Describe an advertisement you don't like | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking

Describe an advertisement you don't like thuộc nhóm chủ đề Describe an object (miêu tả đối tượng/vật) là chủ đề thường gặp trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 .
ZIM Academy
describe an advertisement you dont like bai mau ielts speaking

Bài viết dưới đây sẽ gợi ý bài mẫu cho chủ đề Describe an advertisement you don't like cùng các dạng câu hỏi thường gặp và hướng dẫn cách trả lời tự tin hơn cho chủ đề này. Ngoài ra, bài viết cũng sẽ giới thiệu về những từ vựng cần thiết và cách diễn đạt hiệu quả, ấn tượng.

Bài mẫu chủ đề Describe an advertisement you don't like

You should say:

  • What type of advertisement it is

  • What product or service it advertises

  • Where and when you first saw it

And explain why you don’t like it

Dàn ý

Situation - I want to talk about this advertisement that really annoys me. It's for this new energy drink.

Task -  Starts with this guy who looks like he's on the verge of falling asleep at work. He's surrounded by all these papers and he looks really stressed out. Then, he drinks this energy drink and suddenly he's super energetic and productive. 

Action - It's so unrealistic. I've tried energy drinks before and they don't magically turn me into a superhuman. The ad just feels really fake to me. 

Result -  I just find this ad really annoying and misleading. It's trying to sell you a product based on false promises and unrealistic expectations.

Bài mẫu

So, I want to talk about this advertisement that really annoys me. It's for this new energy drink that's supposed to give you a boost of energy and help you stay focused. But honestly, every time I see the ad, I just want to change the channel.

The commercial starts with this guy who looks like he's on the verge of falling asleep at work. He's surrounded by all these papers and he looks really stressed out. Then, he drinks this energy drink and suddenly he's super energetic and productive. And of course, everyone around him is amazed and impressed.

But the thing that really bothers me about this ad is that it's so unrealistic. I mean, I've tried energy drinks before and they don't magically turn me into a superhuman. And the idea that you can just drink this beverage and suddenly become more productive is just ridiculous. It sets up this false expectation that you can be successful without putting in any actual effort.

Plus, the ad just feels really fake to me. The actors are all smiling and happy, but it's obvious that they're just acting. And the way they talk about the energy drink is so exaggerated, it's like they're trying to convince you that it's the best thing ever. But I'm not buying it.

Overall, I just find this ad really annoying and misleading. It's trying to sell you a product based on false promises and unrealistic expectations. I think advertisers should be more honest and upfront about what their products can actually do, instead of trying to trick people into buying them.

Từ vựng chủ đề Describe an advertisement you don't like

  • give you a boost of energy: cung cấp năng lượng cho bạn

  • on the verge of falling asleep: sắp ngủ gục

  • stressed out: căng  thẳng

  • super energetic and productive: rất năng động và năng suất

  • unrealistic: không thực tế

  • drink ~ beverage: thức uống

  • false expectation: kỳ vọng sai lầm

  • exaggerated: phóng đại

  • not buying it: không tin nó

  • based on false promises: dựa trên những lời hứa sai lầm

  • honest and upfront: trung thực và thẳng thắn

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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

What kind of things advertise most in your country?

In my country, advertising takes many forms, but the most common ones are television commercials, billboards, and social media ads. On top of that, companies also use influencers to promote their products on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. And actually, radio ads and print ads in magazines and newspapers are still prevalent in my country.

  • takes many forms: có nhiều hình thức

  • influencers : những người có ảnh hưởng

  • prevalent: phổ biến

Which one is more effective: newspaper advertising or online advertising?

Well, It really depends on the target audience and the nature of the product or service being advertised. I mean newspaper advertising can be effective for reaching older generations who still prefer print media, while online advertising may be more effective for younger, tech-savvy audiences. That said, with the increasing popularity of digital media, online advertising is becoming more and more important in today's world.

  • target audience: đối tượng khách hàng

  • tech-savvy: hiểu biết về công nghệ

  • digital media: phương tiện kỹ thuật số

Hy vọng rằng thông qua bài viết, người học có thêm kiến thức về cách xây dựng dàn ý, các từ vựng và câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Part 3 thông dụng cho chủ đề “Describe an advertisement you don't like”.

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