Đề thi IELTS Writing 10-2-2018

The pie charts show the results of a survey conducted by a university on the opinions of full-time and part-time students about its services.
ZIM Academy
de thi ielts writing 10 2 2018

IELTS Writing Task 1

The pie charts show the results of a survey conducted by a university on the opinions of full-time and part-time students about its services.

luyen thi ielts

Sample answer

The pie charts compare the opinions of full-time and part-time students about services of their university including IT support and opening hours.

Overall, it is clear that the opening hours received more positive feedback than the IT support. Also, full-time students tended to be more satisfied with the two services than their part-time counterparts.

Regarding IT support, over half of surveyed full-time students said that they were very happy with this service, while only a fifth of part-time students reported that they were very happy. In contrast, just 15% of the students studying full-time were not satisfied with IT support, in comparison with 45% of their counterparts. The proportion of both kinds of students being quite happy with this service was relatively the same, at about a third.

The majority of full-time and part-time students felt happy with the current opening hours, with 87% and 72% respectively. Only 1% of the examined full-time students were not satisfied with the opening hours whereas the figure for part-time students was a little higher, at 5%. The remaining 12% of the surveyed full-time students felt quite happy with this service, as opposed to nearly a quarter of their part-time counterparts.

IELTS Writing Task 2

The tradition that family gets together to eat meals is disappearing. What are the reasons? What are the impacts?

Sample answer

In recent years, it is noticeable that families are losing their habit of eating together. Some explanations for this trend will be put forward before an analysis of its effect is given.

The fact that family members choose not to eat with each other can be attributed to some reasons. The first reason is the mismatch among family members’ schedule. Members of a family can have different working or studying plans in a day, therefore, it is a challenge for them to sit down to have a meal together. Instead, people will have a tendency to eat out with their friends, colleagues or business partners. Another reason is the effect of the fast food culture to people’s eating habit. Fast food seems to be ubiquitous nowadays, from fast food restaurants to food vendors on the streets with a wide range of prices. Due to this convenience, a lot of people, especially youngsters, tend to grab a meal to be quickly revitalized after hardworking hours at school or work, which leads to their lack of appetite and skipping meals with their family after coming home.

The trend exerts both advantageous and disadvantageous influence on individuals and families. In terms of its merits, people can benefit a lot from this since they will be much more flexible with their time. They can save a lot of time not having to show up at a fixed hour to have meals with their family and can eat whatever and whenever they want even during working. However, in terms of the negative effects, this can lead to the weakened family bond and also lack of a sense of family. If a family continuously eats separately, family members may not share their thoughts and advice to each other, hence they can feel isolated and the connection between them will be less intimate.

To conclude, the tendency of eating separately in a household is caused by the difference in members’ schedule or the preference of eating fast food, and both positive and negative impacts of this can be clearly witnessed.

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