Chủ đề Describe your hometown | Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking

Bài viết giúp người đọc có hướng trả lời câu hỏi: Describe your hometown thuộc nhóm chủ đề Describe a place và các từ vựng hay chủ đề Places.
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chu de describe your hometown bai mau ielts speaking

Bài viết cung cấp Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe your hometown thuộc nhóm chủ đề describe a place (miêu tả một địa điểm) kèm theo các từ vựng giúp đạt điểm cao trong bài. Đây là một nhóm chủ đề khá phổ biến trong bài IELTS speaking part 2.

Key takeaways

  • Bài mẫu câu hỏi Describe your hometown

  • Cách miêu tả quê nhà trong IELTS speaking part 2

  • Từ vựng ghi điểm cao trong nhóm chủ đề miêu tả địa điểm phổ biến

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Hometown

Can you tell me about your hometown?

I was born in Quy Nhon city, a gorgeous tiny coastal city in Binh Dinh province. It is located by the sea with a population of about 450.000 people. The city has begun to gain a certain extent of popularity from national tourists to international ones due to various reasons such as its natural beauty or the gentle pace of life there.

  1. Gorgeous: lộng lẫy, tuyệt đẹp

  2. To gain a certain extent of popularity: đạt được mức độ nổi tiếng nhất định

  3. Various: nhiều

  4. Gentle: chậm rãi, nhẹ nhàng

What do you like most about your hometown?

From the bottom of my heart, I simply adore every little thing that Quy Nhon possesses. However, my hometown’s beach is something that is permanently carved in my heart. Living in a coastal city has helped me build up my special bond with the sea. Not to mention that my highschool has a heavenly view of the sea, which is such a blessing. My friends and I used to take long walks along the beach to chat about our futures and listen to the soothing sounds of waves. These memories are still fresh in my mind, just like yesterday.

  1. Adore: yêu thích, trân trọng

  2. Possess: sở hữu

  3. Permanently: vĩnh viễn

  4. Carve: khắc sâu, tạc sâu

  5. Heavenly: đẹp, mang lại cảm giác dễ chịu, thư giãn

  6. Blessing: đặc ân

  7. Soothing: êm ái, êm dịu

Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

Honestly, although I do wish to be able to settle down there till the end of my life, I still have to move around a lot before finally reaching a ripe age to come back to Quy Nhon to forever spend my precious time there. This is due to the fact that I am currently a freshman in Ha Noi, which is thousands of kilometers away from home. In my hometown, people have a tendency to consider choosing metropolitan cities like HaNoi or HCM City to pursue further education. Therefore, after graduating from highschool, we students have to leave to search for our big dreams elsewhere rather than sticking to our hometown.

  1. Metropolitan: thuộc về đô thị

  2. Pursue: theo đuổi

Would you like to move to another city?

Actually, this isn’t something that I’ve considered, but in short, I suppose I would possibly consider moving cities, especially since I am now a 12th grade student preparing to take one of the biggest exams in my life, which is the university entrance exam. People in my hometown have a tendency to move to metropolitan cities like Hanoi or HCM City to pursue further education or a career path. Therefore, although I do not wish to be sent away from my dearest hometown, I still have to reach out for other big cities to continue with my study.

  1. Have a tendency to: có xu hướng

  2. Pursue: theo đuổi

  3. Career path: con đường công danh, sự nghiệp

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2 chủ đề Talk about your hometown

Describe your hometown.

You should say:

  • Where it is located

  • What it is famous for

  • What sights you can see there

And explain how you feel about your hometown.

Band 5+

I would like to share with you about my hometown, which is a small coastal city in Binh Dinh Province. It is located in the middle of the country. I have spent my entire childhood there so I was lucky enough to have witnessed all the changes of this beautiful city. 

There are many features that attract tourists to this small city, one of which is the beach. I take great pride in this beach because of many reasons. First of all, it has the shape of a gentle hug of the sea along the coast with bright yellow sand. Secondly, the sea water is crystal clear as environmental sanitation workers clean it every morning without fail. Moreover, there are a few coffee shops and open bars on the seaside. They have become popular tourist attractions in my hometown as many people choose these places to enjoy a cup of coffee with a spectacular view like that. 

In my hometown, tourism has just begun to bloom for 4 years till now. At Quy Nhon, visitors have a wide range of options to choose from such as Han Mac Tu’s Tomb, Cham Towers, SeaGate Park… If tourists travel a bit further from the city center, they can reach many other attractions that have brought fame to this small hometown like Ky Co, Eo Gio, Hon Kho, Hai Minh and so on. They are not only famous for their natural beauty but also for delicious seafood with fresh ingredients from the sea.

  1. Take pride in: tự hào về điều gì

  2. Crystal clear: trong vắt

  3. Without fail: đều đặn 

  4. Tourist attractions: những điểm đến thu hút khách du lịch

  5. Spectacular: đẹp tuyệt trần

  6. A wide range of options: nhiều sự lựa chọn 

  7. Name: kể tên

Band 6.5+

Today, I would love to talk about Sai Gon or HCM City, the city that I grew up with. Sai Gon is considered a signature of Vietnam with a certain extent of popularity on a global scale. It is situated in the Southern part of the country. Sai Gon is densely populated as it is the business center of Vietnam, attracting many investors as well as workers from across the country pouring there to make ends meet or to expand their business. Therefore, it goes without saying that HCM City is a typical cosmopolitan city in Vietnam. 

Sai Gon is well known for so many things. Firstly, the huge number of vehicles joining the traffic is mind-blowing to any first-time visitor. The streets are packed with motor bikes, cars, buses moving fast forward in an organized chaos. Secondly, the people there play an important role in leaving such a good impression on tourists as many foreigners have said in several interviews that the Saigonese made them feel like home when they were actually wandering on a completely strange continent. Moreover, the food there is also a hit, satisfying many different tastes of not only tourists but locals also.

Speaking of tourist attractions around Sai Gon, there is a long list of destinations that are highly recommended. Some of them are famous places like Ben Thanh Market, Independence Palace, Duc Ba Cathedral, Nha Rong Harbour - where Uncle Ho started his journey to free his people from war and hunger, and so on. Traveling out of the city center, visitors could pay a visit to Cu Chi Tunnels. People can take tours, which would help them discover areas residing at the end of the notorious Ho Chi Minh Trail as well as experience Vietnamese soldiers’ lives underground.

  1. Signature: biểu tượng

  2. On a global scale: trên trường quốc tế

  3. Situated: tọa lạc

  4. Densely populated: dân cư đông đúc

  5. Make ends meet: xoay xở kiếm sống

  6. Be packed with: đầy ắp

  7. Chaos: hỗn loạn

  8. Mind-blowing: đáng kinh ngạc

  9. Play an important role: có vai trò quan trọng

  10. Notorious: khét tiếng

Band 7.5+

It’s a lovely question! I’m really proud of my hometown and I would love to tell you about it. My hometown is Hanoi – the capital of Vietnam. It’s known as an elegant metropolis and a dynamic hub of culture, history, and especially gastronomy of our country. The city is not only peppered with serene historical landmarks but also fueled with frenetic and diverse energy. One might quickly catch the view of 19th-century French architecture intermingled with some modern, design-forward buildings around the city center.

I still have vivid memories of  my parents taking me to a variety of  landmarks to get a sense of the past. We started our little journey with Long Bien bridge which is located near the local’s heart – between Hoan Kiem and Long Bien district. According to what I had been told by my father, the bridge was seriously damaged during the Vietnam war but the bridge is still known as the historical witness of our city, representing the city’s redoubtable spirit.

In addition to a rich cultural heritage, Hanoi is also well known for putting Vietnamese food on the map, regarded as the melting pot of Vietnamese cuisine whose traditions meet modern innovation. Tourists might be far too familiar with Pho, Bun Cha, or Bun Rieu but there’s a specialty that I would highly recommend to all of my foreign friends when they pay a visit to Hanoi: Ca phe trung (egg coffee). It’s the perfect concoction of Arabica coffee, sweetened condensed milk, and the special ingredients: egg yolks. The balance between the creamy taste of egg, milk and the sour, bitter taste of coffee would definitely amaze not only the visitors but the locals also.

Từ vựng trong IELTS Speaking Sample:

  1. Elegant metropolis: đô thị thanh lịch 

  2. Dynamic hub: trung tâm sôi động

  3. Pepper with: chứa nhiều

  4. Serene historical landmarks: điểm đến lịch sử thanh tịnh

  5. Frenetic: sôi động, náo nhiệt

  6. Design-forward: Thiết kế mới

  7. Vivid memories: ký ức sống động

  8. Rich cultural heritage: giàu di sản văn hóa

  9. Melting pot: nơi hội tụ

  10.  Put something on the map: đưa cái gì trở nên nổi tiếng

  11.  Pay a visit to somewhere: đến chơi, đến thăm 

  12.  Concoction: pha trộn

IELTS Speaking Part 3

How important is your hometown to you?

I wouldn’t mind saying that it is everything to me. It’s the place where my personality was shaped and grew, especially during my teenage years when I learned the way to be more aware of the people around me like my family and friends. During that time, I enjoyed every moment I spent with them during our journeys exploring the landmarks, the small, hidden coffee shops, or just some random bookshops. It’s the safest place for me where I can find my inner peace and I deeply appreciate it. It will always have a soft place in my heart.

What do you not like about it?

I hate to admit this. Even though I love my hometown, there’s a huge con that you might want to consider moving here. The air pollution in Hanoi has been exacerbating in recent years. The fast pace of construction is killing the serenity of my city, filling it with dust and green gasses that cause many children and old people to suffer from respiratory diseases. Since the city has not fully offered comfortable public transportation, most people still use their individual vehicles which also contributes to air pollution as well as congested traffic.

Is your hometown a good place to live?

Despite the disadvantage of air pollution I’ve just mentioned above, Hanoi is indeed a great place to live. The bonus point for young people living here is probably the food and cafe. It’s impossible not to find a restaurant in Hanoi 24/7. I mean, there would never be any shortage of affordable food in the city center. From traditional Vietnamese food to Korean, Taiwanese food, it’s likely that you’ll find a place even at night in the area.

Mở rộng các chủ đề liên quan

Cách triển khai câu trả lời và từ vựng hay có thể dùng để tham khảo cho các câu hỏi sau:

  • Describe your hometown

  • Describe a place you’ve visited on vacation

  • Describe a city you’ve been to

  • Describe a place you visited as a child

  • Describe a shop that opened in your hometown

  • Describe a tourist attraction you visited

  • Describe a popular place in your city

Mẹo hỗ trợ chuẩn bị phần thi IELTS speaking

Cách dễ nhất để tìm ra từ vựng tốt cho các câu hỏi Phần 2 là chuẩn bị một số nhóm từ.

Nhóm từ là tập hợp 10 đến 20 từ và cụm từ nâng cao có liên quan đến một chủ đề chính.

Ví dụ, một chủ đề phổ biến của Phần 2 là địa điểm và thành phố. Vì vậy, độc giả nên chuẩn bị một vài nhóm từ có thể mô tả các địa điểm và thành phố.

Ví dụ:

  • Describe a peaceful place that you like

  • Describe an interesting historic place

Độc giả có thể tham khảo các nhóm từ dưới đây:

Historic Place

  1. Cultural Heritage 

  2. Ancient

  3. Modern/ Design-forward

  4. Historical figure

  5. Historic landmark

  6. Iconic building

  7. Heyday

  8. Yesteryear

  9. Shrine

  10. Recall

  11. A sense of the past

  12. Dating back many centuries 

  13. Magnificent

  14. Memorable

  15. The precious knowledge within

Peaceful Place

  1. Tranquil

  2. Serene

  3. Melancholic

  4. Sedate 

  5. Stress-free

  6. A personal slice of paradise

  7. To recharge the spirit

  8. Healing powers


  1. Slow pace of life

  2. Know how to enjoy life

  3. Take a break away from the hustle and bustle 

  4. Work-life balance

Tổng kết

Thông qua bài viết này, tác giả đã gợi ý một vài câu trả lời tham khảo trong IELTS Speaking với chủ đề Describe your hometown ở cả 3 phần. Đồng thời, tác giả còn cung cấp thêm một số từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề này. Người đọc có thể tham khảo nhóm từ vựng được cung cấp thêm trong bài để luyện tập, ứng dụng với các chủ đề liên quan đã được liệt kê trong bài viết.

Tham khảo:

“Cambridge Dictionary | English Dictionary, Translations and Thesaurus.” Cambridge Dictionary, 13 July 2022,

“National Geographic.” National Geographic, Accessed 13 July 2022.

Người học cần làm quen với các thao tác và làm bài thi IELTS trên máy tính để giúp tự tin hơn trước ngày thi chính thức. Đăng ký tham gia thi thử IELTS trên máy tính tại ZIM có ngay kết quả.

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