Describe a traditional product in your country | Bài mẫu kèm từ vựng

“Describe a traditional product in your country” thuộc nhóm chủ đề “Describe an object (miêu tả đối tượng/vật)” là chủ đề quan trọng và thường được hỏi trong bài thi nói học thuật như Part 2 IELTS Speaking. Bài viết dưới đây sẽ gợi ý bài mẫu và giới thiệu về những từ vựng cần thiết và mẫu câu giúp thí sinh tăng được band điểm như kỳ vọng.
ZIM Academy
describe a traditional product in your country bai mau kem tu vung

You should say:

  • What it is

  • When you tried this product for the first time

  • What it is made of

And explain how you feel about it

Bài mẫu chủ đề Describe a traditional product in your country


(Bối cảnh)

  • Tò he

  • Đồ chơi truyền thống của Việt Nam


(Nội dung)

  • Món đồ chơi quen thuộc với nhiều thế hệ

  • Được làm từ bột gạo

  • Màu sắc sặc sỡ, tạo hình đa dạng

  • Thân thiện với môi trường


(Kết thúc)

  • Mua Tò he vào ngày Tết và các dịp lễ cổ truyền

  • Chứa đựng nhiều kỉ niệm tuổi thơ

dàn ý Bài mẫu chủ đề Describe a traditional product in your country


Our country Vietnam is well-known for its various traditional products. Today I would like to talk about To he - a kind of Vietnamese traditional toy. To he was quite popular, especially on the north side of Vietnam.


I would say that To he has become comfortingly familiar to many past generations in Vietnam. This dates back to decades ago and is well-known for its traditional village called Xuan La in Phu Xuyen district, Hanoi. It came as a surprise to me that this amazing, old-fashioned toy was made only from rice dough mixed with food coloring. To make To he, craftsmen start combining rice flour with hot water, and then cook the paste for hours. The dough is then applied in several colors and ready to be molded into figurines. Traditionally, To he usually depicts folk tale characters, famous generals of 12 zodiac animals. Moreover, as the main material is merely rice dough, To he is safe and edible, which means children could even eat To he as their afternoon snack after playing. Therefore, To he is an eco-friendly toy as its ingredients are mostly biodegradable.


These days, people usually buy To he on Tet and other Vietnamese traditional festivals such as Mid Autumn festival. Although To he cannot compete with those modern plastic toys, to me, this little kind of traditional plaything still embodies great childhood memories and a tender sense of home.

Từ vựng chủ đề Describe a traditional product in your country

  • date back / deɪt ˈbæk /: xuất hiện từ thời điểm

  • old-fashioned (adj) /ˌoʊldˈfæʃ.ənd/: cổ điển, có từ lâu đời

  • craftsmen (n)  /ˈkræfts.mən/: nghệ nhân

  • folk tale (n) /ˈfoʊk ˌteɪl/: chuyện cổ tích

  • embody (v)  /ɪmˈbɑː.di/: thể hiện, chứa đựng ý nghĩa

Xem thêm: Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

Why are traditional products important?

Traditional products are essential to different groups of people. To locals, traditional products keep them connected with their folk culture. What is more, when visitors purchase traditional products, these also become a source of earning to many local people. To tourists, traditional products act as mementos of their pleasant trip.

  • folk (adj) /foʊk/: cổ truyền

  • memento (n) /məˈmen.toʊ/: quà lưu niệm

Do you think tradition is important for a country? Why?

Yes, I believe tradition plays a vital part in most country’s well-being. In my opinion, tradition is our roots, and it consists of numerous knowledge accumulated from the past. Once people get aware of their tradition, not only would they be connected to their past but they would also come up with more innovative ideas for a better future.

  • play a part in / pleɪ ə pɑ:t ɪn /: đóng vai trò

  • come up with / ˈkʌm ˈʌp wɪð /: nảy ra sáng kiến

What are the traditional Vietnamese products?

Vietnam is well-known for a wide range of traditional products. For instance, Vietnam is famous for its Vietnamese coffee, bamboo products, herbs and spices, conical hats and so on. Personally speaking, I find Vietnamese ao dai the most attractive due to its symbol of traditional beauty and femininity.

  • conical hat / ˈkɒnɪkl̩ hæt /: nón lá truyền thống

  • femininity (n) /ˌfem.əˈnɪn.ə.t̬i/: sự nữ tính

Why is it important for children to learn about traditional products?

It is of great importance to educate young generations about traditional products. These days, due to globalization, some children are getting more and more attached to the global culture and soon drifted away from their national tradition. Thus, learning about traditional products would help to make young people aware of the great significance of their folk value and would like to contribute more to their homeland.

  • global culture / ˈɡləʊbl̩ ˈkʌltʃə /: văn hóa toàn cầu

  • homeland (n)  /ˈhoʊm.lænd/: quê hươngDescribe a traditional product in your country | Bài mẫu kèm từ vựng

Hy vọng rằng với bài viết trên, người học có thêm kiến thức về cách xây dựng dàn ý, các từ vựng và câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Part 3 thông dụng cho đề bài Describe a traditional product in your country.

Lộ trình ôn luyện IELTS cụ thể và hiệu quả là yếu tố then chốt giúp người học đạt được điểm cao. Học thử khóa học luyện thi IELTS tại ZIM để trải nghiệm hôm nay.

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