chỉ trong bài thi mà còn trong hội thoại và giao tiếp thường ngày.

Tham khảo thêm khóa học tiếng Anh giao tiếp tại ZIM, giúp học viên cải thiện các kỹ năng giao tiếp và tăng phản xạ trong tình huống thực tế.

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