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Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking và từ vựng chủ đề Money

Money là chủ đề thường xuyên xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS Speaking. Bài viết dưới đây gửi tới bạn học các bài mẫu IELTS Speaking tham khảo về chủ đề này.
bai mau ielts speaking va tu vung chu de money

Những câu hỏi về topic “Money”  là thường xuyên xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS. Bài viết dưới đây gửi tới bạn học các bài mẫu IELTS Speaking tham khảo về chủ đề này.

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Money

Đề số 1: Describe a time someone gave you money as a gift.

  • When you received money

  • Who the person was

  • Why he/she gave you money

  • And how did you feel about the gift.

Bài mẫu

Let me tell you about the time my parents gave me some money as a present. 

So you know during Tet holiday, adults often give children red envelopes with paper money inside. Traditionally, these notes are blessing for a new year of good health, luck and happiness. However, this custom has become something ugly as many children do not understand such gestures and think of these gifts as nothing more than some extra pocket money. I was no exception.

For years, my parents have always been the most generous people when it comes to the amount of money I received in these red envelopes. Sometimes they gave me a million VND, which was like a fortune to a kid at the time. However, about five to six years ago, when I received a two dollar note, which was about 40 thousand VND, from my parent’s envelope, I was super disappointed. No further explanations were given for the loss of the lion share of my “income” during Tet that year.

Once I had to start giving out money, I began to understand what my parents were trying to teach me. Kids need to realize that lucky money is only meant for good luck. I hate to see that the first thing many kids do after receiving my envelopes is to immediately check how much they have earned. My future kids, therefore, should not expect a thick envelope from me during Tet.

Từ vựng

  • Pocket money: tiền tiêu vặt

  • The lion share of something: phần lớn nhất và tuyệt vời nhất của một thứ

Các chủ đề tương tự

Các ý tưởng và từ vựng trong bài mẫu trên có thể được sử dụng để phát triển các chủ đề sau:

  • Describe something given to you that you really need: Receiving money from parents during Tet holiday taught me a lesson I really need.

  • Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person: when I have kids, I will tell my kids about the meaning of “lucky money”.

  • Describe a present you received which was made by hand: the money my parents gave me was not “hand-made”, but it was my parent’s blood, sweat and tear → understand its value even more.

Đề số 2: Describe a time when you spent a lot of money on something.

  • When you spent money

  • What you bought

  • Where you bought it

  • and explain why you spent a lot of money on it.

Bài mẫu

Today, I’m going to tell you about a time I spent a lot of money on buying a
mobile phone.

Last month, while travelling back home from work, I was caught in a torrential downpour and got drenched. Unfortunately, my phone, which I put in my trousers’ pocket, got water damage too. I took it to the phone repair shop but all efforts were in vain. So, I decided to buy a new one.

At that time, Samsung had just launched their latest model, which was the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+. And needless to say, I was immediately hooked on it’s new design. It was gorgeous to look at and the image quality was incredible with nice vivid colors. The thing which I was particularly impressed by was the hole cut in the top for the selfie camera because it was totally smaller than any other model. Everything about this phone was perfectly amazing, except for one thing, the price. It was sold for an exorbitant price of $950. To be honest, I had never spent such a huge sum of money like that on anything before.

After a few days weighing up the cost, I finally made up my mind to buy this expensive phone. Normally, I would go to the mobile store to properly examine the phone before making a decision to buy it. But this time, I decided to purchase it online because the price on the website was $50 lower than in store.

And the phone was delivered right the next day with no breakage or problems at all. I was completely satisfied with this brand-new phone and it was completely worth the money.

Từ vựng

  • Torrential downpour (n): cơn mưa xối xả

  • Get drenched (v): ướt sũng

  • In vain: thất bại

  • Hooked on something (a): rất thích, muốn có ngay

  • Nicely vivid color (n): màu sắc sống động

  • Exorbitant price (n): (giá cả) cực kì cao

  • Weigh up something (v): cân nhắc

  • Properly examine (v): kiểm tra kĩ lưỡng

  • Breakage (n): sự đổ vỡ

Các chủ đề tương tự

Những ý tưởng và từ vựng trong bài mẫu trên có thể được sử dụng để phát triển những chủ đề sau:

  • Describe an important technological product you bought: Samsung Galaxy Note 10+, a phone which is used to take stunning photos.

  • Describe good experience of online shopping: I purchased a new phone online. The product was delivered within a few days with no breakage or errors at all.

  • Describe a time when you celebrated your achievement: I got promotion at work then I decided to buy a new phone as a self-reward.

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 chủ đề Money

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 chủ đề MoneyCâu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 chủ đề Money

Đề số 1

1. Do you think money management skills are important?

Gợi ý: tránh gặp vấn đề tài chính, tiết kiệm tiền (save money), kiểm soát tiền bạc (manage money).

Absolutely. Knowing how to manage money properly is an essential life skill, you know. It helps us avoid having financial issues in the future. For example, many people cannot stop themselves from purchasing unnecessary items, you know. A person who has great money management skills, on the other hand, will save up some money in case of emergencies.

2. Do you think cash will be replaced by credit cards in the future?

Gợi ý:

  • Có: credit card tiện lợi hơn, rất nhiều quốc gia hiện nay không dùng tiền mặt.

  • Không: giáo dục hành vi người dân (educate people’s behavior) rất khó mà mất thời gian, ví dụ người Việt Nam vẫn quen với việc dùng tiền mặt hơn là dùng thẻ và trong nhiều trường hợp sử dụng tiền mặt sẽ tiện hơn.

I believe payment by cash will be a thing of the past. Most developed nations have managed to establish cashless societies where credit cards and mobile payments are more commonly used than cash. Cashless payment needs a boost in Vietnam since most Vietnamese people are still used to carrying a lot of money at all times.

Từ vựng

  • Life skill: kỹ năng sống

  • Financial issues: vấn đề tài chính

  • Save up (money): tiết kiệm tiền

  • A thing of the past: lỗi thời, hết thời

  • Cashless society: xã hội không dùng tiền mặt

Đề số 2

1. Why do people save money?

Gợi ý: financially secure (an toàn về tài chính), an emergency (trường hợp khẩn cấp), be well-prepared (chuẩn bị tốt), a backup for necessary expenses (khoản dự trù cho những chi tiêu cần thiết).

I think it’s basically because no one can predict the future and people’s savings can help them be more financially secure in case of an emergency. Bad things can happen to anyone and it’s always better for people to be well-prepared. For example, you can suddenly lose your job and become unemployed for a period of time. In this case, without a stable income as usual, you can use this money as a backup for necessary expenses.

2. Do you think rich people are happier than those who are not rich?

Gợi ý: Yes. Vinancially comfortable (thoải mái về tài chính), important needs are met (các nhu cầu quan trọng được đáp ứng), a greater sense of security (cảm giác an toàn nhiều hơn), emotional state and innermost feelings (cảm xúc bên trong con người).

It’s hard to answer this. First of all, I do believe that the rich will be more satisfied with their lives compared to the poor, because they are financially comfortable and all their most important needs are easily met. It’s clear that they will feel a greater sense of security and less stressed about their futures. But from my perspective, satisfaction is different from happiness. Being happy is something related to the emotional state and innermost feelings, which cannot be bought by money.

3. Do you think children should learn money management?

Gợi ý: Yes. Targets of the advertising industry (mục tiêu của quảng cáo), avoid spending money impulsively (tiêu tiền không suy nghĩ, bốc đồng), a good saving habit (thói quen tiết kiệm tốt).

Sure. In modern society, teaching children to manage their money is absolutely necessary. You know, children seem to become targets of the advertising industry, so they should be taught how to use their money wisely and avoid spending money impulsively. When it comes to teaching kids about money, the most important point is to show them the difference between things they want and things they need. By forming a good saving habit at an early age, children will find it easier to manage their life in the future.

4. Why do many people apply for credit cards nowadays?

Gợi ý: Merits (điểm tốt); unplanned expenses (những chi tiêu phát sinh bất ngờ), a loan (khoản vay), not worry about financial state (tình trạng tài chính), credit cards (thẻ ghi nợ).

I have to say that credit cards are not that popular in Vietnam. But I’ve heard about these types of cards before and I can see that they come with a lot of merits. Credit cards can be valuable tools especially for handling emergencies and unplanned expenses. Credit cards give users a chance to access money they don’t actually own and then pay it back later, pretty much just like a loan. People will have more chance to go shopping without worrying much about their financial state at the time. That’s why more and more people tend to use credit cards these days.

Tài liệu tổng hợp bài mẫu IELTS Speaking – IELTS Speaking 2019 Review

Tổng hợp bài mẫu IELTS Speaking 2019Tổng hợp bài mẫu IELTS Speaking 2019

IELTS Speaking 2019 Review là ấn phẩm được đội ngũ chuyên gia luyện thi IELTS tại Anh Ngữ ZIM biên soạn với mục đích giúp người học có cái nhìn vừa tổng quan vừa chi tết về độ khó của đề thi IELTS Speaking trong cả năm 2019. Đồng thời, tài liệu cũng cung cấp phương án xử lý các đề thi cụ thể qua việc cung cấp gợi ý và câu trả lời tham khảo và liên hệ mở rộng các chủ đề liên quan. Nội dung chính của sách bao gồm:

  • Tổng hợp đề thi thật IELTS Speaking trong năm 2019

  • Câu trả lời tham khảo Band điểm 7+

  • Gợi ý các hướng triển khai câu trả lời

  • Phân tích từ vựng hay

  • Liên hệ mở rộng các chủ đề liên quan

Tải sách IELTS Speaking 2019 Review

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