Bài mẫu IELTS Writing – Đề thi ngày 14/1/2017

In many schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts subjects (eg. languages) and boys choose science subjects (eg. Physics). What do you think are the reasons? Do you think that this tendency should be changed?
ZIM Academy
bai mau ielts writing de thi ngay 1412017


In many schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts subjects (eg. languages) and boys choose science subjects (eg. Physics). What do you think are the reasons? Do you think that this tendency should be changed?

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 7

There has been a difference in subject preferences between girls who often enroll in art classes and boys who tend to study science. This could be explained by several elements, and I think that it is best not to apply any changes to this tendency.

The aforementioned situation can be attributable to gender-specific personalities and competence. First, female students are usually attracted to subjects that require tremendous self-discipline and patience like language classes while male students share a common interest in several fields that need considerable analytical abilities to excel at, for example physics or math. Second, it has been proven that each of the two sexes shows distinct competence and excellence at their favored types of subjects. And students certainly choose to participate in classes that they are best at, which is why boys and girls choose different courses to study.

In my view, it is rather unnecessary to make changes to this trend. Initially, students choose the environment where they can best cultivate their aptitudes. Therefore, if they were forced to take part in unwanted classes, it would produce undesirable outcomes, especially resentment or negative attitudes toward study at school. Furthermore, students, regardless of gender, should have their freedom of choice. In other words, they should be at liberty to decide what courses they can attend so that they would feel that they are respected and listened to.

In conclusion, distinct characteristics and competence between males and females are the causes for the two tendencies toward choosing preferable courses to study at schools or universities, and students should be entitled to participation in any class they find suitable.

270 words

Từ vựng theo chủ đề

  1. Gender-specific personalities and competence: Tính cách và khả năng đặc trưng của 2 giới tính
  2. Considerable analytical abilities: Khả năng phân tích tốt
  3. Show distinct competence and excellence: Có khả năng và sự thông minh khác nhau
  4. Cultivate their aptitudes: Phát triển tài năng
  5. Resentment or negative attitudes toward study at school: Sự hằn học và thái độ tiêu cực đến việc học trên trường
  6. To be entitled to participation in any class that they find suitable: Có quyền chọn tham gia bất cứ môn học nào mà học thấy phù hợp

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