Bài tập viết lại câu Tiếng Anh 12: Lý thuyết, cấu trúc, và luyện tập

Bài viết này nhằm giúp học sinh lớp 12 nắm vững lý thuyết và rèn kỹ năng làm Bài tập viết lại câu Tiếng Anh 12, từ đó đạt điểm cao trong các bài thi như kiểm tra 45' và kiểm tra học kỳ. Bài viết sẽ cung cấp tóm tắt lý thuyết và các dạng Bài tập viết lại câu Tiếng Anh 12 phù hợp với trình độ học sinh lớp 12. Hy vọng rằng thông qua bài viết này, học sinh sẽ có thêm kiến thức và tự tin hơn trong việc làm bài thi.
Nguyễn Ngọc Thanh Ngân
bai tap viet lai cau tieng anh 12 ly thuyet cau truc va luyen tap

Key Takeaways

  1. Cấu trúc Không chỉ … mà còn: Not only... but also...

  2. Cấu trúc Quá … để …: So/Too... to...

  3. Cấu trúc Mặc dù … vẫn …

  • Although/Though/Even though + S + V +…

  • In spite of/ Despite + N/V-ing

  1. Cấu trúc Nếu … thì …

  • Điều kiện loại 1: If + S + V, S + will + V

  • Điều kiện loại 2: If + S + V2/ed, S + would + V

  • Điều kiện loại 3: If + S + had + V3/ed, S + would + have + V3/ed

  1. Cấu trúc Trừ khi … thì... : Unless + S + V +…

  2. Cấu trúc Để/Vì mục đích nào đó

  • So that + S + can/could + V +…

  • In order to + V +…

  1. Cấu trúc Càng … càng … : The + comparative + S + V, the + comparative + S + V

  2. Cấu trúc Trong trường hợp … : In case + S + V +…

  3. Cấu trúc Bởi vì …

  • Since, As, Because + S + V +…

  • Because of + N/V-ing …

  1. Cấu trúc Mong ước điều gì đó

  • Ước ở hiện tại: S + wish(es) + S + V2/-ed + O (to be: were / weren’t)

  • Ước ở quá khứ: S + wish(es) + S + had + V3/-ed

  • Ước ở tương lai: S+ wish(es) + S + would + V1

  1. Cấu trúc Mất/Tốn bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì đó : It takes/took + someone + [thời gian] + to V

  2. Cấu trúc Đã đến lúc …

  • It’s time/ it’s high time/ it’s about time S + should/ought to/had better + V …

  • It’s (high/about) time + S + V2/-ed …

  1. Cấu trúc câu chủ động bị động: S + be + V3/Ved + (by + doer) + (…)

  2. Cấu trúc Thích cái gì hơn

  • S + prefer + doing sth to doing sth

  • S + would rather + do sth than do sth

Các cấu trúc bài tập viết lại câu Tiếng Anh 12

Cấu trúc Không chỉ … mà còn

Not only... but also...

Ví dụ:

  • She not only sings well but also dances beautifully. (Cô ấy không chỉ hát hay mà còn nhảy đẹp).

  • Not only does she sing well, but she also dances beautifully. (Cô ấy không chỉ hát hay mà còn nhảy đẹp).

Cấu trúc Quá … để …

So/Too... to...

Ví dụ:

  • The weather is so cold today that I need to wear my warmest coat. (Thời tiết hôm nay quá lạnh đến nỗi tôi cần phải mặc áo ấm nhất của mình.)

  • The book was too expensive for me to buy. (Cuốn sách quá đắt đối với tôi để mua được.)

  • She is so talented that she can play multiple musical instruments. (Cô ấy tài năng đến nỗi cô ấy có thể chơi nhiều nhạc cụ.)

  • The hike was too strenuous for me to complete. (Chuyến đi bộ núi quá mệt mỏi đối với tôi để hoàn thành.)

Cấu trúc Mặc dù … vẫn …

Although/Though/Even though + S + V +…

Ví dụ:

  • Although it was late, they decided to continue the meeting. (Mặc dù đã muộn, họ quyết định tiếp tục cuộc họp).

  • Though it was late, they decided not to cancel the meeting. (Dù đã muộn, họ quyết định không hủy cuộc họp).

  • Even though it was late, they decided to continue the meeting. (Dù đã muộn, họ quyết định tiếp tục cuộc họp).

In spite of/ Despite + N/V-ing

Ví dụ:

  • In spite of the heavy rain, they continued with their family outing. (Mặc dù mưa to, họ vẫn tiếp tục buổi đi chơi gia đình.)

  • Despite failing the exam, she didn't give up on her studies. (Mặc dù trượt kỳ thi, cô ấy không từ bỏ việc học.)

Cấu trúc Nếu … thì …

Điều kiện loại 1: If + S + V, S + will + V

Điều kiện loại 2: If + S + V2/ed, S + would + V

Điều kiện loại 3: If + S + had + V3/ed, S + would + have + V3/ed

Ví dụ:

  • If you study hard, you will get good results. (Nếu bạn học chăm chỉ, bạn sẽ đạt kết quả tốt).

  • You will get good results if you study hard. (Bạn sẽ đạt kết quả tốt nếu bạn học chăm chỉ).

Cấu trúc Trừ khi … thì

Unless + S + V +…

Ví dụ:

  • Unless you finish your homework, you can't go out to play. (Trừ khi bạn hoàn thành bài tập, bạn không thể ra ngoài chơi).

  • You can't go out to play unless you finish your homework. (Bạn không thể ra ngoài chơi trừ khi bạn hoàn thành bài tập).

Cấu trúc Để/Vì mục đích nào đó

So that + S + can/could + V +…

Ví dụ:

  • I brought my umbrella so that I wouldn't get wet in the rain. (Tôi mang theo ô để không bị ướt trong mưa).

In order to + V +…

Ví dụ:

  • She wakes up early in order to catch the school bus. (Cô ấy dậy sớm để kịp đón xe buýt).

  • Waking up early is necessary in order to catch the school bus. (Việc dậy sớm là cần thiết để kịp đón xe buýt).

Cấu trúc Càng … càng …

The + comparative + S + V, the + comparative + S + V

Ví dụ:

  • The more you study, the higher your grades will be. (Càng học nhiều, điểm số của bạn sẽ càng cao).

  • The more you save, the more money you will have for the future. (Càng tiết kiệm nhiều, bạn sẽ có nhiều tiền hơn cho tương lai).

  • The earlier you wake up, the more time you will have to accomplish your tasks. (Càng thức dậy sớm, bạn sẽ có nhiều thời gian hơn để hoàn thành công việc).

Xem thêm: Lộ trình ôn thi tiếng Anh THPT.

Cấu trúc Trong trường hợp …

In case + S + V +…

Ví dụ:

  • I brought an extra umbrella in case it rains. (Tôi mang theo một cái ô dự phòng trong trường hợp trời mưa).

  • I brought an extra umbrella in case of rain. (Tôi mang theo một cái ô dự phòng trong trường hợp trời mưa).

Cấu trúc Bởi vì …

Since, As, Because + S + V +…

Ví dụ:

  • Since it was raining, we decided to stay indoors. (Vì trời mưa nên chúng tôi quyết định ở trong nhà.)

  • As it was getting late, I had to leave the company and go home. (Vì trời đã khuya nên tôi phải rời khỏi công ty và về nhà.)

  • Because he had a headache, he couldn't attend the meeting. (Bởi vì anh ấy bị đau đầu nên anh ấy không thể tham dự cuộc họp.)

Because of + N/V-ing …

Ví dụ:

  • Because of the traffic jam, they arrived late to the meeting. (Vì tắc đường, họ đến muộn cuộc họp.)

  • Because of his hard work, he was promoted to a higher position. (Vì sự cống hiến của anh ấy, anh ấy được thăng chức lên vị trí cao hơn.)

Cấu trúc Mong ước điều gì đó

Ước ở hiện tại: S + wish(es) + S + V2/-ed + O (to be: were / weren’t)

Ước ở quá khứ: S + wish(es) + S + had + V3/-ed

Ước ở tương lai: S+ wish(es) + S + would + V1

Ví dụ:

  • I wish I were taller. (Tôi ước tôi cao hơn.)

  • She wishes she hadn't eaten so much. (Cô ước mình đã không ăn quá nhiều.)

  • They wish they would win the lottery. (Họ ước họ sẽ trúng xổ số.)

Cấu trúc Mất/Tốn bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì đó

It takes/took + someone + [thời gian] + to V

Ví dụ:

  • It takes time to learn a new skill. (Phải tốn một khoảng thời gian để học một kỹ năng mới.)

  • It took him two hours to finish the project. (Anh ấy phải mất hai giờ để hoàn thành dự án.)

Cấu trúc Đã đến lúc …

It’s time/ it’s high time/ it’s about time S + should/ought to/had better + V … ⇔ It’s (high/about) time + S + V2/-ed …

Ví dụ:

  • It's time you went to bed. (Đã đến lúc bạn đi ngủ.)

  • It's high time she started studying for the exam. (Đã đến lúc cô ấy bắt đầu học bài cho kỳ thi.)

  • It's about time they apologized for their behavior. (Đã đến lúc họ phải xin lỗi về hành vi của mình.)

Cấu trúc câu chủ động bị động

S + be + V3/Ved + (by + doer) + (…)

Ví dụ:

  • She was praised by the teacher for her excellent performance. (Cô được giáo viên khen ngợi vì thành tích xuất sắc.)

  • The book was written by a famous author. (Cuốn sách được viết bởi một tác giả nổi tiếng.)

Cấu trúc Thích cái gì hơn

S + prefer + doing sth to doing st ⇔ S + would rather + do sth than do sth

Ví dụ:

  • I prefer reading books to watching movies. (Tôi thích đọc sách hơn xem phim.)

  • I would rather stay at home than go to the party. (Tôi thích ở nhà hơn là đi đến bữa tiệc.)

Xem thêm: Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 12

Bài tập viết lại câu Tiếng Anh 12

Bài 1: Viết lại các câu sau sao cho câu thứ hai có nghĩa không đổi với câu đã cho.

  1. If John doesn't study harder, he won't pass the final exams.

=> Unless ______________________________

  1. Sarah both loves to dance and loves to sing.

=> Not only _______________________________

  1. Lucy is too young to drive a car.

=> Lucy is so _______________________________

  1. In spite of feeling tired, he went to the part

=> Although he _______________________________

  1. She will pass the test only if she studies.

=> She will pass the test unless _______________________________

  1. If it rains tomorrow, we won’t have the picnic.

=> We won’t have the picnic unless _______________________________

  1. Tom cleaned the house so that his parents would be happy.

=> Tom cleaned the house in order to _______________________________

  1. The more you practice, the better you will become.

=> The better you become, _______________________________

  1. In case you get lost, call me.

=> Call me _______________________________

  1. They arrived late because of the heavy traffic.

=> They arrived late since _______________________________

Bài 2: Viết lại câu bằng cách sử dụng một từ cho sẵn, giữ nguyên nghĩa gốc nhất có thể

1.They didn't pass the exam because they didn't study. (BECAUSE)

=> ________________________________________________________

2. She prefers staying home to going out. (RATHER)

=> ________________________________________________________

3. Despite being tired, he continued working. (ALTHOUGH)

=> ________________________________________________________

4. The concert was canceled due to heavy rain. (BECAUSE)

=> ________________________________________________________

5. It took Mary two hours to finish the project. (TIME)

=> ________________________________________________________

6. In case of an emergency, please call 911. (CASE)

=> ________________________________________________________

7. John is not only a great student but also a talented athlete. (NOT ONLY)

=> ________________________________________________________

8. I'll buy this dress so that I can wear it to the party. (SO THAT)

=> ________________________________________________________

9. Although she's a vegetarian, she prepares meat dishes for her family. (DESPITE)

=> ________________________________________________________

10. I wish I had more free time to travel. (MORE)

=> ________________________________________________________

11. She wanted to go to the concert, but she couldn't get tickets. (ALTHOUGH)

=> ________________________________________________________

12. It's time for you to start your homework. (HIGH)

=> ________________________________________________________

13. Tom wishes he had studied harder for the test. (BETTER)

=> ________________________________________________________

14. They would have won the game if they had played better. (HAD)

=> ________________________________________________________

15. I'll drive you to the station unless you prefer to walk. (RATHER)

=> ________________________________________________________

Bài 3: Viết lại câu giữ nguyên nghĩa

1. She prefers reading a book to watching TV.

=> ___________________________________________________

2. Max is too young to drive a truck.

=> ___________________________________________________

3. Although it's raining, the game will continue.

=> ___________________________________________________

4. If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

=> ___________________________________________________

5. Unless you finish your homework, you can't go out to play.

=> ___________________________________________________

6. The more you practice, the better you'll become.

=> ___________________________________________________

7. He had better hurry up or he will miss the bus.

=> ___________________________________________________

8. She is the best person for the job, so they chose her.

=> ___________________________________________________

9. I wish I had studied harder for the test.

=> ___________________________________________________

10. The concert was so loud that we had to cover our ears.

=> ___________________________________________________

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. Jane wears high heels to look taller.

A. In order to look taller, Jane wears high heels.

B. So that to look taller, Jane wears high heels.

C. Jane wants high heels to make her taller.

D. Jane buys high heels to look taller.

2. The weather was cold; she wore her heavy coat.

A. In spite of the cold weather, she wore her heavy coat.

B. So that to keep warm, she wore her heavy coat.

C. Although the cold weather, she wore her heavy coat.

D. Unless the weather is cold, she won't wear her heavy coat.

3. I wish I had studied harder for the test.

A. It takes a lot of effort to study for the test.

B. Since I didn't study hard, I wish for a better result.

C. I had better study harder for the test.

D. If I could study harder, I would pass the test.

4. She prefers reading a book to listening to music.

A. She would rather read a book than listen to music.

B. In order to read a book, she turns off the music.

C. She can read a book and listen to music at the same time.

D. Because she read a book, she stopped listening to music.

5. It's high time you visited your grandparents.

A. Unless you visit your grandparents soon, it won't be good.

B. It takes a long time to visit your grandparents.

C. You can visit your grandparents anytime.

D. You should have visited your grandparents earlier.

6. Although he was tired, he continued working.

A. Since he was tired, he stopped working.

B. In spite of being tired, he took a break from work.

C. Unless he rested, he kept working.

D. Because he was tired, he worked even harder.

7. She studied diligently for the exam, so she was well-prepared.

A. Not only did she study diligently, but she was also well-prepared for the exam.

B. Although she studied diligently, she wasn't well-prepared for the exam.

C. Because she was well-prepared, she studied diligently for the exam.

D. She didn't study diligently, and she wasn't well-prepared for the exam.

8. You can't go outside unless you finish your homework.

A. In case you don't finish your homework, you can go outside.

B. You can go outside as long as you don't finish your homework.

C. You have to finish your homework before you can go outside.

D. Unless you go outside, you can't finish your homework.

9. The faster you run, the sooner you'll reach the finish line.

A. Because you're running fast, you reached the finish line earlier.

B. If you run slower, you'll reach the finish line sooner.

C. You'll reach the finish line sooner if you run faster.

D. The faster you run, the further the finish line.

10. They wouldn't have won the game if they hadn't practiced.

A. They won the game because they practiced hard.

B. In case they didn't practice, they would still win the game.

C. Unless they won the game, they wouldn't have practiced.

D. If they practiced, they would have won the game.

11. He had better leave now; otherwise, he'll miss the train.

A. It's high time he left; otherwise, he would have missed the train.

B. He's missing the train because he's leaving now.

C. If he leaves now, he won't miss the train.

D. He should leave now to miss the train.

12. She is too young to drive a car.

A. Because she is too young, she doesn't drive a car.

B. In case she were older, she could drive a car.

C. She is old enough to drive a car.

D. Because she is old enough, she can drive a car.

13. The restaurant serves delicious food, so it's always busy.

A. The restaurant is always busy, but it doesn't serve delicious food.

B. Not only is the restaurant busy, but it also serves delicious food.

C. If the restaurant serves delicious food, it's never busy.

D. Because the restaurant is busy, the food is delicious.

14. We didn't go to the beach due to bad weather.

A. Despite the bad weather, we went to the beach.

B. The beach was closed because of the bad weather.

C. We would go to the beach if the weather was nice.

D. Because of the bad weather, we stayed home.

15. The more time you spend studying, the higher your grades will be.

A. If you study less, your grades will be lower.

B. The higher your grades are, the more time you spend studying.

C. You'll spend less time studying for higher grades.

D. The more you study, the lower your grades will be.

Xem thêm: Soạn SGK tiếng Anh 12 mới

Đáp án cho Bài tập viết lại câu Tiếng Anh 12

Bài 1:

1. Unless John studies harder, he won't pass the final exams.

2. Not only does Sarah love to dance, but she also loves to sing.

3. Lucy is so young that she can't drive a car.

4. Although he felt tired, he went to the park.

5. She will pass the test unless she doesn't study.

6. We won’t have the picnic unless it doesn't rain tomorrow.

7. Tom cleaned the house in order to make his parents happy.

8. The better you become, the more you practice.

9. Call me in case you get lost.

10. They arrived late since there was heavy traffic.

Bài 2:

1. Because they didn't study, they didn't pass the exam.

2. She would rather stay home than go out.

3. Although he was tired, he continued working.

4. The concert was canceled because of heavy rain.

5. Mary spent two hours finishing the project.

6. In case there's an emergency, please call 911.

7. Not only is John a great student but he is also a talented athlete.

8. I'll buy this dress so that I can wear it to the party.

9. Despite being a vegetarian, she prepares meat dishes for her family.

10. I wish I had more time for traveling.

11. Although she wanted to go to the concert, she couldn't get tickets.

12. It's high time you started your homework.

13. Tom wishes he had studied better for the test.

14. Had they played better, they would have won the game.

15. I'll drive you to the station unless you would rather walk.

Bài 3:

1. She would rather read a book than watch TV.

2. Max is too young that he can't drive a truck.

3. In spite of the rain, the game will continue.

4. You will pass the exam if you study hard.

5. You can't go out to play unless you finish your homework.

6. The better you'll become, the more you practice.

7. It's high time he hurried up or he would miss the bus.

8. Because she is the best person for the job, they chose her.

9. I should have studied harder for the test.

10. It was such a loud concert that we had to cover our ears.

Bài 4:

1. A. In order to look taller, wears high heels.

2. A. In spite of the cold weather, she wore her heavy coat.

3. C. I had better study harder for the test.

4. A. She would rather read a book than listen to music.

5. D. You should have visited your grandparents earlier.

6. A. Since he was tired, he stopped working.

7. A. Not only did she study diligently, but she was also well-prepared for the exam.

8. C. You have to finish your homework before you can go outside.

9. C. You'll reach the finish line sooner if you run faster.

10. D. He should leave now to miss the train.

11. C. She is old enough to drive a car.

12. B. Not only is the restaurant busy, but it also serves delicious food.

13. A. Despite the bad weather, we went to the beach.

14. A. If you study less, your grades will be lower.

15. D. The more you study, the lower your grades will be.

Kết luận

Trong bài viết này, tác giả đã giới thiệu 14 cấu trúc viết lại câu tiếng Anh khác nhau thường gặp trong bài kiểm tra. Đây là những công thức hữu ích giúp người học hoàn thành bài tập viết lại câu Tiếng Anh 12 một cách linh hoạt và đa dạng. Ngoài ra, học sinh được hỗ trợ giải đáp thắc mắc, chữa bài tập trên diễn đàn ZIM Helper bởi các Giảng viên chuyên môn đang giảng dạy tại ZIM.

Ngoài ra, hiện tại ZIM đang tổ chức các khóa luyện thi IELTS với chương trình được xây dựng dựa trên sự phối hợp của 4 khía cạnh: Ngôn ngữ - Tư duy - Kiến thức - Chiến lược, giúp học sinh THPT chinh phục bài thi IELTS, phát triển kiến thức xã hội và tự tin sử dụng tiếng Anh.

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Đặt lịch học 1-1 với Giảng viên tại ZIM để được học sâu hơn về nội dung của bài viết bạn đang đọc. Thời gian linh hoạt và học phí theo buổi

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