Phát triển ý cho IELTS Writing thông qua việc học collocations | Chủ đề Children Learning

Bài viết này sẽ giới thiệu các collocations hữu ích trong việc phát triển ý cho IELTS Writing trong chủ đề việc học tập của trẻ em, thông qua đó giúp độc giả nâng cao khả năng diễn đạt và chất lượng của bài viết. 
Trần Xuân Đạo
phat trien y cho ielts writing thong qua viec hoc collocations chu de children learning

Giới thiệu

Phát triển ý cho bài viết IELTS Writing không phải là một nhiệm vụ dễ dàng, đặc biệt là trong các chủ đề liên quan đến cạnh tranh và phối hợp. Nhiều học viên thường gặp khó khăn trong việc tìm kiếm những từ ngữ phù hợp và phối hợp chính xác để trình bày ý tưởng của mình. Tuy nhiên, với sự giúp đỡ của collocations (những từ ghép cùng nhau thường xuyên xuất hiện), việc này có thể trở nên dễ dàng hơn và mang lại kết quả tốt hơn.

Key Takeaways

Collocations: academic achievements/performance; active learning; address potential drawbacks; cognitive benefits; critical thinking; engage in learning activities; enhance academic performance; foster social skills; holistic education; inclusive education; independent learning; lifelong learning; online learning platforms; personalized learning; physical education; physical fitness; self-discipline; social interaction; social well-being; strike a balance; address potential drawbacks; engage in learning activities; learn multiple languages

Các đề writing liên quan tới chủ đề children learning

Việc học tập của trẻ em (Children learning) không phải là một chủ đề quá xa lạ trong kỳ thi IELTS Writing Task 2, dưới đây là một số đề bài được cho là từng xuất hiện trong bài thi thực có liên quan đến chủ đề này.

  • Some people argue that children should learn multiple languages from a young age. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  • Many parents believe that children should focus more on physical education in schools. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

  • Some people argue that technology has a positive impact on children's learning. Is this a positive or negative development?

  • There is an increasing trend of children learning through online platforms rather than traditional classrooms. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

  • In many societies, children are under immense pressure to excel academically. What are the causes, and how can this be solved?

Collocations chủ đề children learning

Để người học có khả năng tự phát triển ý để giải quyết các dạng bài trên, việc sao chép lại các dàn ý hay bài mẫu có thể sẽ không đủ; thực tế, người học nên mở rộng vốn từ của mình vì nhiều nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng vốn từ sẽ ảnh hưởng tích cực đến kỹ năng Writing (Miralpeix, 2018) và khả năng sử dụng ngôn ngữ nói chung của họ (Webb, 2008). 

Dưới đây là bảng collocations nền tảng và collocations trình bày dưới dạng mind map có liên quan đến chủ đề của bài viết này.

Bảng collocations nền tảng



Vietnamese Meaning

Example Sentence

academic achievements


thành tích học tập

Parental pressure often revolves around children's academic achievements.

academic performance


thành tích học tập

Parental pressure can affect children's academic performance.

active learning


học tập tích cực

Active learning methods engage children in the learning process.

address potential drawbacks


đối phó với nhược điểm tiềm năng

The advantages of online learning can address potential drawbacks.

cognitive benefits


lợi ích nhận thức

Bilingualism has cognitive benefits for children.

critical thinking


tư duy phản biện

Technology can enhance children's critical thinking abilities.

engage in learning activities


tham gia vào hoạt động học tập

Children can engage in various learning activities online.

enhance academic performance


nâng cao thành tích học tập

Regular exercise can enhance academic performance.

foster social skills


khuyến khích kỹ năng xã hội

Traditional classrooms foster the development of social skills.

holistic education


giáo dục toàn diện

Holistic education encompasses academic and personal development.

inclusive education


giáo dục dành cho (bao gồm) tất cả mọi người

Inclusive education ensures equality of opportunity for all children, no matter how disabled.

independent learning


học tập độc lập

Online platforms promote independent learning in children.

lifelong learning


học tập suốt đời

Technology facilitates lifelong learning for children.

online learning platforms


các nền tảng học trực tuyến

Online learning platforms provide flexibility and accessibility.

personalized learning


học tập cá nhân hóa

Online platforms offer personalized learning experiences.

physical education


giáo dục thể chất

Parents believe that children should focus more on physical education.

physical fitness


thể chất khỏe mạnh

Regular exercise promotes physical fitness in children.



kỷ luật bản thân

Online learning requires self-discipline from children.

social interaction


giao tiếp xã hội

Traditional classrooms promote social interaction among children.

social well-being


sự phát triển xã hội

Physical education contributes to children's social well-being.

strike a balance


thiết lập sự cân bằng

It is important to strike a balance between online and offline learning.

address potential drawbacks


đối phó với nhược điểm tiềm năng

The advantages of online learning can address potential drawbacks.

engage in learning activities


tham gia vào hoạt động học tập

Children can engage in various learning activities online.

Collocations dạng Mind map

Ngoài bảng collocations nêu trên, người học nên dành thời gian học thêm các collocations được trình bày dưới dạng mind map sau đây, qua đó giúp thành lập các luận điểm liên quan đến các đề Writing đề cập ở đầu bài viết.

Dưới đây là 4 mind maps mẫu và rất hữu ích đối với các học viên còn gặp vấn đề về phát triển ý. Các ý bao trùm có thể tạo ra câu luận điểm hay bởi tính khái quát của nó, và các ý nhỏ sẽ tạo thành phần luận cứ chặt chẽ và thuyết phục.

Mind map 1: Lợi ích và tác hại của việc ứng dụng công nghệ vào dạy học


  • Some people argue that technology has a positive impact on children's learning. Is this a positive or negative development?

In the digital age, the integration of technology in education has become a subject of debate. While some argue that the benefits of employing technologies in education outweigh the drawbacks, others express concerns about its potential negative impact. This essay will argue that despite certain disadvantages, the advantages of using technology in education significantly outweigh its drawbacks.

One of the key advantages of employing technology in education is enhanced learning experiences. Technology provides interactive educational tools, multimedia content, and real-time feedback, which engage students and make learning more dynamic and engaging. For example, virtual simulations and educational applications allow students to visualize complex concepts and interact with virtual environments, facilitating a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Furthermore, technology grants students access to a vast array of information and resources, expanding their learning opportunities beyond the confines of traditional classrooms.

While there are drawbacks associated with technology in education, such as overreliance and potential distractions, these challenges can be effectively managed. It is true that excessive dependence on technology may hinder critical thinking skills and reduce face-to-face interactions among students. However, with proper guidance and a balanced approach, educators can mitigate these disadvantages. For instance, incorporating blended learning methods that combine online platforms with traditional classroom interactions can strike a balance between technological resources and personal engagement. Additionally, teaching digital literacy skills and promoting responsible technology use can help students avoid the pitfalls of distraction and develop self-discipline.

The overarching benefits of employing technology in education extend beyond the immediate disadvantages. By incorporating technology, education becomes more inclusive and accessible. Students with physical disabilities or those residing in remote areas can benefit from online learning platforms that provide equal access to educational resources. Technology also equips students with vital skills for the digital era, preparing them for future careers that demand proficiency in technology and digital literacy. Moreover, technology-enabled personalized learning allows students to learn at their own pace, fostering individual growth and catering to diverse learning styles.

In conclusion, despite the potential drawbacks, the advantages of employing technology in education clearly outweigh the disadvantages. Enhanced learning experiences, expanded access to resources, and personalized learning opportunities are key benefits that technology brings to the educational landscape. While acknowledging the need for careful implementation and management, technology holds immense potential to transform education and empower learners. It is crucial for educators and policymakers to embrace technology as a tool to enrich education and create a future-ready generation of learners.

Mind map 2: Lợi và bất lợi của học tập trực tuyến và của mô hình học tập truyền thống.


Mind map 3: Lợi và hại của việc đặt mục tiêu học tập cao cho trẻ


Mind map 4: Nguyên nhân (Lý do), Ảnh hưởng, và cách giải quyết áp lực từ việc bị đặt mục tiêu học tập cao


  • In many societies, children are under immense pressure to excel academically. What are the causes, and how can this be solved?

In various societies, the immense pressure placed on children to excel academically has become a prominent issue. This essay will examine the causes of this phenomenon and propose potential solutions to address the problem. By understanding the underlying factors and implementing effective strategies, society can create a healthier academic environment for children.

The pressure on children to excel academically can stem from several causes. Firstly, societal expectations and cultural values place a heavy emphasis on academic achievement, often equating success with high grades and prestigious educational institutions. This societal pressure creates a competitive environment where children feel compelled to constantly prove themselves. Additionally, parental aspirations and beliefs can contribute to the pressure, as parents project their own ambitions onto their children, expecting them to surpass their own achievements. The influence of peers and intense educational systems, characterized by high-stakes exams and rankings, further exacerbates the pressure on children.

To alleviate the pressure on children to excel academically, a multi-faceted approach is required. Firstly, there is a need for a shift in societal values and perceptions of success. Emphasizing a holistic view of success that includes personal growth, character development, and well-being can help relieve the pressure on children to solely focus on academic performance. Educational institutions and policymakers should promote a well-rounded education that acknowledges the importance of diverse talents and interests.

Secondly, fostering a supportive learning environment is crucial. Schools should implement counseling services and mental health support to address the emotional well-being of students. Additionally, open communication between parents, teachers, and students can help manage expectations and ensure that children are not overwhelmed by academic pressure. Creating opportunities for non-academic activities, such as sports, arts, and community engagement, can provide a healthy balance and outlets for stress relief.

Furthermore, schools and educators can play a pivotal role in reducing pressure by adopting alternative assessment methods that focus on students' progress, effort, and individual strengths. Encouraging cooperative learning and collaborative projects rather than solely relying on high-stakes exams can foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

In conclusion, the immense pressure on children to excel academically can have detrimental effects on their well-being and overall development. By addressing the causes of this pressure and implementing effective solutions, societies can create a more balanced and supportive academic environment. Shifting societal values, fostering a supportive learning environment, and adopting alternative assessment methods are crucial steps in alleviating the pressure on children and promoting their holistic growth and well-being. It is imperative that parents, educators, policymakers, and society as a whole work together to create an educational landscape that nurtures the well-rounded development of children.

Bài viết đã cung cấp rất nhiều collocations trong chủ đề Children Learning. Phần tiếp theo sẽ là nội dung luyện tập cho người học.

Luyện tập

Exercise 1: Match the collocations in column A with their Vietnamese equivalent in column B.



active learning

A. Take part in educational exercises

address potential drawbacks

B. Analytical and logical reasoning skills

cognitive benefits

C. Comprehensive approach to education

critical thinking

D. Participate in educational activities

engage in learning activities

E. Improve academic results

enhance academic performance

F. Advantages related to thinking abilities

foster social skills

G. Education that includes all individuals

holistic education

H. Deal with possible negative aspects

inclusive education

I. Encourage the development of social abilities

Exercise 2: Match the collocations into the sentence. 

  • cognitive benefits

  • strike a balance

  • independent learning

  • physical fitness

  • social interaction

  • self-discipline

  1. Regular exercise and a healthy diet contribute to improving _________________ and overall well-being.

  2. Developing _________________ is essential for achieving long-term goals and maintaining a productive study routine.

  3. Participating in group activities and social events provides opportunities for _________________ and building meaningful relationships.

  4. It's important to _________________ between work and leisure activities to maintain a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

  5. Online courses offer a great platform for individuals who prefer _________________ and self-paced study.

  6. Learning a musical instrument has been shown to have _________________, such as improved memory and concentration.


Exercise 3: Complete the following paragraph, using one word for each gap, the first letter has been given.

Setting high academic expectations for children has several positive impacts on their development. Firstly, it serves as a powerful 1 s_____________ of motivation and achievement. By establishing high academic standards, children are encouraged to 2 s_____________ for excellence in their academic pursuits. This motivation drives them to work harder, 3 p_____________  through challenges, and continuously improve their performance. Moreover, high academic expectations cultivate a strong work ethic and a goal-oriented 4 m_____________ in children. They learn the value of setting specific goals, planning their actions, and working diligently towards achieving them. As children 5 m_____________  or exceed these expectations, they experience a profound sense of accomplishment, boosting their self-confidence and self-belief. This increased self-assurance not only benefits their academic performance but also extends to other areas of their lives, empowering them to tackle new challenges with 6 d_____________  and resilience. Overall, setting high academic expectations 7 i_____________ motivation, fosters a strong work ethic, and enhances children's sense of accomplishment and self-confidence, paving the way for their personal and academic 8 s_____________.

Exercise 4: For the following Essay title, form an outline and provide a complete response.

Some people think that online platforms provide a better learning experience than traditional classrooms do.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Đáp án

Exercise 1



1 active learning

D. Participate in educational activities

2 address potential drawbacks

H. Deal with possible negative aspects

3 cognitive benefits

F. Advantages related to thinking abilities

4 critical thinking

B. Analytical and logical reasoning skills

5 engage in learning activities

A. Take part in educational exercises

6 enhance academic performance

E. Improve academic results

7 foster social skills

I. Encourage the development of social abilities

8 holistic education

C. Comprehensive approach to education

9 inclusive education

G. Education that includes all individuals

Exercise 2:

  1. physical fitness: Regular exercise and a healthy diet contribute to improving physical fitness and overall well-being.

  2. self-discipline: Developing self-discipline is essential for achieving long-term goals and maintaining a productive study routine.

  3. social interaction: Participating in group activities and social events provides opportunities for social interaction and building meaningful relationships.

  4. strike a balance: It's important to strike a balance between work and leisure activities to maintain a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

  5. independent learning: Online courses offer a great platform for individuals who prefer independent learning and self-paced study.

  6. cognitive benefits: Learning a musical instrument has been shown to have cognitive benefits, such as improved memory and concentration.

Exercise 3: Complete the following paragraph, using one word for each gap, the first letter has been given.

Setting high academic expectations for children has several positive impacts on their development. Firstly, it serves as a powerful source of motivation and achievement. By establishing high academic standards, children are encouraged to strive for excellence in their academic pursuits. This motivation drives them to work harder, persist through challenges, and continuously improve their performance. Moreover, high academic expectations cultivate a strong work ethic and a goal-oriented mindset in children. They learn the value of setting specific goals, planning their actions, and working diligently towards achieving them. As children meet or exceed these expectations, they experience a profound sense of accomplishment, boosting their self-confidence and self-belief. This increased self-assurance not only benefits their academic performance but also extends to other areas of their lives, empowering them to tackle new challenges with determination and resilience. Overall, setting high academic expectations instills motivation, fosters a strong work ethic, and enhances children's sense of accomplishment and self-confidence, paving the way for their personal and academic success.

Exercise 4


I. Introduction

- Briefly introduce the topic and state your stance.

- Provide a thesis statement outlining the main points of your argument.

II. Advantages of online platforms for learning

- Flexibility and convenience

- Access to diverse resources and experts

- Personalized learning experience

III. Advantages of traditional classrooms for learning

- Face-to-face interaction and collaboration

- Immediate feedback and guidance from teachers

- Hands-on and practical learning opportunities

IV. Balancing the benefits of online platforms and traditional classrooms

- Importance of a blended approach

- Complementary roles of both methods

- Examples of successful integration

V. Conclusion

- Summarize the main points

- Restate your position and provide a closing thought

Sample Answer

In the age of technological advancement, the debate surrounding the effectiveness of online platforms versus traditional classrooms for learning has gained prominence. While some argue that online platforms provide a better learning experience, I believe that both methods have their own distinct advantages, and a balanced approach that integrates both is crucial for effective education.

Online platforms offer numerous advantages that contribute to a better learning experience. Firstly, they provide flexibility and convenience, allowing learners to access educational materials and resources at their own pace and convenience. This enables individuals to customize their learning experience according to their specific needs and preferences. Additionally, online platforms provide access to diverse resources and experts from around the globe, offering a wide range of perspectives and insights that traditional classrooms may lack. Learners can tap into a vast array of online courses, webinars, and interactive tools to enhance their knowledge and skills. Furthermore, online platforms often offer personalized learning experiences, tailoring the content and pace to match the individual's abilities and learning style, which can lead to improved engagement and mastery of the subject matter.

However, traditional classrooms also have significant advantages that contribute to effective learning. Face-to-face interaction and collaboration among students promote active engagement, critical thinking, and the development of social skills. In traditional classrooms, immediate feedback and guidance from experienced teachers play a crucial role in facilitating understanding and addressing students' questions and concerns. Moreover, hands-on and practical learning opportunities, such as laboratory experiments or group projects, are more readily available in a traditional classroom setting, allowing learners to apply their knowledge and develop essential skills.

Rather than favoring one method over the other, it is important to strike a balance and leverage the benefits of both online platforms and traditional classrooms. A blended approach that integrates technology with face-to-face interactions can yield optimal learning outcomes. For example, educators can incorporate online resources and platforms to supplement classroom instruction, providing additional learning materials and extending the learning experience beyond the confines of the physical classroom. This combination allows for a more comprehensive and engaging learning environment.

In conclusion, I believe that online platforms and traditional classrooms each have their own advantages, and a balanced approach that integrates both methods is essential for an effective learning experience. By harnessing the flexibility and convenience of online platforms while capitalizing on the social interaction and hands-on experiences provided by traditional classrooms, we can create a more dynamic and comprehensive educational environment that caters to the diverse needs of learners.

Tổng kết

Bài viết đã cung cấp một lượng ngữ vựng dồi dào nhằm giúp độc giả cải thiện khả năng diễn đạt ý tưởng của mình trong IELTS Writing Task 2 chủ đề học tập của trẻ em, đồng thời cung cấp một lượng bài tập để người học có thể ôn luyện và ngay lập tức sử dụng những collocations vừa học. 

Works Cited

  • McCarthy, Michael, and Felicity O'Dell. English Collocations In Use. 2005.

  • S. Webb et al. "RECEPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE VOCABULARY SIZES OF L2 LEARNERS." Studies in Second Language Acquisition (2008).

  • I. Miralpeix et al. "Receptive vocabulary size and its relationship to EFL language skills." International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (2018).

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