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PTE Writing Summarize Written Text Template - Tổng quan & bài mẫu

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pte writing summarize written text template tong quan bai mau

Nằm trong chuỗi bài viết về kỳ thi, bài viết dưới đây sẽ cung cấp cho người học cái nhìn tổng quan về dạng bài PTE Writing Summarize Written Text và 8 PTE Writing Summarize Written Text Template cho dạng bài này.

Key Takeaways

Tổng quan PTE Writing Summarize Written Text: dạng câu hỏi yêu cầu thí sinh tóm tắt đoạn văn được cung cấp bằng một trả lời ngắn. Dạng bài này đánh giá kỹ năng Reading và Writing thông qua bộ kỹ năng đọc hiểu, phân tích, kết nối thông tin, và tóm tắt ý chính.

8 PTE Summarize Written Text Template: cung cấp đề bài, các từ khóa chính và bài mẫu hoàn chỉnh

Tổng quan PTE Writing Summarize Written Text

Dạng bài PTE Writing Summarize Written Text (tóm tắt văn bản) là một trong hai dạng bài Writing xuất hiện trong bài thi PTE. Đây là dạng câu hỏi yêu cầu thí sinh trả lời ngắn, đánh giá kỹ năng Reading và Writing thông qua bộ kỹ năng đọc hiểu, phân tích, kết nối thông tin, và tóm tắt ý chính.

Tham khảo: Bài thi PTE Writing là gì? - Những lưu ý và cách làm cho từng dạng bài

Hình thức cụ thể của bài thi như sau:

  • Đề bài cung cấp một đoạn văn dài tối đa 300 chữ

  • Thí sinh có nhiệm vụ tóm tắt đoạn văn bằng MỘT câu văn duy nhất, độ dài từ 5 đến 75 chữ cái

Đề bài PTE Writing Summarize Written TextNguồn ảnh: Sách “Practice Tests Plus with key PTE Academic”

Về số lượng câu hỏi, kỳ thi PTE Academic sẽ cung cấp từ 2 hoặc 3 bài PTE Writing Summarize Written Text, phụ thuộc vào cấu trúc bài thì từng lần. Về thời gian làm bài, mỗi thí sinh có 10 phút để hoàn thành dạng bài này. Do vậy, khi hết thời gian, bài kiểm tra sẽ chuyển tiếp tự động sang bài mới.

Tiêu chí chấm điểm bài thi này cũng được chỉ rõ trong cuốn sách “The Official Guide To PTE Academic”. Theo tác giả, dạng bài này được đánh giá trên 4 tiêu chí: nội dung, định dạng, ngữ pháp, từ vựng. Mỗi tiêu chí được quy định các mốc điểm khác nhau tương ứng với yêu cầu cụ thể để đạt được từng mốc. Người học có thể tham khảo chi tiết nội dung trên cùng với các bước làm phần thi này tại bài viết Chiến thuật chinh phục dạng bài PTE Writing Summarize Written Text

8 PTE Summarize Written Text Templates

PTE Summarize Written Text Template 1

Đề bài

By far the most popular and most consumed drink in the world is water, but it may come as no surprise that the second most popular beverage is tea. Although tea was originally grown only in certain parts of Asia - in countries such as China, Burma and India - it is now a key export product in more than 50 countries around the globe. Countries that grow tea, however, need to have the right tropical climate, which includes up to 200 centimeters of rainfall per year to encourage fast growth, and temperatures that range from ten to 35 degrees centigrade. They also need to have quite specific geographical features, such as high altitudes to promote the flavor and taste of the tea, and land that can offer plenty of shade in the form of other trees and vegetation to keep the plants cool and fresh. Together these conditions contribute to the production of the wide range of high-quality teas that are in such huge demand among the world's consumers. There is green tea, jasmine tea, earl grey tea, peppermint tea, tea to help you sleep, tea to promote healing and tea to relieve stress; but above all, tea is a social drink that seems to suit the palates and consumption habits of human beings in general. (Nguồn: Practice Tests Plus with key PTE Academic)

Bài mẫu

Các từ khóa chính:

  • By far the most popular and most consumed drink in the world is water, but it may come as no surprise that the second most popular beverage is tea.

  • Although tea was originally grown only in certain parts of Asia - in countries such as China, Burma and India - it is now a key export product in more than 50 countries around the globe.

  • Countries that grow tea, however, need to have the right tropical climate, which includes up to 200 centimeters of rainfall per year to encourage fast growth, and temperatures that range from ten to 35 degrees centigrade. They also need to have quite specific geographical features, such as high altitudes to promote the flavor and taste of the tea, and land that can offer plenty of shade in the form of other trees and vegetation to keep the plants cool and fresh.

  • Together these conditions contribute to the production of the wide range of high-quality teas that are in such huge demand among the world's consumers. There is green tea, jasmine tea, earl grey tea, peppermint tea, tea to help you sleep, tea to promote healing and tea to relieve stress; but above all, tea is a social drink that seems to suit the palates and consumption habits of human beings in general.

Đáp án:

Tea, the second most consumed beverage globally, originated in certain parts of Asia but is now a key export product in over 50 countries, necessitating specific tropical conditions, including adequate rainfall, temperatures between 10 to 35 degrees centigrade, high altitudes, and shaded land, which collectively contribute to the production of a wide range of high-quality teas with various flavors and health benefits, ultimately making it a popular and sociable drink enjoyed by people worldwide. (74 words)

(Trà, đồ uống được tiêu thụ nhiều thứ hai trên toàn cầu, có nguồn gốc từ một số khu vực ở châu Á nhưng hiện là sản phẩm xuất khẩu chủ lực ở hơn 50 quốc gia, đòi hỏi các điều kiện nhiệt đới cụ thể, bao gồm lượng mưa thích hợp, nhiệt độ từ 10 đến 35 độ C, độ cao và đất có bóng mát. , góp phần chung vào việc sản xuất nhiều loại trà chất lượng cao với nhiều hương vị và lợi ích sức khỏe khác nhau, cuối cùng khiến nó trở thành thức uống phổ biến và được mọi người trên toàn thế giới yêu thích)

PTE Summarize Written Text Template 2

Đề bài

With all the discussions about protecting the earth and saving the planet, it is easy to forget that we also need to preserve the many species of fish that live in the oceans. In developed countries, much larger quantities of fish are consumed than was the case a century ago when fish only featured on the menu once a week. These days, fish has become a popular healthy alternative to meat and this has created a demand for species such as cod, mackerel and tuna that far outstrips the demands of the previous generation. Throughout the world too, increasing consumption during the past 30 years has meant that the shallow parts of the ocean have been overfished in an effort to supply homes, shops and restaurants with the quantities of fish that they require. Yet despite the sophisticated fishing techniques of today, catches are smaller than they were a century or more ago. What is more, boats are having to drop their nets much deeper into the oceans and the fish they are coming up with are smaller and weigh less than they used to. While government controls have had some effect on fish stocks, the future does not offer a promising picture. Experts predict large-scale extinctions and an irreversibly damaging effect on entire ecosystems, unless greater efforts are made to conserve fish stocks and prevent overfishing in the world's waters. (Nguồn: Practice Tests Plus with key PTE Academic)

Bài mẫu

Các từ khóa chính:

  • With all the discussions about protecting the earth and saving the planet, it is easy to forget that we also need to preserve the many species of fish that live in the oceans.

  • In developed countries, much larger quantities of fish are consumed

  • These days, fish has become a popular healthy alternative to meat

  • Throughout the world too, increasing consumption during the past 30 years has meant that the shallow parts of the ocean have been overfished 

  • Catches are smaller than they were a century or more ago. 

  • The fish they are coming up with are smaller and weigh less than they used to.

  • Experts predict large-scale extinctions and an irreversibly damaging effect on entire ecosystems, unless greater efforts are made to conserve fish stocks and prevent overfishing in the world's waters.

Đáp án: Amidst discussions on environmental protection, it is crucial to remember the need for preserving fish species in oceans, as increased consumption in developed countries, driven by the popularity of fish as a healthy alternative to meat, has led to overfishing in shallow ocean areas, resulting in smaller catches and fish of reduced size, with experts warning of large-scale extinctions and irreversible damage to ecosystems unless greater efforts are made to conserve fish stocks and prevent overfishing. (75 words)

(Giữa các cuộc thảo luận về bảo vệ môi trường, điều quan trọng phải nhớ là phải bảo tồn các loài cá trong đại dương, vì việc tiêu thụ tăng lên ở các nước phát triển, thúc đẩy bởi sự phổ biến của cá như một lựa chọn lành mạnh thay thế thịt, đã dẫn đến việc đánh bắt cá quá mức ở các khu vực biển cạn, dẫn đến việc bắt ít hơn và cá có kích thước giảm đi, các chuyên gia cảnh báo về tuyệt chủng hàng loạt và sự tổn hại không thể khắc phục cho hệ sinh thái, trừ khi có những nỗ lực lớn hơn để bảo vệ nguồn cá và ngăn chặn đánh bắt cá quá mức.

PTE Summarize Written Text Template 3

Đề bài

Current research into the nature of the relationship between participation in physical activity/sport and educational performance has produced mixed, inconsistent and often non-comparable results. For example, some cross-sectional studies illustrate a positive correlation between participation in sport and physical activity and academic success (e.g. maths, reading, acuity, reaction times). However, critics point to a general failure to solve the issue of direction of cause - whether intelligence leads to success in sport, whether involvement in sport enhances academic performance, or whether a third factor (e.g. personality traits) explains both.

Longitudinal studies also generally support the suggestion that academic performance is enhanced, or at least maintained, by increased habitual physical activity. Yet such studies are criticized for not being definitive because some do not use randomised allocation of pupils to experimental and control groups (to control for pre-existing differences), others tend to use (subjective) teacher-assigned grades to assess academic achievement, rather than standardised and comparable tests; and some programmes include parallel interventions, making it difficult to isolate specific effects. More generically, one key piece of research illustrates that both acute exercise and chronic training programmes have small, but beneficial, positive impacts on cognitive performance. However, this study concludes that as experimental rigour decreased, effect size increased. Further, generalisation is limited because effect size is influenced by the nature and type of exercise, the type of participants, the nature of the cognitive tests and the methodological quality of the study. (Nguồn: Practice Tests Plus with key PTE Academic)

Bài mẫu

Các từ khóa chính:

Current research into the nature of the relationship between participation in physical activity/sport and educational performance has produced mixed, inconsistent and often non-comparable results.

For example, some cross-sectional studies illustrate a positive correlation between participation in sport and physical activity and academic success

However, critics point to a general failure to solve the issue of direction of cause

Longitudinal studies also generally support the suggestion that academic performance is enhanced, or at least maintained, by increased habitual physical activity.

Further, generalisation is limited because effect size is influenced by the nature and type of exercise, the type of participants, the nature of the cognitive tests and the methodological quality of the study

Đáp án: 

Research on the relationship between physical activity/sport and educational performance has produced mixed and inconsistent results. Some studies suggest a positive correlation, but causality and other factors remain unclear. Longitudinal studies generally support the idea that increased physical activity benefits academic performance, but criticisms include methodological limitations and varied outcomes. Exercise has shown small positive effects on cognitive performance, influenced by exercise type, participant characteristics, cognitive tests, and study quality. (71 words)

(Nghiên cứu về mối quan hệ giữa hoạt động thể chất/thể thao và kết quả học tập đã đưa ra những kết quả khác nhau và không nhất quán. Một số nghiên cứu cho thấy mối tương quan tích cực, nhưng quan hệ nhân quả và các yếu tố khác vẫn chưa rõ ràng. Các nghiên cứu thường ủng hộ ý tưởng rằng hoạt động thể chất tăng lên sẽ mang lại lợi ích cho kết quả học tập, nhưng những lời chỉ trích bao gồm những hạn chế về phương pháp và kết quả khác nhau. Tập thể dục đã cho thấy những tác động tích cực nhỏ đến hiệu suất nhận thức, bị ảnh hưởng bởi loại bài tập, đặc điểm của người tham gia, bài kiểm tra nhận thức và chất lượng học tập.)

PTE Summarize Written Text Template 4

Đề bài

Humans have been cultivating chillies as food for 6,000 years, but we are still learning new things about the science behind their heat and how it reacts with our body. In the late 1990s, scientists identified the pain nerves that detect capsaicin: the chemical in chillies responsible for most of the burning sensation in our mouth. But it's only during the last few years that scientists have also learnt why chillies evolved to be spicy in the first place, and they have managed to cultivate new varieties that are up to 300 times hotter than the common Jalapeno.

The hottest part of a chilli is not the seeds, as many people think, but the white flesh that houses the seeds, known as the placenta. But why did chillies evolve to be hot in the first place? Most scientists believe capsaicin acts mainly as a deterrent against would-be mammal predators such as rodents. But recent research suggests this may not be the whole story. US scientists working in Bolivia have studied how hot and mild chillies differ in their susceptibility to a certain harmful fungus. It turns out that the hotter the chilli, the better its defences against the fungus, leading the researchers to propose that heat may have evolved to help chillies deal with harmful microbes, as well as hungry mammals. (Nguồn: Practice Tests Plus with key PTE Academic)

Bài mẫu

Các từ khóa chính:

  • Humans have been cultivating chillies as food for 6,000 years

  •  In the late 1990s, scientists identified the pain nerves that detect capsaicin: the chemical in chillies responsible for most of the burning sensation

  • They have managed to cultivate new varieties that are up to 300 times hotter than the common Jalapeno.

  • Most scientists believe capsaicin acts mainly as a deterrent against would-be mammal predators such as rodents. 

  • It turns out that the hotter the chili, the better its defenses against the fungus, leading the researchers to propose that heat may have evolved to help chillies deal with harmful microbes, as well as hungry mammals.

Đáp án: 

Chillies, cultivated by humans for thousands of years, continue to reveal new insights into their heat and interaction with our bodies, with recent scientific discoveries demonstrating that capsaicin, the chemical responsible for the burning sensation in our mouths, serves as a deterrent against mammal predators and provides defense against harmful microbes, leading to the cultivation of extremely spicy varieties that are up to 300 times hotter than the common Jalapeno by leveraging these defense mechanisms. (75 words)

(Ớt, được con người trồng trong hàng nghìn năm, tiếp tục tiết lộ những hiểu biết mới về sức nóng và sự tương tác của chúng với cơ thể chúng ta, với những khám phá khoa học gần đây chứng minh rằng capsaicin, chất hóa học gây ra cảm giác nóng rát trong miệng của chúng ta, có tác dụng ngăn chặn những kẻ săn mồi và cung cấp khả năng bảo vệ chống lại các vi khuẩn có hại, dẫn đến việc trồng các giống cực kỳ cay, nóng hơn tới 300 lần so với ớt Jalapeno thông thường bằng cách tận dụng các cơ chế bảo vệ này)

PTE Summarize Written Text Template 5

Đề bài

Inequality between world citizens used to be determined in equal measures by class and location. New research, however, reveals that people's fortunes are being dictated primarily by where they live. As a result, economic migration has become the key way for individuals from developing countries to improve their economic standing, and governments will not be able to alleviate the pressure of migration on their societies until global inequality is reduced.

In Global Inequality: from class to location, from proletarians to migrants, Branko Milanovic, of the University of Maryland, examines the differences in income between countries and concludes that a key priority for policy makers should be aid and support for developing countries.

'Not only is the overall inequality between world citizens greater in the early 21st century than it was more than a century and a half ago, but its composition has entirely changed; from being an inequality determined in equal measures by class and location, it has become preponderantly an inequality determined by location only,' finds the report. 'Analysis of incomes across countries for different members of the population reveals a wide gap between the underprivileged in wealthy societies and in less wealthy countries. This fact is of great political and economic significance. Individuals can now make large gains from migrating to wealthier countries (Nguồn: Practice Tests Plus with key PTE Academic)

Bài mẫu

Các từ khóa chính:

  • New research, however, reveals that people's fortunes are being dictated primarily by where they live. 

  • As a result, economic migration has become the key way for individuals from developing countries to improve their economic standing, and governments will not be able to alleviate the pressure of migration on their societies until global inequality is reduced.

  • Branko Milanovic, of the University of Maryland, examines the differences in income between countries and concludes that a key priority for policy makers should be aid and support for developing countries.

Đáp án:

Global inequality has shifted from being primarily determined by class and location to being predominantly influenced by location alone, leading to economic migration as the primary means for individuals from developing countries to improve their economic status, and governments will struggle to address migration pressures until there is a reduction in global inequality, according to research by Branko Milanovic, emphasizing the need for policy makers to prioritize aid and support for developing nations. (73 words)

(Bất bình đẳng toàn cầu đã chuyển từ chủ yếu được xác định bởi giai cấp và vị trí sang bị ảnh hưởng chủ yếu bởi vị trí, dẫn đến di cư kinh tế là phương tiện chính để các cá nhân từ các nước đang phát triển cải thiện tình trạng kinh tế của họ và các chính phủ sẽ đấu tranh để giải quyết áp lực di cư cho đến làm giảm thiểu được bất bình đẳng toàn cầu, theo nghiên cứu của Branko Milanovic, nhấn mạnh sự cần thiết của các nhà hoạch định chính sách để ưu tiên viện trợ và hỗ trợ cho các quốc gia đang phát triển.)

PTE Summarize Written Text Template 6

Đề bài

English is the world's lingua franca, the language of science, technology, business, diplomacy and popular culture. That probably explains why it is the world's most widely spoken language. It probably also explains why native English speakers are so reluctant to learn a second language. It's not worth the effort.

In 2005, the European Commission carried out a survey of the European Union's 25 member states. The two with the lowest rates of bilingualism - defined as being able to hold a conversation in more than one language - were the UK and Ireland. About two-thirds of people in these countries speak only English. It's a similar story wherever English is spoken as the mother tongue. Only about 25 per cent of US citizens can converse in another language. In Australia, the rates are even lower.

Compare that with continental Europe, where multilingualism is the rule rather than the exception. More than half of EU citizens are bilingual, and not just because they live in countries like Luxembourg with multiple official languages. Even in France, which has only one official language and is immensely proud of its linguistic heritage, most people speak a second language.

Again, that is largely down to the dominance of English. Across Europe, English is by far the most commonly learned language. High levels of bilingualism are not driven by a general desire to learn languages but a specific need to learn English. (Nguồn: Practice Tests Plus with key PTE Academic)

Bài mẫu

Các từ khóa chính:

  • English is the world's lingua franca

  • It probably also explains why native English speakers are so reluctant to learn a second language. 

  • The two with the lowest rates of bilingualism - defined as being able to hold a conversation in more than one language - were the UK and Ireland.

  • Across Europe, English is by far the most commonly learned language. High levels of bilingualism are not driven by a general desire to learn languages but a specific need to learn English.

Đáp án:

English has become the world's dominant language due to its widespread use in various fields, which explains why native English speakers tend to be reluctant to learn a second language, resulting in lower rates of bilingualism in English-speaking countries compared to continental Europe where multilingualism is more prevalent, largely driven by the necessity to learn English. (56 words)

(Tiếng Anh đã trở thành ngôn ngữ thống trị thế giới do được sử dụng rộng rãi trong nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau, điều này giải thích tại sao người nói tiếng Anh bản xứ có xu hướng không muốn học ngôn ngữ thứ hai, dẫn đến tỷ lệ song ngữ ở các nước nói tiếng Anh thấp hơn so với lục địa châu Âu, nơi đa ngôn ngữ phổ biến hơn, phần lớn là do nhu cầu học tiếng Anh.)

PTE Summarize Written Text Template 7

Đề bài

Times are fraught, and overstretched executives are constantly on the lookout for a way to clear their minds so they can work in a calmer, more effective, and more responsive way. Cultivating a special state of consciousness called 'mindfulness' - an intense awareness of the here and now is proving attractive to a growing number of senior managers, both in the US and elsewhere.

Mindfulness is achieved by meditation techniques, often involving sitting on a cushion, eyes closed, concentrating on the inflow and outflow of your breath. Or you might spend 10 minutes studying, sniffing, tasting and finally eating a piece of fruit. That might make it sound like a remnant of the navel-gazing 1960s and 1970s, but the evidence for mindfulness's effectiveness is good enough to have impressed hard-nosed companies such as Google (which has invited mindfulness gurus to speak at the Googleplex), General Mills, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deutsche Bank, Procter & Gamble, AstraZeneca, Apple, Credit Suisse, KPMG, Innocent, Reuters and many more.

According to Don McCormick, assistant professor of management at California State University and a dedicated meditator, it 'can help individuals to manage workplace stress, perform tasks more effectively, enhance self-awareness and self-regulation, experience work as more meaningful, improve workplace relationships, increase ethical behavior, and make perception more accurate'. It is said to pay dividends for leaders and managers, by improving the quality of their listening and communicating. (Nguồn: Practice Tests Plus with key PTE Academic)

Bài mẫu

Các từ khóa chính:

  • Times are fraught, and overstretched executives are constantly on the lookout for a way to clear their minds so they can work in a calmer, more effective, and more responsive way. 

  • Cultivating a special state of consciousness called 'mindfulness' - an intense awareness of the here and now is proving attractive to a growing number of senior managers, both in the US and elsewhere.

  • Mindfulness is achieved by meditation techniques, often involving sitting on a cushion, eyes closed, concentrating on the inflow and outflow of your breath.

  • According to Don McCormick, assistant professor of management at California State University and a dedicated meditator, it 'can help individuals to manage workplace stress, perform tasks more effectively, enhance self-awareness and self-regulation, experience work as more meaningful, improve workplace relationships, increase ethical behavior, and make perception more accurate

  • That might make it sound like a remnant of the navel-gazing 1960s and 1970s, but the evidence for mindfulness's effectiveness is good enough to have impressed hard-nosed companies

Đáp án:

Mindfulness, characterized by intense awareness of the present moment, has gained popularity among senior managers as a means to clear their minds and work more effectively, with techniques such as meditation and sensory focus on activities like eating fruit proving beneficial for stress management, task performance, self-awareness, self-regulation, meaningful work experiences, workplace relationships, ethical behavior, and improved listening and communication skills, as acknowledged and implemented by many companies. (68 words)

(Tâm thức tỉnh thức, được đặc trưng bởi sự nhận thức sâu sắc về hiện tại, đã trở nên phổ biến trong số các quản lý cấp cao như một phương tiện để làm sạch tâm trí và làm việc hiệu quả hơn, với các kỹ thuật như thiền định và tập trung giác quan vào các hoạt động như ăn trái cây mang lại lợi ích cho việc quản lý stress, hiệu suất công việc, nhận thức về bản thân, tự điều chỉnh, trải nghiệm công việc có ý nghĩa, mối quan hệ trong nơi làm việc, hành vi đạo đức, và cải thiện kỹ năng lắng nghe và giao tiếp, được công nhận và áp dụng bởi nhiều công ty.)

PTE Summarize Written Text Template 8

Đề bài

One of the many critiques of academic research that one runs across is that a lot of research done by a faculty at universities across America doesn't 'do' anything: it doesn't lead to some new product that can be marketed; it doesn't create jobs; it doesn't have an obvious social value. After all, people argue, do we really need studies that chart the maturation of catfish? Or that explore the nuances of a minor poet? What is all this for?

As a consequence of attitudes like these, many people - particularly politicians and business persons - argue that the research function should be stripped from academia, or at least those parts of academia that aren't the major research institutions. Then universities wouldn't need so many faculties, and costs could be contained.

Academics like me offer lots of standard objections to this line of thinking: that research keeps one fresh and up-to-date in the discipline; that the faculty often works with students on their research, thus providing students with invaluable training for their future careers and so on.

All of this is true, but I want to add a different point: the power of chance. In 1990, I took an appointment at the University of Alabama-Huntsville. I had a police officer student who invited me for a ride along. I went - ultimately many times. The book that emerged from the research project I established from that first ride was later included on a list of 'must read' books on public administration by the Government of Canada.

I have no problem with accountability. But if you had asked me what my purpose was when I took my first ride along, and you had demanded to know what use the research could be put to, I would have told you, 'I have no idea'. (Nguồn: Practice Tests Plus with key PTE Academic)

Bài mẫu

Các từ khóa chính:

  • it doesn't lead to some new product that can be marketed; it doesn't create jobs; it doesn't have an obvious social value. 

  • As a consequence of attitudes like these, many people - particularly politicians and business persons - argue that the research function should be stripped from academia

  • All of this is true, but I want to add a different point: the power of chance. 

  • I had a police officer student who invited me for a ride along

  • The book that emerged from the research project I established from that first ride was later included on a list of 'must read' books on public administration by the Government of Canada.

Đáp án:

Critics argue that much academic research lacks practical value or societal impact, leading some to advocate for the removal of research functions from academia to reduce costs, but the author highlights the importance of chance and unexpected outcomes, exemplified by a research project stemming from a ride-along with a police officer that resulted in a book recognized by the Government of Canada, emphasizing the unpredictable yet valuable nature of research endeavors. (71 words)

(Các nhà phê bình cho rằng nhiều nghiên cứu hàn lâm thiếu giá trị thực tế hoặc tác động xã hội, khiến một số người ủng hộ việc loại bỏ chức năng nghiên cứu khỏi giới học thuật để giảm chi phí, nhưng tác giả nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của cơ hội và kết quả bất ngờ, được minh họa bằng một dự án nghiên cứu bắt nguồn từ một chuyến đi. -cùng với một sĩ quan cảnh sát đã tạo ra một cuốn sách được Chính phủ Canada công nhận, nhấn mạnh tính chất khó lường nhưng có giá trị của những nỗ lực nghiên cứu)

Tham khảo thêm:

Tổng kết

Bài viết trên đã cung cấp thông tin tổng quan về dạng bài PTE Summarize Written Text cùng 8 PTE Writing Summarize Written Text Template. Hy vọng rằng thông qua bài viết, người học có thể ứng dụng một cách linh hoạt và chính xác.

Để có lộ trình học bài bản, phương pháp tiếp cận cá nhân hóa chuyên sâu với bài thi PTE, người học có thể tham khảo Khóa học luyện thi PTE cam kết đầu ra của Anh ngữ ZIM

Tài liệu tham khảo

  • The Official Guide to PTE: Pearson Test of English Academic. Pearson Longman Asia, 2010.

  • Practice Tests Plus with key PTE Academic. Pearson Longman Asia, 2013

Tác giả: Nguyễn Ngọc Thảo

Tham vấn chuyên môn
Trần Xuân ĐạoTrần Xuân Đạo
• Là cử nhân loại giỏi chuyên ngành sư phạm tiếng Anh, điểm IELTS 8.0 ở cả hai lần thi • Hiện là giảng viên IELTS toàn thời gian tại ZIM Academy. • Triết lý giáo dục của tôi là ai cũng có thể học tiếng Anh, chỉ cần cố gắng và có phương pháp học tập phù hợp. • Tôi từng được đánh giá là "mất gốc" tiếng Anh ngày còn đi học phổ thông. Tuy nhiên, khi được tiếp cận với nhiều phương pháp giáo dục khác nhau và chọn được cách học phù hợp, tôi dần trở nên yêu thích tiếng Anh và từ đó dần cải thiện khả năng ngôn ngữ của mình.

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