Bài mẫu IELTS Writing – Đề thi ngày 30/7/2016

Many people say the gap between rich and poor people is wider, as rich people become richer and poor people grow poorer. What problems could this situation cause and what measures can be done to address those problems?
ZIM Academy
bai mau ielts writing de thi ngay 3072016


Many people say the gap between rich and poor people is wider, as rich people become richer and poor people grow poorer. What problems could this situation cause and what measures can be done to address those problems?

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 7

As the world progresses, the gap between the two classes of society is widened because the rich become wealthier while the poor are living on the breadline. Such income inequality could lead to several problems, and some suggestions to improve this situation will be analyzed in the following essay.

Wealth concentration within a handful of individuals and institutions might result in two major issues. Firstly, the rich-poor gap could be the breeding ground for social unrest and political instability. The poor might perceive that the rich is the principal force of hindrance to their occupational and service opportunities. This might be the precursor to discontentment, which potentially is the onset of social anarchy. Secondly, as poverty restricts the capacity of the underprivileged to access services and other life-sustaining matters such as education, employment and medicine, they might resort to violence and opt for the life of criminals.

There are several initiatives to reduce economic inequality, including progressive taxation and minimum salary legislation. Higher taxes should be levied on the rich, which could reduce the amount of income inequality in society. On the other hand, governments could use this money to supply free goods and services for those who struggle to make a living. Also of great importance is the increase in the minimum earnings of the poorest workers. Although it cannot be denied that the current system places much importance on individual competence to determine the amount of money one might earn, unskilled workforce who usually are from the lower class should be, still, provided enough to live sufficiently.

In conclusion, chaos and the acceleration of crime rates are the two severe repercussions of the unequal distribution of wealth; and governments could impose heavy taxes on the rich and heighten the minimum amount of salary for the disadvantaged.

298 words

Từ vựng theo chủ đề

  1. The two classes of society: 2 tầng lớp xã hội
  2. To live on the breadline: Sống nghèo đói
  3. Income inequality: Bất bình đẳng thu nhập
  4. The breeding ground for social unrest and political instability: Là nơi sản sinh ra rối loạn xã hội và bất ổn chính trị
  5. The onset of social anarchy: Sự bắt đầu của sự hỗn độn trong xã hội
  6. To resort to violence and opt for the life of criminals: Tìm đến bạo lực và lựa chọn con đường tội phạm
  7. To reduce the amount of income inequality in society: Giảm lượng bất bình đẳng thu nhập trong xã hội
  8. To place much importance on individual competence to determine the amount of money one might earn: Nhấn mạnh vào khả năng cá nhân để quyết định số tiền mà một người sẽ nhận

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