Describe a change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time

“Describe a change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time” thuộc nhóm chủ đề “Describe an experience (miêu tả trải nghiệm)” là chủ đề rất phổ biến trong IELTS Speaking Part 2.
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describe a change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time

Bài viết sau đây sẽ gợi ý sample cho chủ đề “Describe a change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time” cùng các dạng câu hỏi thường gặp và hướng dẫn phương pháp trả lời linh hoạt cho chủ đề này. Đồng thời, bài viết còn giới thiệu về những từ vựng và cách diễn đạt giúp tăng điểm bài thi nói của thí sinh.

Bài mẫu chủ đề “Describe a change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time”

Bài viết sau đây sẽ gợi ý sample cho chủ đề “Describe a change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time” cùng những dạng câu hỏi thường gặp và phương pháp trả lời lưu loát cho topic này. Hơn nữa, bài viết cũng sẽ giới thiệu về những từ vựng và mẫu câu giúp thí sinh tăng được band điểm như kỳ vọng.

Context (Bối cảnh)

Năm ngoái

Người uống cà phê thường xuyên

Content (Nội dung)

Luôn pha cà phê vào mỗi sáng

Chiếm khá nhiều thời gian

Chuyển sang pha cà phê trước khi đi ngủ

Cà phê đá ngon tuyệt sẵn sàng uống liền vào mỗi buổi sáng

Conclusion (Kết thúc) 

Luôn sẵn sàng khi thức dậy

Không mất thời gian quan trọng mỗi sáng


Bài mẫu tham khảo:

For the last year I have become a consistent coffee drinker. I really love the flavour and smell, and it really gets me awake and motivated in the mornings. 

However, I had always made my cup of coffee fresh in the mornings, and this takes up quite a bit of time. I then must also wait on it to cool, which is even more time. When I wake up in the morning, I want my coffee right away so I can start my day. Therefore, I changed my habits so that the last thing I do every night before bed is making a cup of coffee. Therefore the coffee is made as I go to sleep, and ready when I wake up. The flavour is not 100% as good when doing it this way, but with a little sugar and an ice cube it makes for fantastic iced coffee that is ready instantly in the mornings. 

Now, I am ready to go almost the moment that I wake up and I don’t lose important time in the mornings with preparing my coffee. I just get up, grab my cup, and go. 

Từ vựng chủ đề “Describe a change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time”

  • consistent (a)  /kənˈsɪs.tənt/: thường xuyên lặp lại

The president has been remarkably consistent on economic issues.

  • take up / ˈteɪk ˈʌp /: chiếm

This desk takes up too much room.

  • Habit (n) /ˈhæb.ɪt/: thói quen

I'm trying to get him to break the habit of switching on the TV when he comes home at night.

  • instantly (adv) /ˈɪn.stə ngay lập tức

With e-mail you can send a message across the world almost instantly.

Xem thêm: Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

What can people do to save time?

I think it would depend a lot on the person, how they spend their time, and how their other habits would affect them. That being said, I think a common thing people can do to save time is ensure that they are organized. I, myself, am often bad for this in that I spend far too much time checking to make sure I have the right books in my backpack, the keys to my bike, etc. By being rigidly structured, a lot of time could be saved.

  • Habit (n) /ˈhæb.ɪt/: thói quen

I'm trying to get him to break the habit of switching on the TV when he comes home at night.

  • rigidly (adv)  /ˈrɪdʒ.ɪdli/: một cách cố định

I don't believe that good writing must rigidly follow a set of rules.

Does technology help people save time? How and why?

Technology certainly helps people to save time, google translate is much faster than a dictionary. Mapping apps on a phone is much faster than pulling out a real paper map. Writing quick messages is far more time efficient than writing letters, or even phone calls. The downside of all this though is that technology can also be hugely effective in providing us outlets to waste our time.

  • Downside (n)  /ˈdaʊn.saɪd/: nhược điểm

The downside of living here, of course, is that it is expensive.

  • Outlet (n) /ˈaʊt.let/: phương thức

Drawing classes provided an outlet for her creativity.

Do you think parents should be responsible for teaching children to save time?

I think it should probably be something that parents should help their children to learn. It will be beneficial for them to be good at this skill for the rest of their lives, so parents should at least be conscious of it. That having been said, I don’t think that it should be something that is drilled into kids too hard unless there is a specific reason.

  • conscious (a)  /ˈkɑːn.ʃəs/: nhận thức được

He's still conscious but he's very badly injured.

  • drill into / drɪl ˈɪntə /: nhắc đi nhắc lại

This attention to detail is drilled into the top managers.

Do people who are good at time management have an easier path to success?

I don’t think that the path to success is actually any easier for those with good time management skills, but I think that they are much more prepared to deal with problems encountered on that path. The path isn’t easier, per se, but the person will have an easier time dealing with it. However, time management cannot make up for other important skills and traits, it is a compliment to them.

  • Encounter (v) /ɪnˈkaʊn.t̬ɚ/: nảy sinh, xuất hiện

On their way home they encountered a woman selling flowers.

  • make up for / ˈmeɪk ˈʌp fɔː /: bù đắp cho

No amount of money can make up for the death of a child.

Xem thêm: Describe something you had to share with others | Bài mẫu kèm từ vựng

Tác giả hy vọng qua bài viết, người học có thêm những ý tưởng liên quan đến chủ đề “Describe a change you made in your daily life that saved you a lot of time”.

Người học cần gấp chứng chỉ IELTS để du học, định cư, tốt nghiệp, hay thăng tiến trong sự nghiệp nhanh chóng? Đạt điểm cao trong thời gian ngắn với khóa học luyện thi IELTS cấp tốc hôm nay.

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