Describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event: Bài mẫu kèm từ vựng

Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event thuộc nhóm chủ đề describe an experience (miêu tả trải nghiệm) kèm theo các từ vựng ghi điểm trong bài.
ZIM Academy
describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event bai mau kem tu vung

Bài viết giới thiệu Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event thuộc nhóm chủ đề describe an experience (miêu tả trải nghiệm) kèm theo các từ vựng ghi điểm trong bài. Đây là một trong nhóm chủ đề phổ biến trong bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 2.

Describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event

You should say:

  • What the event was

  • Where you had it

  • Who helped you to organize it

  • And how you feel about it

Ý tưởng


(Bối cảnh)

2017 (em gái thi đậu đại học)

Thi điểm cao + sinh nhật ⇒ Tổ chức chung


(Nội dung)

Chuẩn bị:

  • Trang trí nhà 

  • Mẹ nấu ăn

  • Bí mật mời thầy giáo lớp 12

Diễn biến:

  • Hát chúc mừng sinh nhật

  • Cắt bánh

  • Ăn uống 


(Kết thúc)

Em gái + bố mẹ: cảm động, bữa tiệc tuyệt vời nhất

Thắt chặt tình cảm gia đình

Take note trong 1 phút chuẩn bị


IELTS Speaking sample


I would like to talk about the time I held a birthday party for my younger sister. It was back in 2017 when she passed the university entrance examination with flying colors and immediately got admitted to one of the best business schools in Vietnam, which came as a big surprise to my whole family. Therefore, to mark her success as well as this turning point in her life, we celebrated her 18th birthday, just a few days after she received the acceptance letters.


So, I would say that it was more of a family dinner which only involved my own family and some of my sister’s close friends. However, I still tried my best to make it one of the most unforgettable events of her life. I decorated the house myself with balloons in different colors, and hung a big banner saying “ Congratulations, My”. My mom also helped and took charge of cooking her favorite dishes, ranging

from spaghetti to grilled meat. On top of that, I secretly invited her homeroom teacher from grade 12 to the party because this is the person who inspires her the most. The atmosphere of the party was so homey and I could tell my sister was happier than ever. In the end, we sang happy birthday to her when she cut the cake. We congratulated her and wished her a successful college life ahead.

Then we ate cake and had a good feast together.


After the party, my sister came to me and said that it was the best birthday party she had ever had in her life. My parents at the time also felt moved because the bond between us was strengthened a lot.

Từ vựng trong IELTS Speaking sample

  • Pass with flying colors (idiom) : đỗ với kết quả cao

Thanks to her hard work, she passed the university entrance examination with flying colors.

  • Turning point : cột mốc quan trọng 

Getting married is a huge turning point for many people.

  • Take charge of : chịu trách nhiệm

The government should take charge of environmental protection

  • Feast (n) /fēst/ : bữa tiệc thịnh soạn

We had a feast on my birthday.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

Câu hỏi: How can parents help children to get organized?

Parents can make a to-do list or a checklist with their children, setting out what has to be done during the day or the week. The list should include doing homework, cleaning their personal space and helping with household chores. It is important to hang the list where it is visible, like in the kitchen or on the door of their bedroom to remind them of their duties.

  • set out : đề ra, đặt ra

Parents should set out a list of rules for their children to follow.

  • household /ˈhousˌ(h)ōld/ chore  /tʃɔːr/ :công việc nhà

Husbands and wives should share household chores.

  • visible (a) /ˈvɪz.ə.bəl/ : dễ nhìn thấy

The sign to the restaurant was visible

  • remind (v) /rəˈmīnd/: nhắc nhở, gợi nhớ

She would have forgotten about her debt if you hadn't reminded her.

Câu hỏi: On what occasions do people need to be organized?

I don't think we need a special occasion to be organized. Everyone should learn how to be organized at all times because it will help us to have more discipline and save a lot of time. Not to mention, an organized person always leaves a good impression and is highly valued in any organization.

  • discipline (n)/ˈdisəplən/ : kỷ luật

The discipline in the army is very strict.

  • leave a good impression : để lại ấn tượng tốt

She left a good impression on everyone because of her positive attitude.

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