Describe a festival or national holiday in your country

Describe a festival or national holiday in your country thuộc nhóm chủ đề “Describe an event (miêu tả sự kiện)” là chủ đề thường được đưa ra trong bài thi nói học thuật như IELTS Speaking Part 2.Bài viết sau đây sẽ gợi ý bài nói mẫu cho chủ đề này cùng những câu hỏi thường gặp và hướng dẫn trả lời lưu loát và gây ấn tượng với giảm khảo cho chủ đề này.
ZIM Academy
describe a festival or national holiday in your country

You should say

  • When the festival occurs

  • What you did during it

  • What you like or dislike about it

And explain why this a festival or national holiday is important

Dàn ý Describe a festival or national holiday in your country

  • Situation - A christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ

  • Task - A day that you spend with your loved ones, by giving each other gifts and sharing a meal together, my family will put up a Christmas tree in the living room and decorate it

  • Action - Decorate the outside of houses with Christmas lights, in the morning sit down together and open gifts, prepare a big Christmas lunch, Christmas has become too commercialized

  • Result - Important time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, a time to spend with their loved ones

Bài mẫu Describe a festival or national holiday in your country

So I’m going to tell you about the most popular holiday event in my country, and that is Christmas, which occurs on the 25th of December. Christmas is really a christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, but even people that aren’t religious still celebrate the day, and many people don’t think about the religious aspect of the holiday at all. For them, it is simply a day that you spend with your loved ones, by giving each other gifts and sharing a meal together. So normally, like most people, a few weeks before Christmas, my family will put up a Christmas tree in the living room and decorate it with some tinsel, and other tree decorations. We also might hang up some other Christmas decorations around the house to add to the atmosphere, like a Christmas wreath on the front door. And many people these days like to decorate the outside of their houses with Christmas lights which they turn on at night time. It can be a real sight to see, especially when several families in the street decorate their houses with Christmas lights and decorations. There are even competitions in some cities, and tours you can do driving around the city to see all the lights. Anyway, on Christmas eve we normally put a bunch of gifts out under the tree and then in the morning when we wake up we will all sit down together and open them up. It’s usually quite an exciting time, especially for kids, who absolutely go crazy opening up gifts. It’s really great to see their eyes light up when they tear the wrapping off a gift and see their favorite new toy. Normally after we open up gifts and have breakfast, we will make some phone calls or send text messages to wish our friends and family a merry Christmas, and then we will help prepare a big Christmas lunch. Most of the time, we will have some of our extended family over for lunch, or we will be invited to attend lunch at one of their houses. Probably the main thing that I dislike about Christmas is having to spend so much money on gifts. Sometimes I think that Christmas has become too commercialized and is more about spending money on gifts than it is about spending time with your loved ones. Anyway, besides that, Christmas is usually a good day where you receive gifts and eat a lot of good food. Quite often we might go outdoors in the afternoon and do some outdoor activity as well.

I guess the main reason that this festival is important is probably for two reasons. For religious people, it is an important time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and reflect on their religious values. But for other people, it is simply a time to spend with their loved ones, giving gifts, and spreading joy.

Xem thêm: Describe a competition (egmusic, cooking, sport) that you would like to compete in

Từ vựng cần lưu ý

  • a christian holiday: một ngày lễ theo Thiên chúa giáo

  • religious (adj)  /rɪˈlɪdʒ.əs/: duy tâm

Ex: He's deeply religious and goes to church twice a week.

  • the religious aspect: khía cạnh duy tâm

  • sharing a meal together: chia sẻ bữa ăn cùng nhau

  • put up: dựng lên

  • tinsel (n) /ˈtɪn.səl/: dải dây kim tuyến

  • hang up: treo lên

  • to add to the atmosphere: thêm thắt cho bầu không khí

Ex: Songs were sung and jokes told adding to the festive atmosphere. 

  • a real sight to see: một cảnh tượng đáng chiêm ngưỡng

  • on Christmas eve: vào đêm Giáng sinh

  • sit down together: ngồi xuống cùng nhau

  • go crazy: vô cùng hào hứng

  • their eyes light up: họ trông vô cùng hạnh phúc và vui mừng

Ex: Her eyes lit up when he showed her the ring.

  • extended family: gia đình đa thế hệ

  • commercialized (adj) /kəˈmɝː.ʃəl.aɪzd/: bị thương mại hóa

Ex: The mountains are remarkably unspoilt and much less commercialized than the coastal resorts.

  • religious people: những người duy tâm

  • reflect on their religious values: phản ánh lại những giá trị về mặt tâm linh

  • a time to spend with their loved ones: một thời gian được ở bên những người thân yêu

  • spreading joy: chia sẻ niềm vui

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3

1. How do people in Vietnam value traditional festivals?

Well I’m not really sure to be honest, because I’m not from Vietnam. But judging from what I have seen while living here, I think that Vietnamese people take a lot of pride in their customs and culture, and that also includes their traditional festivals. Especially things like the Tet holiday. Every year during Tet I see Vietnamese people going to a lot of effort to prepare their homes for the holiday. And there are a lot of customs around that holiday which I don’t know much about, but it appears to me that the majority of Vietnamese people do value these traditions and traditional festivals. It’s quite refreshing to see actually. I think that where I come from, people don’t value such things as much as what I see from Vietnamese people. I guess that’s probably part of the reason that I love Vietnam and the people here, you could say they are very patriotic, which is a great thing I believe.

2. What’s the difference between the ways festivals are celebrated now and in the past?

That’s a tricky question I suppose because I don’t know much about how festivals were celebrated in the past, but what I can say is that over the years I have noticed that festivals are becoming very commercialized nowadays, meaning that there is a real push from businesses to try market their products for that festival or holiday. And I think that kind of detracts from the real meaning of what these festivals and holidays are actually about. When you go to a shopping mall around November or December, they have so many Christmas decorations up and try to influence and encourage people to buy a lot of expensive gifts for their friends and family, and I think this can cause problems when people don’t have a lot of money to spend, or simply can’t afford to buy a lot of gifts. Basically I think that the real meaning behind a lot of these festivals has been lost and it is more about buying expensive gifts rather than the original meaning and purpose.

  • becoming very commercialized : trở nên bị thương mại hóa.
    Ex: I don’t believe that education is becoming very commercialized.

  • a real push: một sự thúc đẩy thật thụ.
    Ex: It’s going to be a real push.

  • market their products: tiếp thị sản phẩm của họ.
    Ex: Businesses usually market their products through adverts.

  • detracts from (n.phrs): để làm cho một cái gì đó có vẻ ít tốt.
    Ex: Don’t let anything detracts from your excitement.

Hy vọng thông qua bài viết, người học đã nắm được cách triển khai ý cho chủ đề “Describe a festival or national holiday in your country”.

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