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Từ vựng chủ đề Qualifications & Experience

tu vung chu de qualifications experience

Có thể nói rằng, chủ đề Qualifications & Experience là một trong những chủ đề hay ra và nên ghi nhớ nhất. Đó là vì các từ vựng thuộc chủ đề này có thể áp dụng vào các bài IELTS Speaking và IELTS Writing thuộc chủ đề Education, Work, Business,… Dưới đây là danh sách các từ vựng, chúc các bạn học tốt


  1. butterflies in my stomach /ˈbʌt.ə.flaɪs ɪn maɪ ˈstʌm.ək/: Being very nervous about something


  1. put your mind at ease /pʊt jər maɪnd æt iːz/: Cease to be anxious about something


  1. certificate /səˈtɪf.ɪ.kət/: A qualification proving that you have completed a course of study (usually below 1 year)


  1. degree /dɪˈɡriː/: The qualification obtained by students who completed a college or university course


5 Academic achievement /æk.əˈdem.ɪk əˈtʃiːv.mənt/: Achievements related to study at school


  1. Experience [U/ C] /ɪkˈspɪər·i·əns/: Knowledge or skill that is obtained from doing sth


Experience [C] /ɪkˈspɪər·i·əns/ Something that happens to you that affects how you feel


  1. Play an integral role in something /pleɪ ən ˈɪn.tɪ.ɡrəl roʊl/: to have a lot of power or influence in a particular situation


  1. work part-time /ɡəʊˌpɑːtˈtaɪm/: to work around 20 or so hours per week


  1. Have a reputation for /Hæv ə rep.jəˈteɪ.ʃən fɔːr/: to be well-known for


  1. rewarding perk /rɪˈwɔː.dɪŋ pɜːk/: A bonus, such as money or goods, that you are given as part of your job


  1. probation /prəˈbeɪ.ʃən/: A starting period of a new job when you are  tested to see if you are suitable

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