Bài tập Verb form lớp 12 – Tổng hợp lý thuyết, bài tập và đáp án

Động từ là một thành phần câu quan trọng trong tiếng Anh và Verb form là một dạng bài tập phổ biến trong phần Ngữ pháp của chương trình Tiếng Anh lớp 12. Bài viết này cung cấp lý thuyết tổng quát về các điểm ngữ pháp liên quan đến động từ và các dạng bài tập Verb form lớp 12. Hy vọng đây là một nguồn tham khảo bổ ích giúp người học có thể chuẩn bị tốt hơn và đạt kết quả cao trong các bài kiểm tra và bài thi.
Nguyễn Lê Như Quỳnh
bai tap verb form lop 12 tong hop ly thuyet bai tap va dap an

Key takeaways

Bài tập Verb form lớp 12 xoay quanh các kiến thức ngữ pháp về:

  • Thì quá khứ đơn, quá khứ tiếp diễn, quá khứ hoàn thành

  • Thì hiện tại hoàn thành, hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

  • Thì tương lai hoàn thành

  • Cấu trúc giả định

  • Cấu trúc cầu khiến chủ động và bị động

  • Câu tường thuật về mệnh lệnh, yêu cầu, lời đề nghị, lời khuyên,…

  • Câu điều kiện loại 3 và câu điều kiện hỗn hợp 2-3

Tổng quan lý thuyết về Verb form

Verb form là dạng bài tập yêu cầu người học biến đổi các động từ cho sẵn (thường ở dạng nguyên mẫu) sao cho phù hợp với ngữ cảnh hoặc cấu trúc ngữ pháp của câu hoặc đoạn văn. Người học cần dựa vào các dấu hiệu như mốc thời gian, cấu trúc câu,… để biến đổi động từ thành dạng thích hợp. Trong chương trình Tiếng Anh lớp 12 (sách thí điểm), học sinh có thể gặp dạng bài tập Verb form đối với những điểm ngữ pháp sau:

Unit 1: Thì quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn

  • Past simple: S + V2/-ed

  • Past continuous: S + was/were + V-ing

Unit 2: Cấu trúc giả định

  • S + reporting verbs (advise, insist, suggest,…) + that + S + V1.

  • It + be + adjective (crucial, essential, imperative,…) + that + S + V1.

  • It + be + expressions (a good idea, a bad idea) + that + S + V1.

Unit 4: Thì quá khứ đơn và quá khứ hoàn thành

  • Past simple: S + V2/-ed

  • Past perfect: S + had + V3/-ed

Unit 5: Thì hiện tại hoàn thành và hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

  • Present perfect: S + have/has + V3/-ed

  • Present perfect continuous: S + have/has + been + V-ing

Unit 6: Thì tương lai hoàn thành

  • Future perfect: S + shall/will + have + V3/-ed

Unit 7: Cấu trúc cầu khiến chủ động và bị động

  • Active causative: S + have + someone + V1.

  • Passive causative: S + have/get + something + V3/-ed.

Unit 8: Câu tường thuật về mệnh lệnh, yêu cầu, lời đề nghị, lời khuyên,…

  • S + reporting verbs (tell, ask, said,…) + (that) + main clause.

  • S + agree/ demand/ offer/ promise/ refuse/ threaten/ claim + to V.

  • S + advise/ allow/ ask/ beg/ command/ encourage/

    forbid/ instruct/ invite/ order/ permit/ remind/ tell/ urge/

    warn/ want + someone + to V.

  • S + accuse somebody of/ apologise for/ admit (to)/

    boast about/ complain to somebody about/ deny/

    insist on/ suggest + V-ing.

Unit 10: Câu điều kiện loại 3 và câu điều kiện hỗn hợp 2-3

  • Câu điều kiện loại 3: If + S + had + V3/-ed, S + would/could/… + have + V3/-ed.

  • Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp loại 2-3: If + S + had + V3/-ed, S + would/could/… + V.

Xem thêm: Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 12

Bài tập Verb form lớp 12 kèm đáp án

Bài tập 1

Biến đổi động từ trong các câu sau ở thì quá khứ đơn, quá khứ tiếp diễn hoặc quá khứ hoàn thành:

  1. He (arrive) __________ at the airport late last night.

  2. The company (launch) __________ a new product last month.

  3. At 6 p.m. yesterday, I still (work) __________ on my project.

  4. They (travel) __________ to many countries in Europe last summer.

  5. When he called me at midnight, I (watch) __________ a movie.

  6. While I (study) __________ English yesterday, my friend called me.

  7. The band (perform) __________ their final song at 10 p.m. last night.

  8. She already (finish) __________ her homework before her friends arrived.

  9. The movie already (start) __________ by the time we arrived at the theatre.

  10. After searching the entire house, she realized she (misplace) __________ her keys.

  11. After I (finish) __________ my presentation, I felt a sense of relief and satisfaction.

  12. Last month, he (retire) __________ from his career as a professor after 30 years of teaching.

  13. People (cheer) __________ at midnight on New Year's Eve and fireworks were lighting up the sky.

  14. The storm in 2010 (cause) __________ widespread power outages and disrupted transportation systems.

  15. Before social media became popular, traditional forms of communication, such as letters, widely (use) __________ for decades.

Bài tập 2

Biến đổi động từ trong các câu sau ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành, hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn hoặc tương lai hoàn thành:

  1. She (work) __________ in the garden all morning.

  2. We (wait) __________ for the bus for over half an hour.

  3. She (finish) __________ writing her book by the end of the month.

  4. The team (win) __________ the championship for three consecutive years.

  5. I (wait) __________ for the rain to stop so that I can go for a walk.

  6. She (travel) __________ to five different countries by the time she turns 30.

  7. By the end of the day, they (finish) __________ all the tasks on their to-do list.

  8. We (try) __________ to solve this puzzle for hours, but it's quite challenging.

  9. By 2025, I (complete) __________ my degree and will be ready to start my career.

  10. We (know) __________ each other since childhood and have shared countless memories.

  11. She recently (graduate) __________ from university and is now looking for job opportunities.

  12. They (rehearse) __________ for the play tirelessly, aiming for a flawless performance.

  13. We just (finish) __________ watching the latest season of our favourite TV show on Netflix.

  14. They (complete) __________ the construction of the new office building by the end of the year.

  15. They (travel) __________ to over 10 countries and have experienced various cultures around the world.

Bài tập 3

Biến động từ trong các câu sau ở dạng thích hợp:

  1. She accused her colleague of (steal) __________ her idea.

  2. I suggested (go) __________ out for dinner instead of cooking at home.

  3. We have the mechanic (inspect) __________ our car before a long road trip.

  4. He demanded (speak) __________ to the manager about the poor service.

  5. They got their passports (renew) __________ before their international trip.

  6. I encouraged my friend (pursue) __________ their dreams and never give up.

  7. If he (listen) __________ to my advice, he wouldn't have made that mistake.

  8. If she had taken the job offer, she (earn) __________ a higher salary.

  9. He insisted that they (attend) __________ the meeting on time and be prepared with their reports.

  10. It is essential that they (follow) __________ the safety guidelines while working in the laboratory.

  11. If she (study) __________ harder in school, she would be more successful in her career now.

  12. If he had saved money when he was younger, he (not struggle) __________ with debt.

  13. She announced that she (win) __________ the first prize in the competition the previous month.

  14. The teacher suggested that the students (study) __________ for the upcoming exam to perform well.

  15. It's a good idea that he (consult) __________ with a financial advisor before making any major investments.

Bài tập 4

Chọn và biến đổi động từ thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống trong các đoạn văn sau:










Last summer, I travelled to Paris for a vacation and (1) __________ to have a cup of coffee at a quaint café along the charming streets of the city. While I (2) __________ my coffee, I (3) __________ a street performer playing beautiful music on his guitar. After I (4) __________ my coffee, I continued exploring the city. I (5) __________ famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum. In the evening, I met up with a friend who (6) __________ in Paris for a few years. We (7) __________ dinner at a cosy restaurant and (8) __________ up on each other's lives. My friend said that she recently (9) __________ a new job, and she shared her excitement and challenges with me. The trip was an unforgettable adventure for me.



not be




As the world faces numerous environmental challenges, it is crucial that everyone (10) __________ proactive measures to address these issues. Since the arrival of industrialization, forests extensively (11) __________ for agriculture, logging, and urban expansion. This loss of forest cover (12) __________ in the destruction of habitats for countless species, increased soil erosion, and disrupted the water cycle. Another major activity is the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. The combustion of these fuels releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. In recent years, this (13) __________ to global warming and climate change. Both individuals and communities play a vital role in protecting the environment. For example, if people had reduced their consumption of single-use plastics earlier, the amount of plastic waste in our oceans and landfills (14) __________ too enormous now. Besides, if nations (15) __________ to work together to address climate change immediately after its emergence, the negative effects on the planet could have been minimized.

Bài tập 5

Chọn đáp án đúng nhất:

In the past, means of communication (1) __________ vastly different from what we have today. People (2) __________ on various methods to convey messages and stay connected, and these methods (3) __________ significant changes over time. In the early days, individuals carefully (4) __________ the letter and (5) __________ it via postal services. Although it (6) __________ a time-consuming process, without letters, people who (7) __________ far away (8) __________ in touch with each other.

Telephone (9) __________ by Alexander Graham Bell in the late 19th century. Since its appearance, the telephone (10) __________ the way people communicate and transformed society in numerous ways. Individuals can speak to each other in real-time, eliminating the need for written correspondence.

As technology (11) __________ to advance, the Internet (12) __________ into existence in the 20th century. Since then, the internet (13) __________ an immeasurable impact on communication, enabling people to connect and share information globally. Despite its convenience, the Internet is associated with certain risks. For example, many people have admitted to (14) __________ the internet, resulting in procrastination. Therefore, it is crucial that people (15) __________ the internet mindfully and responsibly.


A. were

B. was

C. had been


A. rely

B. have relied

C. was relying


A. underwent

B. undergo

C. have undergone


A. handwrite

B. handwrote

C. handwritten


A. send

B. had sent

C. sent


A. was

B. is

C. had been


A. were living

B. live

C. lived


A. could not have kept

B. could have kept

C. kept


A. invented

B. was invented

C. is invented


A. has revolutionized

B. revolutionized

C. has been revolutionizing


A. had continued

B. continued

C. will continue


A. has come

B. had come

C. came


A. had had

B. has had

C. has been having


A. overuse

B. have overused

C. overusing


A. use

B. using

C. to use

Đáp án bài tập Verb form lớp 12

Bài tập 1

  1. He arrived at the airport late last night.

  2. The company launched a new product last month.

  3. At 6 p.m. yesterday, I was still working on my project.

  4. They travelled to many countries in Europe last summer.

  5. When he called me at midnight, I was watching a movie.

  6. While I was studying English yesterday, my friend called me.

  7. The band was performing their final song at 10 p.m. last night.

  8. She had already finished her homework before her friends arrived.

  9. The movie had already started by the time we arrived at the theatre.

  10. After searching the entire house, she realized she had misplaced her keys.

  11. After I had finished my presentation, I felt a sense of relief and satisfaction.

  12. Last month, he retired from his career as a professor after 30 years of teaching.

  13. People were cheering at midnight on New Year's Eve and fireworks were lighting up the sky.

  14. The storm in 2010 caused widespread power outages and disrupted transportation systems.

  15. Before social media became popular, traditional forms of communication, such as letters, had been widely used for decades.

Bài tập 2

  1. She has been working in the garden all morning.

  2. We have been waiting for the bus for over half an hour.

  3. She will have finished writing her book by the end of the month.

  4. The team has won the championship for three consecutive years.

  5. I have been waiting for the rain to stop so that I can go for a walk.

  6. She will have travelled to five different countries by the time she turns 30.

  7. By the end of the day, they will have finished all the tasks on their to-do list.

  8. We have been trying to solve this puzzle for hours, but it's quite challenging.

  9. By 2025, I will have completed my degree and will be ready to start my career.

  10. We have known each other since childhood and have shared countless memories.

  11. She has recently graduated from university and is now looking for job opportunities.

  12. They have been rehearsing for the play tirelessly, aiming for a flawless performance.

  13. We have just finished watching the latest season of our favourite TV show on Netflix.

  14. They will have completed the construction of the new office building by the end of the year.

  15. They have travelled to over 10 countries and have experienced various cultures around the world.

Bài tập 3

  1. She accused her colleague of stealing her idea.

  2. I suggested going out for dinner instead of cooking at home.

  3. We have the mechanic inspect our car before a long road trip.

  4. He demanded to speak to the manager about the poor service.

  5. They got their passports renewed before their international trip.

  6. I encouraged my friend to pursue their dreams and never give up.

  7. If he had listened to my advice, he wouldn't have made that mistake.

  8. If she had taken the job offer, she would have earned a higher salary.

  9. He insisted that they attend the meeting on time and be prepared with their reports.

  10. It is essential that they follow the safety guidelines while working in the laboratory.

  11. If she had studied harder in school, she would be more successful in her career now.

  12. If he had saved money when he was younger, he wouldn't have struggled with debt.

  13. She announced that she had won the first prize in the competition the previous month.

  14. The teacher suggested that the students study for the upcoming exam to perform well.

  15. It's a good idea that he consult with a financial advisor before making any major investments.

Bài tập 4

  1. decided

  2. was sipping

  3. noticed

  4. had finished

  5. visited

  6. had lived

  7. had

  8. caught

  9. had (recently) started

  10. take

  11. have been (extensively) cleared

  12. has resulted

  13. has led

  14. would not be

  15. had started

Bài tập 5

  1. A. were

  2. B. relied

  3. C. have undergone

  4. B. handwrote

  5. C. sent

  6. A. was

  7. C. lived

  8. A. could not have kept

  9. B. was invented

  10. A. has revolutionized

  11. B. continued

  12. C. came

  13. B. has had

  14. C. overusing

  15. A. use

Xem thêm:

Tổng kết

Trong bài viết trên, tác giả đã tổng hợp những điểm lý thuyết ngữ pháp liên quan đến bài tập Verb form lớp 12 và giới thiệu một số dạng bài tập Verb form thường gặp. Người học cần thường xuyên luyện tập để củng cố kiến thức và đạt được kết quả tốt trong các bài kiểm tra. Ngoài ra, người học có thể đọc thêm các bài viết về chương trình sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 12 tại trang Blog của ZIM.

Nguồn tham khảo

Hoàng Văn Hân (Tổng chủ biên). Tiếng Anh 12, Tập 1-2. NXB Giáo dục Việt Nam, 2016.

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