Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing

“Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing” thuộc nhóm chủ đề “Describe an experience (miêu tả trải nghiệm)” - nhóm chủ đề rất thường gặp trong Part 2 IELTS Speaking. Bài viết sau đây sẽ gợi ý sample cho chủ đề này, cùng với đó là câu trả lời mẫu cho các câu hỏi thường gặp trong IELTS Speaking Part 3 chủ đề “Waiting”.
ZIM Academy
describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing

Bài mẫu chủ đề Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing

Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing

You should say:

  • when it happened and what the nice thing was

  • how long you waited

  • why you waited for a long time

and explain how you felt about the experience

Dàn ý

Situation - Talk about a time when your patience was tested, which was when you attended a highly-anticipated music concert in your city.

Task - Describe the event, the excitement leading up to it, the duration of the wait, the reasons behind the extended wait, and your emotions during and after the experience.

Action - Provide specific details about when and where the concert took place, your eagerness in anticipation of the event, the circumstances at the venue (including the lengthy queue and factors contributing to the delay), and your interactions with fellow concert-goers.

Result - Convey your feelings of excitement, joy, and fulfillment that you experienced during the concert, and reflect on how the wait added value to the overall experience.

Bài mẫu

So, I’m going to talk about a time when my patience was put to the test. It was when I attended a much-anticipated music concert in my city.

The event took place on a warm July evening. I had been eagerly awaiting this concert for months as it featured one of my favorite bands, and they were performing their greatest hits live. I bought my ticket as soon as they were available, and the excitement had been building up ever since.

On the day of the concert, I arrived at the venue several hours early to secure a good spot close to the stage. However, I was taken aback when I saw the massive line of fans already waiting. It seemed like everyone shared my enthusiasm. I joined the queue, and the wait began.

I waited for approximately four hours before the doors finally opened. The prolonged wait was due to several factors. First, the band had a massive following, and their concerts were always sold out, so the venue was packed with fans. Second, the security checks were thorough to ensure the safety of all attendees. Lastly, the organizers wanted to ensure that everyone had a chance to get inside smoothly, which led to a slower entry process.
Despite the long wait, my excitement only grew stronger. I chatted with fellow fans, shared stories about our favorite songs, and even made a few new friends. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation, and it felt like a community of music enthusiasts coming together.

When I finally entered the concert hall, and the band started playing their first song, it was an incredible feeling. The wait was entirely worth it. Being so close to the stage, feeling the energy of the crowd, and hearing my favorite songs performed live was an unforgettable experience. The sense of joy and fulfillment I felt during those hours of waiting and during the concert itself was immeasurable.

In hindsight, waiting for hours in line might seem like a hassle, but it was an essential part of the overall concert experience. It taught me that the anticipation and shared excitement with fellow fans can make the event even more enjoyable. I left the concert with incredible memories and a sense of satisfaction that I had been part of something truly special.

Từ vựng cần lưu ý

  • Much-anticipated (Được mong đợi nhiều): Được chờ đợi nhiều với sự hào hứng lớn.

  • Eagerly awaiting (Chờ đợi một cách háo hức): Rất mong đợi điều gì đó với sự hào hứng.

  • Packed with fans (Đông đúc với các fan): Đầy đủ sự ủng hộ nhiệt tình từ người hâm mộ.

  • Thorough (Kỹ lưỡng): Thực hiện một cách tỉ mỉ với sự chú ý đặc biệt đến chi tiết.

  • Entry process (Quá trình vào cửa): Các bước thực hiện để cho phép mọi người vào một sự kiện hoặc địa điểm.

  • Buzzing with anticipation (Đang sôi nổi với sự chờ đợi): Đầy sự phấn khích và kỳ vọng.

  • Community of music enthusiasts (Cộng đồng người yêu nhạc): Một nhóm người chia sẻ đam mê với âm nhạc.

  • Sense of joy and fulfillment (Cảm giác vui sướng và trọn vẹn): Một cảm giác hạnh phúc và toại nguyện, đạt được điều mong ước.

  • Part of something truly special (Một phần của điều gì đó thực sự đặc biệt): Tham gia vào một trải nghiệm hoặc sự kiện đặc biệt thực sự.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample – Waiting

1. On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?

You know, there are plenty of times when we find ourselves stuck waiting, and it can be a real drag. Think about going to governmental offices – it can really test your patience. Then there's the airport, where you can spend what feels like an eternity in security lines and waiting for your flight. Rush hour traffic, especially in big cities, is another prime example. Oh, and let's not forget those endless lines at theme parks or the time you spend twiddling your thumbs at the doctor's office. Waiting is just part of life, it seems!

  • A real drag: một điều gây khó chịu hoặc phiền phức trong một khoảng thời gian dài

Example: Waiting in long lines at the post office can be a real drag. (Đứng hàng dài ở bưu điện có thể làm bạn cảm thấy thực sự khó chịu.)

  • Test your patience: Thử thách sự kiên nhẫn của bạn

Example: Dealing with technical issues on the computer can really test your patience, especially when you have work to do. (Xử lý các vấn đề kỹ thuật trên máy tính thực sự thử thách lòng kiên nhẫn của bạn, đặc biệt khi bạn có công việc phải làm.)

2. What do people do while waiting?

People get pretty creative when they're killing time during a wait. Some folks are glued to their phones, scrolling through social media or playing games. Others might have a book or a magazine handy to dive into. And then there are those who just lean back and let their minds wander – daydreaming is a time-honored waiting pastime. It really depends on what you've got with you and how patient you're feeling at that moment.

  • Killing time: Giết thời gian

Example: While waiting for the doctor's appointment, she started playing a mobile game to kill time. (Trong khi chờ cuộc hẹn với bác sĩ, cô ấy bắt đầu chơi trò chơi trên điện thoại di động để giết thời gian.)

  • Dive into: Đắm chìm vào

Example: When she opens a good book, she can easily dive into the story and lose track of time. (Khi cô ấy mở một cuốn sách hay, cô ấy có thể dễ dàng đắm chìm vào câu chuyện và mất dấu thời gian.)

3. Are most people patient while waiting?

Well, patience is a virtue, but let's be real – not everyone's got it in abundance. Most people can handle a bit of waiting, especially if they've got something to occupy themselves. But if it's one of those never-ending waits in an uncomfortable spot, you might see some people getting antsy. Patience wears thin when the wait feels like it's stretching on forever, or if the waiting area is as comfy as a rock.

  • Patience is a virtue: Kiên nhẫn là một phẩm chất

Example: Patience is a virtue that can help individuals handle challenging situations with grace and composure. (Kiên nhẫn là một phẩm chất có thể giúp cá nhân xử lý các tình huống khó khăn một cách khéo léo và điềm tĩnh.)

  • Getting antsy: Trở nên bồn chồn, không còn kiên nhẫn

Example: After waiting for hours at the airport, passengers started getting antsy, eager to board their flights. (Sau khi đợi suốt giờ đồng hồ tại sân bay, hành khách bắt đầu trở nên bồn chồn, háo hức lên máy bay của họ.)

  • As comfy as a rock: Không thoải mái, không dễ chịu

Example: The old wooden chairs in the waiting room were as comfy as a rock, making the wait even more uncomfortable. (Những chiếc ghế gỗ cũ trong phòng chờ không thoải mái, khiến thời gian chờ đợi trở nên khó chịu hơn.)

4. Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?

Ah, kids and waiting – that can be a real challenge. You see, they're wired for instant gratification. The concept of time isn't their strong suit, so sitting still and waiting patiently is like torture for them. It's all part of growing up, though. As they get older, they start to grasp the idea of waiting their turn a bit better.

  • Sitting still: Ngồi yên

Example: It's a challenge to get young children to sit still during long car rides; they often become restless. (Không dễ để làm cho trẻ nhỏ ngồi yên trong suốt những chuyến đi xe dài; chúng thường trở nên hiếu động.)

  • Waiting patiently: Chờ đợi một cách kiên nhẫn

Example: The doctor's office was busy, but she waited patiently for her turn to see the physician. (Phòng của bác sĩ rất đông, nhưng cô đã chờ đợi một cách kiên nhẫn để đến lượt được gặp bác sĩ.)

5. Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train?

Well, most people do try to line up properly while waiting for the subway. It's like an unspoken rule to keep things civilized. But, you know how it goes when it's super crowded or everyone's in a hurry – it can turn into a bit of a free-for-all. Still, queuing up consciously is generally the way to go to avoid subway chaos.

  • Line up: Xếp hàng

Example: People often line up at the bus stop to board the bus in an orderly manner. (Người ta thường xếp hàng ở bến xe buýt để lên xe buýt một cách theo thứ tự.)

  • Unspoken rule: Quy tắc không nói thành lời

Example: In many cultures, waiting your turn in line is an unspoken rule of etiquette. (Trong nhiều văn hóa, việc chờ lượt trong hàng là một quy tắc không nói thành lời của phép lịch sự.)

Tham khảo thêm:

Tổng kết

Mong rằng thông qua bài viết này, người học đã nắm được cách triển khai ý cho chủ đề Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing.

Lộ trình ôn luyện IELTS cụ thể và hiệu quả là yếu tố then chốt giúp người học đạt được điểm cao. Học thử khóa học luyện thi IELTS tại ZIM để trải nghiệm hôm nay.

Bạn muốn học thêm về nội dung này?

Đặt lịch học 1-1 với Giảng viên tại ZIM để được học sâu hơn về nội dung của bài viết bạn đang đọc. Thời gian linh hoạt và học phí theo buổi

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