Perfect gerund and Perfect participle lớp 11: Lý thuyết và bài tập có đáp án

Danh động từ hoàn thành (perfect gerund) và Phân từ hoàn thành (perfect participle) là điểm ngữ pháp cơ bản lớp 11, được thành lập dựa trên danh động từ (gerund) và hiện tại phân từ (present participle) mà học sinh đã được học ở cấp học trước. Bài viết cung cấp lý thuyết chi tiết và bài tập phù hợp với trình độ học sinh lớp 11, giúp học sinh đạt điểm cao trong các bài thi như kiểm tra 45', kiểm tra học kỳ.
Vũ Hà Mi
perfect gerund and perfect participle lop 11 ly thuyet va bai tap co dap an

Key Takeaways

Perfect gerund and Perfect participle có cùng một công thức: having done, nhưng có cách sử dụng khác nhau.

Perfect gerund: 

  • chủ ngữ của câu

  • tân ngữ của một số động từ có cấu trúc động từ + Ving

Perfect participle clause:

  • miêu tả hành động xảy ra trước hành động trong mệnh đề chính.

  • nêu lý do cho hành động trong mệnh đề chính.

Tổng quan lý thuyết về perfect gerund and perfect participle lớp 11

Công thức perfect gerund

Perfect gerund nhắc đến một thời điểm trước thời điểm trong mệnh đề chính và nhấn mạnh hành động đã hoàn toàn kết thúc trong quá khứ.

Công thức:

having done

Perfect gerund được sử dụng như:

Chủ ngữ của câu. Ví dụ:

  • Having studied science subjects made it easy for me to choose a university degree. (Việc học các môn khoa học làm tôi dễ dàng lựa chọn chuyên ngành đại học.)

Tân ngữ sau một số động từ có cấu trúc động từ + Ving như: admit, deny, forget, mention, regret, remember. Ví dụ:

  • She admitted to having made a mistake. (Cô ấy thừa nhận đã mắc lỗi.)

Tân ngữ sau một số giới từ. Ví dụ:

  • My colleague often talked about having worked for five years at Google. (Đồng nghiệp của tôi thường nói về việc làm việc 5 năm tại Google.)

Công thức perfect participle

Công thức:

having done 

Mệnh đề perfect participle được dùng để:

Miêu tả hành động xảy ra trước hành động trong mệnh đề chính (Mệnh đề phân từ chỉ thời gian). Ví dụ:

  • Having finished my work, I treated myself to a well-deserved break. (Sau khi hoàn thành công việc, tôi tự thưởng cho mình một kỳ nghỉ xứng đáng.)

Nêu lý do cho hành động trong mệnh đề chính (Mệnh đề phân từ chỉ nguyên nhân). Ví dụ:

  • Having seen the movie before, I already knew the plot twist. (Đã xem phim trước đó nên tôi đã biết được tình tiết của bộ phim.)

Lưu ý:

Chủ ngữ của mệnh đề chứa perfect participle thường trùng chủ ngữ với mệnh đề chính. Đặc biệt trong văn nói và văn viết trang trọng, tránh việc khác chủ ngữ giữa hai mệnh đề. Tuy nhiên, trong một số trường hợp chủ ngữ bị lược không được nhắc đến trong mệnh đề chính. Ví dụ:

  • She had a sense of accomplishment after having won the competition. (hai mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ "she")

  • Having wanted to study abroad all his life, this was an opportunity not to be missed. (chủ ngữ "he" của mệnh đề chứa perfect participle bị lược bỏ nhưng không được nhắc đến trong mệnh đề chính)

Trong mệnh đề phân từ chỉ thời gian, perfect participle có thể được sử dụng sau giới từ “after”. Tuy nhiên, đây không phải cách sử dụng phổ biến do perfect participle và “after” đều miêu tả hành động xảy ra trước một hành động khác. Present participle (hiện tại phân từ) thường được dùng sau “after”. Ví dụ:

  • After having passed the college entrance exams, I traveled abroad for relaxation.

  • After passing the college entrance exams, I traveled abroad for relaxation.

Phân biệt perfect gerund and perfect participle lớp 11

Phân biệt perfect gerund and perfect participle lớp 11

Perfect gerund and Perfect participle có công thức giống nhau (having done) và có ý nghĩa nhấn mạnh một hành động đã xảy ra và hoàn tất trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ, nhưng cách sử dụng khác nhau.

Perfect gerund được dùng để thay thế cho hình thức hiện tại của danh động từ khi diễn tả hành động trong quá khứ. Như vậy, danh động từ hoàn thành đóng vai trò là danh từ và được sử dụng như:

  • Chủ ngữ của câu

  • Tân ngữ của động từ

  • Tân ngữ của giới từ

Ví dụ: I regret telling her the truth. → I regretted having told her the truth.

Perfect participle được dùng khi rút gọn mệnh đề (lược bỏ chủ ngữ) trong trường hợp 2 mệnh đề trong câu có cùng 1 chủ ngữ. Mệnh đề có hành động xảy ra trước được thay thế bằng phân từ hoàn thành. Cụ thể, phân từ hoàn thành đóng vai trò là thành phần của mệnh đề phân từ, và mệnh đề phân từ được sử dụng để:

  • Miêu tả hành động xảy ra trước hành động trong mệnh đề chính (Mệnh đề phân từ chỉ thời gian)

  • Nêu lý do cho hành động trong mệnh đề chính (Mệnh đề phân từ chỉ nguyên nhân)

Ví dụ: When I finished my final exam, I went on a vacation with my family. → Having finished my final exam, I went on a vacation with my family.

Xem thêm về kiến thức Phân biệt perfect gerund và perfect participle trong tiếng Anh

Luyện tập thêm:

Bài tập perfect gerund and perfect participle lớp 11 kèm đáp án

Bài tập

Bài 1: Choose the correct answer.

  1. _______________  to many countries made it easy for me to a broader perspective on different cultures. 

A. travel

B. travelling

C. having traveled

D. traveled

  1. _______________  diligently, she aced the exam. 

A. study

B. studying

C. having studied

D. studied

  1. _______________  a delicious meal, he served it to his guests. 

A. cook

B. cooking

C. having cooked

D. cooked

  1. _______________  the marathon gave her a sense of accomplishment. 

A. finish

B. finishing

C. having finished

D. finished

  1. She regretted _______________  the decision

A. make

B. made

C. having made

D. having been made

  1. The team celebrated their victory after _______________  the championship, . 

A. win

B. won

C. having won

D. having been won

  1. She forgot _______________  the door.

A. lock

B. locked

C. having locked

D. having been locked

  1. _______________  enough money, they decided to go on a vacation. 

A. save

B. saving

C. having saved

D. saved

  1. The author received critical acclaim for _______________  a compelling story, t. 

A. write

B. wrote

C. having written

D. having been written

  1. _______________  for months, he ran his first marathon.

A. train

B. training

C. having trained

D. trained

  1. _______________ is my favorite form of exercise. 

A. swim

B. swimming

C. having swum

D. swam

  1. I enjoy _______________ books in my free time. 

A. read

B. reading

C. having read

D. having been read

  1. I remember _______________  to the zoo when I was a child.

A. take

B. taking

C. having taken

D. having been taken

  1. He denied _______________  the event.

A. attend

B. attended

C. having attended

D. having been attended

  1. I find _______________ both relaxing and rewarding.

A. cook

B. cooking

C. having cooked

D. having been cooked

Bài 2: Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. I forgot have made breakfast for you.

  2. Had won many sports competitions at school helped me pursue a career as a professional athlete.

  3. She regretted not having apply for a university of higher rank.

  4. He was proud of had won the third prize in the academic english olympiad.

  5. After finish the college entrance exams, I had a trip to Korea for pleasure.

  6. Live in Vietnam for 20 years, she left for Japan to seek new opportunities.

  7. Having stayed up late does more harm than good to your health.

  8. Being struggled through hardships made her more resilience and adaptive.

  9. The monitor caught him cheated in the exam, so he was dispelled from school.

  10. I do not recall having informed by the teacher.

  11. I am happy about treated like a child.

  12. They pretended having eaten already when I arrived.

  13. You should avoid to eat ice cream in cold weather, or you will catch a cold.

  14. She was disappointed by not having told the truth.

  15. He mentioned injured in a car collision when he was a child.

Bài 3: Complete the sentences with either present participle and perfect participle.
















  1. _______________ the car about a kilometer from the hotel, I walked the rest of the way.

  2. _______________ out of the inner city to the suburbs, she felt much fresher.

  3. While_______________ through the basement, I banged my head on the low roof.

  4. After _______________ six months for the air conditioner to be delivered, I decided to cancel the order.

  5. _______________ from childhood traumas, he could understand how his son was feeling.

  6. Since _______________ out of hospital, I have been exercising every day.

  7. _______________ on TV last night, the actress mentioned that she would be married next month.

  8. _______________ not to boast, he said nothing about his championship.

  9. _______________ not to notice that someone was following me, I kept walking without looking back.

  10. After _______________ pills, the baby cried to sleep.

  11. _______________ for young children for the last 20 years, she understood their behavior well.

  12. Before_______________, most books are censored by the publications department.

  13. After _______________ from university with a master’s degree, she spent three years teaching at a his university.

  14. _______________ down from the tower, we saw many cars running in the streets.

  15. _______________ not to cry, she forced herself to smile.

Bài 4: Rewrite these sentences using perfect participle clauses.

  1. After we listened to some instructions for the course, we asked some questions.

  2. He failed the university entrance exams, then he decided to train to become a tour guide.

  3. He had not studied hard enough, so he failed the exams.

  4. After I answered the job interview questions, I was asked to prepare a short presentation.

  5. Although I was injured, I kept running forward.

  6. He jumped out of window, then he broke his leg.

  7. After he wrote his song, he sent it to the producer.

  8. When she saw the dog coming toward her, she quickly run away.

  9. I was reminded to come in time, so I left home early.

  10. As she was a doctor, she knew how to treat her patients well.

  11. She spent her childhood in Hanoi city, so she was attached to this place.

  12. While we were waiting for the bus, we saw a kid who got lost.

  13. Although he was a outstanding novelist, he also had successful biographies.

  14. She spotted a spider in the bathroom, then she screamed her head off.

  15. She felt sick after she ate raw fish.

Bài 5: Combine the sentences using either perfect gerund or perfect participle.

  1. He apologized. He had forgotten to submit his homework by deadline.

  2. He won a scholarship. He was so excited about that.

  3. She had purposefully dumped rubbish on the street. She was strongly criticized for that.

  4. Class 12A1 ranked first in terms of academic performance. They were praised for that.

  5. He had not dedicated much in his previous job. He regretted it.

  6. A group of boys raced on the street last night. The police suspected Mark and his friends of doing it.

  7. He had dinner. Then he studied from tomorrow’s exam.

  8. She prepared her 20th birthday party. She went to get dressed for it.

  9.  He ate three pizzas. He was full.

  10.  He talked to his month about his failure. He calmed down a bit.

  11. They had finished their medical education and training. They were fully qualified doctors.

  12. They did not cheat in the exam. The whole class denied doing that.

  13. They drank alcohol when they were underage. Young boys admitted it. 

  14. Someone plagiarized the essay. The teacher accused Mark of doing that.

  15. I was asked that humiliating question. I was offended by that.

Đáp án

Bài 1:

  1. C

  2. C

  3. C

  4. C

  5. C

  6. C

  7. C

  8. C

  9. C

  10. C

  11. B

  12. B

  13. D

  14. C

  15. B

Bài 2:

  1. have made -> having made

  2. had won -> having won

  3. having apply -> having applied

  4. had won -> having won

  5. finish -> having finished

  6. Live -> Having been living

  7. Having stayed -> Staying

  8. Being struggled -> Having struggled

  9. cheated -> cheating

  10. having informed -> having been informed

  11. treated -> being treated

  12. having eaten -> to have eaten

  13. to eat -> eating

  14. having told -> having been told

  15. injured -> having been injured

Bài 3:

  1. having parked

  2. having walked

  3. moving

  4. having waited

  5. having suffered

  6. coming

  7. being interviewed

  8. wishing

  9. pretending

  10. having taken

  11. having cared

  12. being published

  13. having graduated

  14. looking

  15. trying

Bài 4:

  1. Having listened to some instructions for the course, we asked some questions.

  2. Having failed the university entrance exams, he decided to train to become a tour guide.

  3. Having not studied hard enough, he failed the exams.

  4. Having answered the job interview questions, I was asked to prepare a short presentation.

  5. Having been injured, I kept running forward.

  6. Having jumped out of window, he broke his leg.

  7. Having written his song, he sent it to the producer.

  8. Seeing the dog coming toward her, she quickly run away.

  9. Having been reminded to come in time, I left home early.

  10. Being a doctor, she knew how to treat her patients well.

  11. Having spent her childhood in Hanoi city, she was attached to this place.

  12. Waiting for the bus, we saw a kid who got lost.

  13. Being a outstanding novelist, he also had successful biographies.

  14. Having spotted a spider in the bathroom, she screamed her head off.

  15. Having eaten raw fish, she felt sick.

Bài 5:

  1. He apologized for having forgotten to submit his homework by deadline.

  2. He was so excited about having won a scholarship.

  3. She was strongly criticized for having purposefully dumped rubbish on the street.

  4. Class 12A1 was praised for having ranked first in terms of academic performance.

  5. He regretted for having not dedicated much in his previous job.

  6. The police suspected Mark and his friends of having raced on the street last night.

  7. Having had his dinner, he studied from tomorrow’s exam.

  8. Having prepared her 20th birthday party, she went to get dressed for it.

  9. Having eaten three pizzas, he was full.

  10. Having talked to his mom about his failure, he calmed down a bit.

  11. Having finished their medical education and training, they were fully qualified doctors.

  12. The whole class denied not having cheated in the exam.

  13. Young boys admitted having drunk alcohol when they were underage.

  14. The teacher accused Mark of having plagiarized the essay.

  15. I was offended by having been asked that humiliating question.

Xem thêm: Tổng hợp ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 11

Tổng kết

Bài viết cung cấp đầy đủ lý thuyết về công thức và cách sử dụng của Perfect gerund and Perfect participle lớp 11. Ngoài ra, phần bài tập không chỉ giúp học sinh củng cố và ghi nhớ điểm ngữ pháp trên mà còn ôn tập lại kiến thức về danh động từ (gerund) và hiện tại phân từ (present participle).

Học sinh được hỗ trợ giải đáp thắc mắc, chữa bài tập trên diễn đàn ZIM Helper bởi các Giảng viên chuyên môn đang giảng dạy tại ZIM.

Bạn muốn trở nên tự tin giao tiếp với bạn bè quốc tế hay nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp trong công việc và thăng tiến trong sự nghiệp. Hãy bắt đầu hành trình chinh phục mục tiêu với khóa học tiếng Anh giao tiếp hôm nay!

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