Passive Infinitive and Gerund lớp 11: Lý thuyết và bài tập có đáp án

Bài viết này cung cấp lý thuyết và bài tập về passive infinitive and gerund lớp 11, giúp học sinh nắm vững kiến thức, đạt điểm cao trong các bài thi
Phan Lê Khánh Duy
passive infinitive and gerund lop 11 ly thuyet va bai tap co dap an

Bài viết này sẽ giới thiệu và hệ thống hóa kiến thức về cách sử dụng Passive Infinitive and Gerund lớp 11 trong tiếng Anh, phù hợp với trình độ của học sinh. Bằng cách tóm tắt lý thuyết cơ bản và cung cấp các dạng bài tập đa dạng, bài viết nhằm giúp học sinh nắm vững kiến thức này, từ đó đạt điểm cao trong các kỳ thi kiểm tra 45 phút và học kỳ.

Key takeaways

  • Cấu trúc Passive Infinitive and Gerund trong tiếng Anh giúp diễn đạt hành động bị thực hiện một cách linh hoạt.

  • Passive Infinitive có hai dạng: dạng không hoàn thành ('to be + past participle') và dạng hoàn thành ('to have been + past participle').

  • Passive Gerund cũng có hai dạng chính: dạng không hoàn thành ('being + past participle') và dạng hoàn thành ('having been + past participle').

  • Việc sử dụng cả hai cấu trúc này cần được luyện tập thường xuyên để nắm vững, giúp học sinh lớp 11 chuẩn bị tốt cho các kỳ thi.

Tổng quan lý thuyết về passive infinitive and gerund lớp 11

Trong tiếng Anh, cấu trúc bị động của động từ nguyên mẫu (Passive Infinitive)danh động từ (Passive Gerund) giúp diễn đạt ý nghĩa một cách linh hoạt, thể hiện hành động bị thực hiện chứ không phải thực hiện hành động.

Passive Infinitive (Động từ nguyên mẫu bị động)

Có hai dạng chính:

  • Dạng 1: Cấu trúc chủ động là 'Verb + to infinitive + object' chuyển thành cấu trúc bị động 'Verb + to be + PP'. Ví dụ:

    • Active: “Max’s colleagues started to respect him.”

    • Passive: “Max started to be respected (by his colleagues).”

  • Dạng 2: Từ cấu trúc 'Verb + object + to infinitive' chuyển thành 'To be + PP + to infinitive'. Ví dụ:

    • Active: “Ms White taught Sam to dance.”

    • Passive: “Sam was taught to dance (by Ms White).”

Passive Gerund (Bị động của danh động từ)

Cũng có hai dạng chính phản ánh sự thay đổi từ chủ động sang bị động:

  • Dạng 1: 'Verb + V-ing + object' chuyển thành 'Verb + being + PP'. Ví dụ:

    • Active: “I enjoyed going to the zoo.”

    • Passive: “I enjoyed being taken to the zoo.”

  • Dạng 2: 'Verb + object + V-ing' chuyển thành 'To be + PP + V-ing'. Ví dụ:

    • Active: “They saw him sneaking into the house.”

    • Passive: “He was seen sneaking into the house.”

Tìm hiểu thêm: Phân biệt cách sử dụng của To Infinitive và Gerund.

Bài tập passive infinitive and gerund lớp 11 kèm đáp án

Bài 1: Chuyển các câu sau thành dạng bị động.

  1. She had to wear a uniform yesterday.

  2. We need to complete the project by next Monday.

  3. The teacher expects the students to study hard.

  4. The board will announce the results tomorrow.

  5. Someone has to clean the room before the guests arrive.

  6. The chef is preparing a special dinner for the guests.

  7. The manager must sign all the documents.

  8. They expect the president to address the issue.

  9. The company scheduled to launch the new product next month.

  10. The teacher instructed the students to bring their textbooks.

  11. People believe that the government should lower taxes.

  12. The principal has allowed the students to use the lab.

  13. The company mandates that employees wear ID badges.

  14. The judge ordered the thief to return the stolen goods.

  15. They advise the tourists to avoid that area at night.

  16. The school expects parents to participate in meetings.

  17. The teacher fosters a culture of questioning among students.

  18. The teacher encourages students to ask questions.

  19. The organization helps people to find jobs.

  20. The museum allows visitors to take photographs.

Đáp án:

  1. The uniform had to be worn by her yesterday.

  2. The project needs to be completed by next Monday.

  3. The students are expected to study hard by the teacher.

  4. The results will be announced by the board tomorrow.

  5. The room has to be cleaned before the guests arrive.

  6. A special dinner is being prepared for the guests by the chef.

  7. All the documents must be signed by the manager.

  8. The president is expected to address the issue.

  9. The new product is scheduled to be launched next month by the company.

  10. The students were asked to bring their textbooks by the teacher.

  11. It is believed that taxes should be lowered by the government.

  12. The students have been allowed to use the lab by the principal.

  13. Employees are required to wear ID badges by the company.

  14. The thief was ordered to return the stolen goods by the judge.

  15. The tourists are advised to avoid that area at night.

  16. Parents are expected to participate in meetings by the school.

  17. New laws are being planned to be introduced by the government.

  18. Students are encouraged to ask questions by the teacher.

  19. People are helped to find jobs by the organization.

  20. Visitors are allowed to take photographs by the museum.

Luyện tập thêm: Bài tập viết lại câu tiếng Anh lớp 11 có đáp án.

Bài 2: Điền dạng đúng của động từ vào chỗ trống, sử dụng passive infinitive hoặc gerund khi cần thiết.

  1. I don't like _______ (laugh at).

  2. Sam remembers _______ (tell about) the party.

  3. She avoided _______ (ask) difficult questions.

  4. The teacher expects the assignment _______ (complete) by tomorrow.

  5. We were excited _______ (invite) to the party.

  6. John has always dreamed of _______ (choose) as the team leader.

  7. The document needs _______ (sign) before submission.

  8. They advised _______ (not enter) the restricted area.

  9. It’s important _______ (inform) of all the changes.

  10. The students were required _______ (wear) uniforms at all times.

  11. He was supposed _______ (give) a speech at the conference.

  12. The whole family was shocked _______ (find out) the truth.

  13. The athlete was determined _______ (select) for the national team.

  14. The company plans _______ (launch) the new product line next quarter.

  15. We were all eager _______ (see) the new exhibit.

  16. She regrets _______ (not tell) the truth earlier.

  17. It was incredibly embarrassing _______ (catch) red-handed.

  18. The manager is considering _______ (hire) more staff.

  19. Are you interested in _______ (invite) to the meeting?

  20. The new model is expected _______ (release) next year.

Đáp án:

  1. I don't like being laughed at.

  2. Sam remembers being told about the party.

  3. She avoided being asked difficult questions.

  4. The teacher expects the assignment to be completed by tomorrow.

  5. We were excited to be invited to the party.

  6. John has always dreamed of being chosen as the team leader.

  7. The document needs to be signed before submission.

  8. They advised not to enter the restricted area.

  9. It’s important to be informed of all the changes.

  10. The students were required to wear uniforms at all times.

  11. He was supposed to give a speech at the conference.

  12. The whole family was shocked to find out the truth.

  13. The athlete was determined to be selected for the national team.

  14. The company plans to launch the new product line next quarter.

  15. We were all eager to see the new exhibit.

  16. She regrets not telling the truth earlier.

  17. It was incredibly embarrassing to be caught red-handed.

  18. The manager is considering hiring more staff.

  19. Are you interested in being invited to the meeting?

  20. The new model is expected to be released next year.

Bài 3: Chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau, sử dụng dạng Passive Infinitive.

  1. The artwork is scheduled _______ at the gallery.

A. to display

B. to be displayed

  1. All items are required _______ before entry.

A. to check

B. to be checked

  1. The building is expected _______ after the renovation.

A. to use

B. to be used

  1. The students were allowed _______ to the lab after hours.

A. to enter

B. to be entered

  1. The novel is believed _______ on a true story.

A. to base

B. to be based

  1. The contract is yet _______ by both parties.

A. to sign

B. to be signed

  1. The mystery of the missing jewels has never _______.

A. to solve

B. to be solved

  1. The project proposal needs _______ carefully before approval.

A. to review

B. to be reviewed

  1. The song is expected _______ by millions of fans.

A. to hear

B. to be heard

  1. The historical documents are to _______ in a temperature-controlled environment.

A. to preserve

B. to be preserved

  1. The plan needs _______ before the meeting.

A. to discuss

B. to be discussed

  1. The proposal is likely _______ by the board.

A. to approve

B. to be approved

  1. This mystery is yet _______.

A. to solve

B. to be solved

  1. We expect the new regulations _______ next month.

A. to implement

B. to be implemented

  1. The damaged painting is too valuable _______.

A. to restore

B. to be restored

Đáp án:

  1. B. to be displayed

  2. B. to be checked

  3. B. to be used

  4. A. to enter

  5. B. to be based

  6. B. to be signed

  7. B. to be solved

  8. B. to be reviewed

  9. B. to be heard

  10. B. to be preserved

  11. B. to be discussed

  12. B. to be approved

  13. B. to be solved

  14. B. to be implemented

  15. B. to be restored

Luyện tập thêm: Bài tập Modal Verb lớp 11 có đáp án.

Bài 4: Chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau, sử dụng dạng Passive Gerund khi cần thiết.

  1. I don’t appreciate _______ when I'm speaking.

A. interrupting

B. being interrupted

  1. She mentioned _______ at the new restaurant downtown.

A. eating

B. being eaten

  1. He avoided _______ about his vacation plans.

A. asking

B. being asked

  1. They discussed _______ for the project next week.

A. assigning

B. being assigned

  1. We are looking forward to _______ to the team.

A. welcoming

B. being welcomed

  1. She is interested in _______ on the new committee.

A. serving

B. being served

  1. The athlete talked about _______ for the national team.

A. selecting

B. being selected

  1. They are used to _______ at 6 AM every day.

A. waking up

B. being woken up

  1. We were excited about _______ to participate in the event.

A. inviting

B. being invited

  1. The mistake was admitted _______ before the deadline.

A. making

B. being made

  1. The documents require _______ before the meeting.

A. signing

B. being signed

  1. The possibility of _______ in such a project excited him.

A. including

B. being included

  1. They feared _______ in the middle of the presentation.

A. interrupting

B. being interrupted

  1. She was accused of _______ confidential information.

A. leaking

B. being leaked

  1. The book is worth _______ for its unique perspective.

A. reading

B. being read

Đáp án:

  1. B. being interrupted

  2. B. being eaten

  3. B. being asked

  4. B. being assigned

  5. B. being welcomed

  6. B. being served

  7. B. being selected

  8. B. being woken up

  9. B. being invited

  10. B. being made

  11. B. being signed

  12. B. being included

  13. B. being interrupted

  14. A. leaking

  15. B. being read

Bài 5: Chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau, sử dụng dạng Passive Infinitive hoặc Gerund khi cần thiết.

  1. The company prefers _______ in advance for any large orders.

A. notifying

B. being notified

C. to notify

D. to be notified

  1. The athletes are motivated by _______ for their performance.

A. rewarding

B. being rewarded

C. to reward

D. to be rewarded

  1. Everyone in the office was required _______ the new safety procedures by the end of the week.

A. learning

B. being learned

C. to learn

D. to be learned

  1. The new policy allows _______ from home twice a week.

A. working

B. being worked

C. to work

D. to be worked

  1. The children were excited _______ to the zoo.

A. taking

B. being taken

C. to take

D. to be taken

  1. She is looking forward to _______ at the international conference.

A. speaking

B. being spoken

C. to speak

D. to be spoken

  1. The manager insisted on _______ about the changes before they were implemented.

A. informing

B. being informed

C. to inform

D. to be informed

  1. The customer was unhappy about _______ for the delay.

A. blaming

B. being blamed

C. to blame

D. to be blamed

  1. It’s crucial for the files _______ before the audit starts.

A. organizing

B. being organized

C. to organize

D. to be organized

  1. The artist enjoys _______ by a new audience.

A. discovering

B. being discovered

C. to discover

D. to be discovered

  1. The team expects _______ for their hard work at the end of the project.

A. rewarding

B. being rewarded

C. to reward

D. to be rewarded

  1. Parents often avoid _______ too strict with their children.

A. being

B. to be

C. being being

D. to being

  1. The legislation requires _______ before it becomes law.

A. signing

B. being signed

C. to sign

D. to be signed

  1. We were all eager _______ the results of the competition.

A. hearing

B. being heard

C. to hear

D. to be heard

  1. The victim was afraid of _______ again.

A. attacking

B. being attacked

C. to attack

D. to be attacked

  1. The director is considering _______ for the lead role.

A. casting

B. being cast

C. to cast

D. to be cast

  1. It's unusual for him _______ like that.

A. treating

B. being treated

C. to treat

D. to be treated

  1. The novel is worth _______ for its deep insights.

A. reading

B. being read

C. to read

D. to be read

  1. The government plans _______ the new regulations by next year.

A. implementing

B. being implemented

C. to implement

D. to be implemented

  1. The workers demanded _______ for the extra hours they worked.

A. paying

B. being paid

C. to pay

D. to be paid

Đáp án:

  1. D. to be notified

  2. B. being rewarded

  3. D. to be learned

  4. C. to work

  5. D. to be taken

  6. A. speaking

  7. B. being informed

  8. B. being blamed

  9. D. to be organized

  10. B. being discovered

  11. D. to be rewarded

  12. A. being

  13. D. to be signed

  14. C. to hear

  15. B. being attacked

  16. D. to be cast

  17. D. to be treated

  18. B. being read

  19. D. to be implemented

  20. D. to be paid

Tổng kết

Qua bài viết này, học sinh đã được khám phá cách sử dụng passive infinitive and gerund lớp 11, qua đó giúp nâng cao kỹ năng ngôn ngữ và chuẩn bị cho các kỳ thi.

Ngoài ra, Anh ngữ ZIM hiện đang tổ chức các khóa học IELTS cam kết đầu ra 4 kỹ năng, hệ thống học tập cá nhân hóa giúp học viên đạt kết quả mong muốn và tiết kiệm tới 80% thời gian tự học. Liên hệ hotline 1900-2833 nhánh số 1 hoặc truy cập website để được tư vấn chi tiết.

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"Perfect / Passive Infinitive and Gerund - Grammar & Examples", 27 Aug. 2023,

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