Describe a time when someone apologized to you: Bài mẫu kèm từ vựng

Sample IELTS Speaking part 2 Describe a time when someone apologized to you thuộc nhóm chủ đề describe an experience (miêu tả trải nghiệm) kèm theo các từ vựng ghi điểm trong bài
ZIM Academy
describe a time when someone apologized to you bai mau kem tu vung

Bài viết giới thiệu Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a time when someone apologized to you thuộc nhóm chủ đề describe an experience (miêu tả trải nghiệm) kèm theo các từ vựng ghi điểm trong bài. Đây là một trong nhóm chủ đề phổ biến trong bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 2.

Describe a time when someone apologized to you

You should say:

  • When it was

  • Who this person is

  • Why he or she apologized to you

  • And how you felt about it

IELTS Speaking sample:

I’d like to talk about the waiter whom I met at a restaurant near my house last week.

Back then, my friend and I decided to have dinner at a Korean restaurant near my house, as we are both Korean food lovers. I had made a reservation because I was well aware of how famous this restaurant was and how crowded it could be. However, when we arrived at the restaurant, it was full of people, and we had to wait for around 15 minutes.

We were starving at that time and really upset, and I was ready to make a very ugly scene. Yet, as I looked at the waiter, I didn’t have the heart to do so. He looked so young that I guessed he was just a newbie, maybe just a college student doing his part-time job, and it seemed that having to serve so many customers completely drained him. 

Therefore, after some minutes to compose myself, I approached the waiter and politely explained what had happened. 

He panicked at first, but then immediately apologized and prepared a table for us in just a blink of eyes. Seeing that, I really couldn’t be angry at him. 

Before we left, he came to us and said that he’s sorry once again. 

To me, it was forgivable that the waiters made mistakes in such a stressful time, and I really liked how he sincerely apologized and compensated for his mistakes.

Từ vựng trong IELTS Speaking sample

1.    To make a reservation: đặt chỗ

Ví dụ: I'd like to make a table reservation for two people for nine o'clock.

2.    To starve: cực kỳ đói

Ví dụ: Whole communities starved to death during the long drought.

3.    To make a very ugly scene: gây nên một trận tranh cãi

Ví dụ: I was ready to make a very ugly scene

4.    Do not have the heart to do something: không nỡ làm điều gì đó

Ví dụ: She asked me to go with her and I didn't have the heart to refuse.

5. Newbie: người mới

Ví dụ: The guide helps newbies understand the latest social networking sites and apps.

6. Sincerely: một cách chân thành

Ví dụ: I'm sincerely grateful.

Những từ vựng và ý tưởng trong bài có thể áp dụng cho chủ đề: Describe a time you received a terrible service

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

  • On what occasion do people usually apologize to others?

Gợi ý: mumble (lẩm bẩm), hurt someone’s feelings (làm tổn thương người khác – về mặt tình cảm/ cảm xúc), make an apology (xin lỗi)

Obviously when we make mistakes. When we do something wrong, making an apology is always a must. For example, when you accidentally hit someone on the road, you should apologize immediately. Or when you hurt someone’s feelings, it’d be terrible if you just leave it there without any apology.

  • Do people in your country like to say "sorry"?

No, they don’t. Vietnamese children are taught to apologize when they do something wrong, yet they forget all about it when they get older. Many adults never apologize to others even though they’re the ones at fault.

  • Do you think people should apologize for anything wrong they do?

Gợi ý: unreasonable (bất hợp lý), regret (hối hận)

They definitely should. It is unreasonable when we make mistakes and pretend that nothing happened. Apologizing shows that we regret what we did, or that we didn’t mean to hurt them.

  • Why do some people refuse to say "sorry" to others?

Gợi ý: arrogant (kiêu ngạo), maintain their personal image (giữ hình ảnh cá nhân), lose face (mất mặt), guilty (cảm thấy tội lỗi)

This is because they’re arrogant, I believe. Those people are afraid that admitting their mistakes and apologizing may make them lose their face. On the other hand, some other people refuse to apologize because it makes them feel even more guilty about their actions.

Để đạt kết quả cao trong kỳ thi IELTS, việc ôn luyện đúng và hiệu quả là vô cùng quan trọng. Tham khảo khóa học IELTS để đẩy nhanh quá trình học hiệu quả nhất.

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