Describe a time when you received something without having to pay for it

Describe a time when you received something without having to pay for it thuộc nhóm chủ đề “Describe a experience (miêu tả trải nghiệm)” là đề bài phổ biến trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 .
ZIM Academy
describe a time when you received something without having to pay for it

Bài viết dưới đây sẽ gợi ý bài nói mẫu cho chủ đề “Describe a time when you received something without having to pay for it” cùng các dạng câu hỏi thường gặp và hướng dẫn phương pháp trả lời tự tin hơn cho chủ đề này. Ngoài ra, bài viết còn giới thiệu về các từ vựng và cách diễn đạt hiệu quả, ấn tượng.

Bài mẫu chủ đề “Describe a time when you received something without having to pay for it”

You should say:

  • What the gift was

  • When you got this gift

  • Where you had it

  • How you felt about it


(Bối cảnh)

Quà sinh nhật 20 tuổi, có buổi ăn tối cùng bạn bè

Món quà nổi bật nhất - chiếc ví da


(Nội dung)

Kích thước vừa túi, gấp được

Ba ngăn, đựng thẻ và tiền

Có ngăn kiếng


(Kết thúc)

Hài lòng, một món quà đáng tiền

Dàn bài Describe a time when you received something without having to pay for it


It was my 20th birthday party, and I had invited lots of my friends to my house so we could have a warm dinner together. My friends brought a lot of gifts to the party so my house was flooded with different types of presents. All of them were amazing, I appreciated every single one, but there was one that really stood out from the rest, which was a small brown wallet, made of leather.


My previous wallet was a bit too big so it was quite inconvenient to carry around. Fortunately, this new wallet was pocket-sized and foldable, so it fits perfectly with all of my pants and trousers. Also, as we are beginning to life in a cashless society nowadays, we need to carry not only banknotes, but also a lot of different types of cards. This is also what I like most about this wallet. It is a trifold wallet with pockets for paper money and cards, and a window to display anything you want, like a picture of a loved one or a pet.


I was completely satisfied with this brand-new wallet. I don’t know how much my friend had to pay for it but I’m sure that it’s worth every penny. After opening all the gifts, we went on with the party. It was really a blast; I could see happiness in everyone’s eyes.

Từ vựng chủ đề “Describe a time when you received something without having to pay for it”

  • Stand out (p.v) nổi bật

She's the sort of person who stands out in a crowd.

  • Foldable /ˈfoʊl.də.bəl/: có thể gấp lại

This useful foldable bike fits in the boot of your car.

  • Cashless  /ˈkæʃ.ləs/: không cần tiền

We are living in a cashless society

  • Trifold /ˈtrīfōld/: gấp 3 lần

This is a trifold screen.

  • Worth every penny (idiom): đáng giá

  • worth /wɜːrθ/ (adj): đáng giá

  • penny /ˈpeni/ (n): đồng xu

The directors of this company feel he's worth every penny. 

  • Blast /blɑːst/ (n): sự kiện rất vui

The party was a blast.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

Do you like giving gifts?

Yes, I consider true happiness lies in giving happiness to others. I love to see the thrilling experience that people have when they receive a gift. I mean, everybody is going to feel on cloud nine if they receive something unexpectedly, right? Also, I love the feeling when looking for gifts for others because it is gratifying when you do something noble.

  • On cloud nine (idiom): rất vui

    • I was on cloud nine once I had completed it

  • Gratifying /ˈɡrætɪfaɪɪŋ/ (adj): hài lòng

    • It is gratifying to see such good results.

What gifts would parents give to children?

I guess it depends on the preference of their children. But most likely, children’s favorite gifts are toys. However, it’s changing rapidly nowadays as more and more children are into tech gadgets, things like smartphones or laptops. These are a little expensive so parents should think carefully before making a purchase.

  • Tech gadget /tɛk gæʤɪt/: thiết bị công nghệ

    • There are so many useful tech gadgets nowadays

What factors do parents consider when choosing a gift for children?

I don’t know, I’m not a parent. But I guess they need to take price into consideration firstly. They obviously don’t want to put themselves into debt just because of a gift for their children. Secondly, the function of the gift is also important. Phones and games can make children addicted, which seriously affects their academic performance.

  • take into consideration /teɪk ˈɪntuː kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən/: cân nhắc

    • You must take his illness into consideration before dismissing him.

  • academic performance: thể hiện trong học tập

    • Academic /ӕkəˈdemik/ (adj): thuộc về học tập

    • Performance /pərˈfɔːrməns/ (n): sự thể hiện

    • His academic performance was not very good.

What kinds of free gifts do people give? Why do people feel happy when they receive free gifts?

I guess handicraft products are most common as they are affordable and easy to make. Besides that, gifts that make people’s life more comfortable, such as electronic appliances. The reason why people are happy when they receive gifts is simple, they feel loved and respected. It would certainly bring a smile to their face.

  • Handcraft /ˈhænd.kræft/ (n): thủ công

    • There are many handicraft teachers willing to teach you.

  • bring a smile to their face (idiom): mang lại nụ cười cho ai đó

    • These financial results are sure to put smiles on our investors' faces.

Do you think our government should provide free gifts for our citizens?

Yes. During this difficult time, lots of people are unemployed and homeless, so they are in desperate need of government support. Therefore, if it is possible, I think that the government should give out something, especially something that can lift people out of poverty.

  • Lift someone out of poverty: giúp ai đó thoát khỏi nghèo khổ

  • poverty /ˈpɑːvərti/ (n): sự nghèo khổ

  • Vietnamese people, by working extremely hard, lifted themselves out of poverty

Bài viết liên quan

Tác giả hy vọng qua bài viết trên đây, người học có thể áp dụng những cấu trúc và từ vựng được giới thiệu trong bài để giúp bố cục câu trả lời rõ ràng và mạch lạc hơn, cũng như là tối đa điểm thi cho bài thi IELTS Speaking chủ đề “Describe a time when you received something without having to pay for it”.

Tham khảo thêm khóa học IELTS online để được trải nghiệm quá trình học tập theo nhu cầu cá nhân và giải đáp những khó khăn gặp phải.

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