Describe a person whom you met for the first time and made you happy: Bài mẫu kèm từ vựng

Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a person whom you met for the first time and made you happy thuộc nhóm chủ đề describe a person (miêu tả người) kèm theo các từ vựng ghi điểm trong bài
ZIM Academy
describe a person whom you met for the first time and made you happy bai mau kem tu vung

Bài viết giới thiệu Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a person whom you met for the first time and made you happy thuộc nhóm chủ đề describe a person (miêu tả người) kèm theo các từ vựng ghi điểm trong bài. Đây là một trong nhóm chủ đề phổ biến trong bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 2.

Describe a person whom you met for the first time and made you happy

You should say: 

  • Who the person is 

  • What things you do with him/her

  • How long you have known this person

  • And explain why he/she made you happy

IELTS Speaking sample

I’m going to talk about my teacher at secondary school. His name is Hung.

My first impression of him was his smile. He had a smile that can light up the room. He was about 50 at that time but he looked much younger than his real age. I first met him on my first Math lesson in grade 8, and he was also my class teacher. Right on the first day of meeting my class, he told a lot of funny stories that made us laugh our heads off. But he was a strict teacher. He was very dedicated and passionate when he taught and his lessons were very easy to understand. That was the first time I could understand a math lesson thoroughly even though I wasn’t good at this subject. I was so happy that I had a wonderful teacher. My studying result that year was improved thanks to his continuous encouragement and support.

Now we don’t see each other frequently, though. I live in Ho Chi Minh City while he stays in my hometown with his family. He is probably over 60 now, and he doesn’t teach anymore. Whenever I come back home, I always visit him and bring him some specialties from Ho Chi Minh city. He is still a funny person. He always makes me laugh whenever I talk to him. And I have to say that I’m really grateful for what he did for me.

Từ vựng trong IELTS Speaking sample:

  1. First impression: ấn tượng đầu tiên

First /ˈfɜːst/ : đầu tiên

impression  /ɪmˈpreʃ.ən/ : ấn tượng

Ví dụ: Appearance is your first impression.

  1. a smile that can light up the room: nụ cười toả nắng

a smile /smaɪl/: nụ cười

light up /laɪt/  /ʌp/ : thắp sáng

room /ruːm/: căn phòng

Ví dụ: Llyn has a great beaming avuncular smile that can light up a room.

  1. look much younger than real age: trông trẻ hơn tuổi thật rất nhiều

look /lʊk/: nhìn  

younger /ˈjə.ŋɜː/: trẻ hơn

 real age /rɪəl/  /eɪdʒ/ : tuổi thật

Ví dụ: Whom other than a 16 year old doesn't want to be told "You look much younger than real age".

  1. laugh one’s head off: cười ngặt nghẽo, không kiểm soát được

laugh  /lɑːf/ :cười

Ví dụ: You laughed your head off when I fell!

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

1. Are children happier now than in the past?

Gợi ý: innocent (ngây thơ), bedtime story (truyện trước lúc ngủ), make their day (làm cho một ngày trở nên tuyệt vời)

Well, it’s a tough question to answer. I think children are always happy, no matter now or in the past. Children are always innocent, and even the smallest things can make them happy. A new toy, some delicious candies that they’ve never tried or even just a good bedtime story told by parents can make their day. You know, children have nothing to worry about so what can make them unhappy?

2. What’s the difference between the happiness of children and adults?

Gợi ý: achieve their goals (đạt được mục tiêu), pursue (theo đuổi)

Well, I think while children enjoy small things such as toys, favorite food or picnics, adults will be happy when they achieve their goals. For example, when they make their dreams come true or gain something they’ve pursued for a long time, such as getting promoted or buying a new house.

3. How can people make children happy?

Gợi ý: pure (thuần khiết), quality time (thời gian chất lượng)

Children are pure, and they can be happy easily so just simply give them more toys and let them play freely with their friends. Besides, parents should spend quality time with their kids, take them to the local zoo or park at weekends. Those things can make children overjoyed, and it’s very easy to do.

4. Why people want to buy expensive things to make themselves happy?

Gợi ý: valuable items (những món đồ giá trị), boost their confidence (tăng sự tự tin)

Well, I think because those luxury products can bring them a rewarding feeling. People may think that they work hard so they deserve those expensive things. Besides, owning valuable items can boost their confidence, I suppose.

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