Describe a language that you want to learn (not English) | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 tham khảo kèm từ vựng theo chủ đề Describe a language that you want to learn (not English).
ZIM Academy
describe a language that you want to learn not english bai mau ielts speaking

IELTS Speaking Part 2

Chủ đề: Describe a language that you want to learn (not English)

  • What it is

  • How you would learn it

  • Where you would learn it

  • And explain why you want to learn this language.

Bài mẫu tham khảo

ZIM Education · ZIM | IELTS Speaking Sample – Describe A Language You Want To Learn

I have always wanted to be bilingual or even multilingual, so apart from English and Chinese, French is another language I wish to learn.

Honestly speaking, French was never on the top of my list of must-learn languages. At first, I planned on learning Japanese. But then when i recalled my time learning Chinese during high school and the fact that Japanese can actually be even be more difficult, I don’t think I could ever remember all of the letters, let alone make out what they mean. So, I had to resort to French, which I think will somehow be easier as it shares most of the English latin alphabet.

A second language is obligatory in my faculty so I guess I will be learning French at university. Many of my friends recommended me some language centers but I have no problems with studying French at my university. It can be stressful at times as the score will count forwards my GPA, but I will take that as motivation to learn this language seriously.

Learning a language is no doubt a difficult and frustrating task. It took me years to master my English, and I know it will take no less to have a relatively good command of French. But let’s not get ahead of myself I will just have to take baby steps. But I think I’m ready for this challenge.

Từ vựng theo chủ đề

  • Bilingual (adj): có khả năng nói 2 thứ tiếng

  • Multilingual (adj): có khả năng nói nhiều hơn 2 thứ tiếng

  • On the top of my list: lựa chọn đầu tiên

  • Make out: hiểu ý nghĩa cái gì

  • Have a good command of: có kiến thức tốt về cái gì

  • Get ahead of myself: làm điều gì quá sớm

  • Take baby steps: các bước nhỏ

Các chủ đề tương tự

Các ý tưởng và từ vựng trong bài mẫu trên có thể được sử dụng để phát triển câu trả lời cho các chủ đề sau:

  • Describe a skill that takes long time to learn: It took me 3 years to be able to converse in French (remember to change the verb tense into past tense).

  • Describe a subject you dislike but now have interest in: I used to dislike French very much because it affects my GPA but now I like it because it is an interesting language and I give maximum effort to study it.

  • Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time: I often learn French and do the exercises in my free time when I am alone.

IELTS Speaking Part 3

1. What is an example of an international language that people use to communicate (besides English)?

Gợi ý: Chinese: many people speak the language, often used in trades and business, more people are learning to speak Chinese; French, German, Spanish, Russian: also spoken by a lot of people.

Chinese is an example of an international language apart from English. In fact, around one sixth of the world population speaks Chinese as their first language. Even foreigners speak Chinese, mostly in trade and business.

2. Do you think people will speak the same language in the future (maybe English)?

Gợi ý:

  • Yes: English will still remain the most popular international language as long as English- speaking countries remain dominant. Chinese can also be an international language owing to the increasingly important role China plays in international trade.

  • No: Countries will keep their languages as they carry national values and represent the indigenous cultures.

No, I don’t think people will speak the same language in the future, because a language carries national values and represents the indigenous cultures. In other words, the loss of a language equals the loss of cultural identity. Individualism urges people to have their own identity, wave their own flags and speak their own language. That is why people of different countries won’t be willing to speak the same language.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Gợi ý:

  • Advantage: effective communication/facilitate trades and business meetings/ avoid conflicts and wars between nations.

  • Disadvantage: the distinction of a language, the loss of knowledge and cultural identity/increase jobs crisis.

Having an international language can bring both benefits and drawbacks. Despite the fact that people speaking the same language can facilitate trade and business meetings, it can result in the extinction of languages, which will eventually bring about the loss of knowledge and cultural identities.

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