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Phát triển ý IELTS Writing bằng collocations chủ đề định hướng nghề nghiệp (career orientation)

Changing jobs or staying unchanged (Thay đổi hay giữ nguyên việc làm hiện tại) là một chủ đề không dễ dàng trong IELTS Writing. Việc tìm kiếm từ vựng phù hợp và sử dụng cấu trúc câu một cách chính xác để diễn đạt ý tưởng của mình là một thách thức lớn, nhưng khi sử dụng collocations có thể giúp việc viết trở nên dễ dàng hơn. Bài viết này sẽ giới thiệu một số collocations chủ đề định hướng nghề nghiệp, giúp bạn nắm bắt và sử dụng chúng một cách hiệu quả trong bài viết của mình.
phat trien y ielts writing bang collocations chu de dinh huong nghe nghiep career orientation

Key Takeaways

Career advancement: Sự thăng tiến nghề nghiệp

Career aspirations: Khát vọng nghề nghiệp

Career ladder: Thang lương nghề nghiệp

Career progression: Tiến trình sự nghiệp

Career prospects: Triển vọng nghề nghiệp

Career trajectory: Quỹ đạo sự nghiệp

Corporate growth: Sự phát triển doanh nghiệp

Corporate ladder: Thang lương doanh nghiệp

Employee retention: Sự giữ chân nhân viên

Employee turnover: Sự thay thế nhân viên

Financial compensation: Bồi thường tài chính

Financial growth: Tăng trưởng tài chính

Job conditions: Điều kiện công việc

Job hopping: Nhảy việc

Job longevity: Tuổi thọ công việc

Job market: Thị trường việc làm

Job mobility: Sự thay đổi vị trí của công việc

Job opportunities: Cơ hội việc làm

Job satisfaction: Sự hài lòng với công việc

Job security: Sự an ninh công việc

Job stability: Sự ổn định việc làm

Job switching: Chuyển đổi công việc

Periods of adjustment: Thời gian điều chỉnh

Personal growth: Sự phát triển cá nhân

Professional development: Phát triển chuyên môn

Professional network: Mạng lưới chuyên môn

Professional relationships: Mối quan hệ chuyên nghiệp

Professional reputation: Danh tiếng chuyên môn

Salary increments: Sự tăng lương

Skill diversification: Sự đa dạng hóa kỹ năng

Specialized expertise: Chuyên môn chuyên sâu

Work conditions: Điều kiện làm việc

Work-life balance: Cân bằng công việc và cuộc sống

Workforce instability: Sự không ổn định của lực lượng lao động

Workplace culture: Văn hóa nơi làm việc

Các đề Writing liên quan tới collocations chủ đề định hướng nghề nghiệp

Sau đây là một vài ví dụ cho những đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 về chủ đề di dời dân đã xuất hiện trong thời gian qua:

  • Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because it brings advantages for both themselves and their employers. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

  • Some people think that people who choose a job early and keep doing it are more likely to get a satisfying career life than those who frequently change jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  • The world of work is rapidly changing and employees cannot depend on having the same work or the same work conditions for life. Discuss the possible causes and suggest ways to prepare for people to work in the future.

  • Changing jobs can lead to improved salary and career growth, but it also comes with certain challenges. Do the advantages of changing jobs outweigh the disadvantages?

  • Job stability has been a longstanding expectation for employees. What are the reasons behind the changing attitudes towards job stability, and is this a positive or a negative development?

Collocations chủ đề định hướng nghề nghiệp

Dưới đây là bảng collocations liên quan đến chủ đề của bài viết này.



Vietnamese Meaning

English Example Sentence

Career advancement


Sự thăng tiến nghề nghiệp

Changing jobs can provide faster career advancement opportunities.

Career aspirations


Khát vọng nghề nghiệp

Job changes may align better with one's career aspirations.

Career ladder


Thang lương nghề nghiệp

Changing companies can be a faster way to climb the career ladder.

Career progression


Tiến trình sự nghiệp

Regular job changes often bring improved career progression opportunities.

Career prospects


Triển vọng nghề nghiệp

Job changes often bring improved career prospects.

Career trajectory


Quỹ đạo sự nghiệp

The decision to change jobs can significantly influence an individual's career trajectory.

Corporate growth


Sự phát triển doanh nghiệp

Job stability can contribute to corporate growth.

Corporate ladder


Thang lương doanh nghiệp

Ascending the corporate ladder can be expedited by changing companies.

Employee retention


Sự giữ chân nhân viên

Job stability can often aid in employee retention.

Employee turnover


Sự thay thế nhân viên

High employee turnover may be an indicator of a challenging work environment.

Financial compensation


Bồi thường tài chính

Employees may seek financial compensation when changing jobs.

Financial growth


Tăng trưởng tài chính

Changing companies can be a faster way to achieve financial growth.

Job conditions


Điều kiện công việc

Job conditions might not remain the same in rapidly changing work environment.

Job hopping


Nhảy việc

Job hopping can sometimes be viewed negatively by potential employers.

Job longevity


Tuổi thọ công việc

Job longevity might not be a common expectation in today's fluid job market.

Job market


Thị trường việc làm

The international job market is reshaping due to globalization.

Job mobility


Thay đổi vị trí trong công việc

Job mobility allows individuals to gather a diverse set of skills and experiences.

Job opportunities


Cơ hội việc làm

Increasing number of job opportunities is influencing people to frequently change jobs.

Job satisfaction


Sự hài lòng với công việc

Job satisfaction can be attained by either changing jobs or sticking to one role.

Job security


Sự an ninh công việc

Job security is a major factor when considering job changes.

Job stability


Sự ổn định việc làm

Societal norms and values have evolved to prioritize work-life balance over job stability.

Job switching


Chuyển đổi công việc

The advantages of job switching can be substantial.

Periods of adjustment


Thời gian điều chỉnh

Job changes can involve periods of adjustment and learning.

Personal growth


Sự phát triển cá nhân

Changing jobs can sometimes better facilitate personal growth.

Professional development


Phát triển chuyên môn

Continuous professional development should be encouraged in all industries.

Professional network


Mạng lưới chuyên môn

Exposure to new roles can help in expanding one's professional network.

Professional relationships


Mối quan hệ chuyên nghiệp

Changing jobs can mean establishing new professional relationships.

Professional reputation


Danh tiếng chuyên môn

Frequent job changes may potentially impact one's professional reputation.

Salary increments


Sự tăng lương

Salary increments are a major reason why people consider changing jobs.

Skill diversification


Sự đa dạng hóa kỹ năng

Changing jobs may lead to skill diversification.

Specialized expertise


Chuyên môn chuyên sâu

Frequent job changes might impede the development of specialized expertise.

Work conditions


Điều kiện làm việc

Changes in work conditions might influence the decision to switch jobs.

Work-life balance


Cân bằng công việc và cuộc sống

Work-life balance has gained more attention over job stability.

Workforce instability


Sự không ổn định của lực lượng lao động

Frequent job changes can lead to workforce instability.

Workplace culture


Văn hóa nơi làm việc

Adapting to a new workplace culture can be challenging when changing jobs.

Tìm hiểu thêm:

Mind maps

Dựa vào bảng collocations nêu trên, người học nên dành thời gian thành lập các luận điểm liên quan đến các đề Writing đề cập ở đầu bài viết dưới dạng các mind maps.

Dưới đây là 2 mind maps mẫu và rất hữu ích đối với các học viên còn gặp vấn đề về phát triển ý. Các ý bao trùm có thể tạo ra câu luận điểm hay bởi tính khái quát của nó, và các ý nó sẽ tạo thành phần luận cứ chặt chẽ và thuyết phục.

Mindmap 1: Những lợi ích của việc không thay đổi và thay đổi việc làm hiện tại


Mind map 2: Những nguyên nhân gây ra sự thay đổi trong thái độ đối với sự ổn định công việc và đánh giá sự thay đổi là tích cực hay tiêu cực


Người học hoàn toàn có thể phối hợp các ý trong 2 mind maps trên để giải quyết các dạng bài khác nhau có liên quan.

Luyện tập

Ex 1: Match the collocations with their corresponding Vietnamese meanings.


Vietnamese meaning

1. Skill diversification

A. Tiền thưởng và lợi ích khác

2. Workforce instability

B. Sự tăng lương

3. Career aspirations

C. Sự thay đổi công việc của nhân viên

4. Job mobility

D. Sự phát triển của công ty

5. Salary increments

E. Sự giữ chân nhân viên

6. Career progression

F. Sự không ổn định của lực lượng lao động

7. Employee turnover

G. Tiền lương tăng thêm

8. Financial compensation

H. Sự chuyên môn hóa

9. Corporate growth

I. Khả năng di chuyển công việc

10. Employee retention

J. Sự đa dạng kỹ năng

11. Periods of adjustment

K. Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp

12. Specialized expertise

L. Thời gian điều chỉnh

13. Salary increments

M. Tiền thưởng và lợi ích khác

14. Career ladder

N. Sự tiến bộ trong sự nghiệp

15. Financial growth

O. Bậc thang sự nghiệp

Ex 2: Fill in the appropriate collocations in the blanks career goals specialized expertise career ladder professional network career prospects lack of loyalty career trajectory periods of adjustment.

The decision to change jobs is an important one, accompanied by potential benefits and drawbacks that can significantly influence an individual's (1)_______________ . In my opinion, while the advantages of job switching can be substantial, the potential disadvantages necessitate careful consideration, thereby making this a balanced issue rather than a matter of clear dominance of one over the other.

Job changes often bring opportunities for higher salaries and improved career prospects. Changing companies can be a faster way to climb the (2)_______________ and achieve financial growth, compared to waiting for promotions within a single organization. Additionally, exposure to diverse work environments can lead to the acquisition of new skills and a broader (3)_______________, which can further enhance career growth.

Nonetheless, frequent job changes can also present significant challenges. One of the major potential downsides is the perception of instability or (4)_______________. An employee who changes jobs regularly may be seen as unreliable by future employers, potentially hindering (5)_______________. Moreover, job changes can involve (6)_______________ and learning, which can be stressful. Changing roles or industries might also mean stepping out of one's comfort zone and facing the pressure to quickly adapt to new colleagues, workplace cultures, and job requirements.

Additionally, frequent job changes might impede the development of deep, (7)_______________ that can be gained by dedicating many years to a particular role or company. This specialized knowledge can be crucial for roles in certain industries, such as scientific research or academia.

In conclusion, while job changes can accelerate salary increments and career advancement, they also pose potential challenges in terms of perception, stress, and specialized skill development. Therefore, the decision to change jobs should be based on individual circumstances, (8)_______________, and the nature of the specific roles and industries involved. It's essential to weigh the potential for growth and development against the risks and challenges involved. Hence, I believe that neither the advantages nor the disadvantages categorically outweigh the other; instead, the balance between the two depends on the individual and their particular situation.

Ex 3: Create an outline and write a comprehensive answer for this topic. Write a minimum of 250 words.

With the increasing number of job opportunities, people are frequently changing jobs. Is this a positive or a negative development?

Đáp án

Bài 1

  1. Skill diversification - J. Sự đa dạng kỹ năng

  2. Workforce instability - F. Sự không ổn định của lực lượng lao động

  3. Career aspirations - K. Mục tiêu nghề nghiệp

  4. Job mobility - I. Khả năng di chuyển công việc

  5. Salary increments - B. Sự tăng lương

  6. Career progression - N. Sự tiến bộ trong sự nghiệp

  7. Employee turnover - C. Sự thay đổi công việc của nhân viên

  8. Financial compensation - A. Tiền thưởng và lợi ích khác

  9. Corporate growth - D. Sự phát triển của công ty

  10. Employee retention - E. Sự giữ chân nhân viên

  11. Periods of adjustment - L. Thời gian điều chỉnh

  12. Specialized expertise - H. Sự chuyên môn hóa

  13. Salary increments - G. Tiền lương tăng thêm

  14. Career ladder - O. Bậc thang sự nghiệp

  15. Financial growth - M. Phát triển tài chính

Bài 2

  1. Career trajectory - Quỹ đạo sự nghiệp

  2. Career ladder - Thang sự nghiệp

  3. Professional network - Mạng lưới chuyên nghiệp

  4. Lack of loyalty - Thiếu lòng trung thành

  5. Career prospects - Triển vọng sự nghiệp

  6. Periods of adjustment - Thời gian điều chỉnh

  7. Specialized expertise - Chuyên môn hóa

  8. Career goals - Mục tiêu sự nghiệp

Bài 3

Outline gợi ý:

I. Introduction

Introduce the topic: An increasing trend of frequent job changes due to more job opportunities.

Thesis statement: This phenomenon is a double-edged sword, bringing both positive and negative impacts.

II. Body Paragraph 1

Topic sentence: Discuss the positive aspects of frequent job changes.

Explanation: Describe how job changes can lead to personal growth and financial benefits.

Example: Briefly introduce an example (such as a worker switching industries) to support the claim.

III. Body Paragraph 2

Topic sentence: Discuss the negative consequences of frequent job changes.

Explanation: Discuss potential downsides including workforce instability, a potential perception of lack of loyalty, and the loss of tacit knowledge within businesses.

Example: Provide a hypothetical scenario that demonstrates these negative consequences.

IV. Conclusion

Summarize the main points of both paragraphs.

Restate the thesis: Frequent job changes, driven by the increase in job opportunities, have both benefits and drawbacks.

Closing thoughts: Highlight the importance of balancing personal growth and financial improvement with job stability and loyalty to one's organization.

Bài mẫu tham khảo

The increasing trend of job switching, owing to the rise in job opportunities, can be viewed as a double-edged sword, characterized by both positives and negatives. On one hand, it fosters personal growth, economic improvement, and broadens one's horizons; on the other hand, it can cultivate an unstable workforce and impact long-term corporate growth.

To begin with, the positive aspect of frequent job changes lies mainly in personal development. Individuals are more likely to enhance their skill set and knowledge base by exposing themselves to diverse work environments, industries, and roles. For example, a marketing professional moving from a tech company to a retail business can learn diverse market strategies. Furthermore, job-hopping can lead to quicker financial growth, as typically, a change in jobs comes with a hike in salary, thus potentially accelerating an individual's journey towards their financial goals.

However, viewing this trend through a different lens reveals some downsides. Frequent job changes can destabilize an employee's career trajectory. Consistency is often key to climbing the corporate ladder, and frequent shifts might paint a picture of a lack of commitment or loyalty, potentially damaging one's professional reputation. From a corporate perspective, high employee turnover can lead to increased recruitment and training costs, and a constant flux in the workforce may disrupt a company's growth and productivity.

Moreover, the culture of frequent job switches can result in a loss of tacit knowledge for businesses - the kind of knowledge that is deeply rooted in an employee's experiences and insights from working within an organization for a substantial time. This form of knowledge is invaluable and irreplaceable and losing it can be detrimental to an organization's operations and strategic planning.

In conclusion, while the increasing trend of changing jobs has its benefits, such as skill diversification and economic upliftment, it also harbors potential downsides like workforce instability and loss of tacit knowledge. Thus, both individuals and corporations should approach this trend with careful consideration, balancing the pursuit of growth and diversity with the value of stability and continuity. It's about striking the right balance between novelty and consistency.

Bài mẫu tham khảo cho các bài luận trong bài viết này

Lưu ý: Các bài mẫu dưới đây được tạo ra nhằm mục đích tối đa việc diễn đạt nhiều collocations để người học có thể tham khảo, do đó các bài mẫu sẽ dài hơn các bài luận cho bài thi IELTS tiêu chuẩn.

1. Question: “Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because it brings advantages for both themselves and their employers. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.”


The debate regarding job mobility has become particularly prevalent in the current climate, with some advocating for loyalty and stability, while others champion change for growth. Both viewpoints hold merits and demerits.

Stability in a job offers numerous advantages. First and foremost, it promotes deep specialization. Remaining in the same role or company for an extended period allows an individual to develop a profound understanding of their field, thereby becoming an expert. This depth of knowledge can lead to significant advancements in career, particularly in fields where specialization is highly valued. Furthermore, stability can be seen as a reflection of commitment and loyalty, attributes highly prized by employers. It also fosters strong relationships within a team, leading to better collaboration and communication. From the employers' perspective, low turnover rates reduce recruitment and training costs, and ensure continuity in operations.

On the contrary, advocates of job mobility argue that change can bring about numerous benefits. From an employee's perspective, job switching often results in better financial compensation and quicker career progression. It also allows for a broadening of skills and experiences as individuals get exposed to various work environments, methodologies, and industry practices. This diversification can enhance an individual's adaptability, a crucial skill in today's rapidly changing job market. For employers, bringing in new employees can infuse fresh ideas and perspectives into the team, potentially leading to innovative solutions and practices. Moreover, the competition for talent retention might encourage companies to improve working conditions and employee benefits, fostering a healthier work environment.

In my opinion, both perspectives have their value, and the decision to stay or switch should be contingent on personal career goals and circumstances. If one aspires to deep specialization and values strong working relationships, remaining in a job could be more beneficial. Conversely, those seeking a diverse skill set, rapid career progression, and financial growth might find job mobility advantageous. From an employer's standpoint, a balanced mix of long-term employees and new recruits might be ideal for ensuring both continuity and innovation.

Ultimately, neither approach is inherently superior, and the 'right' choice varies by individual and industry. The key is to thoughtfully consider one's career aspirations, personal values, and the dynamics of the industry they are in before making a decision.

2. Question: "Some people think that people who choose a job early and keep doing it are more likely to get a satisfying career life than those who frequently change jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?"


The sentiment that early job selection and longevity within a role can lead to a satisfying career is a perspective worth considering, but it may not hold true universally. In my opinion, career satisfaction is a multifaceted concept, heavily influenced by individual preferences, job nature, and market trends, rather than the frequency of job changes.

Admittedly, those who select a job early and remain dedicated to it often have the opportunity to develop deep expertise in their chosen field. This expertise can lead to significant accomplishments, promotions, and recognition, which are all associated with career satisfaction. Moreover, long-term employees can build strong professional relationships and play a role in shaping the organization's culture and strategies, adding to a sense of fulfillment.

However, this does not necessarily mean that individuals who frequently change jobs are less likely to experience a satisfying career. Job mobility allows individuals to gather a diverse set of skills and experiences, which can foster adaptability and resilience, highly valuable traits in today's dynamic work environment. Changing jobs also often leads to better financial prospects, which can directly impact job satisfaction. In addition, working in various roles or industries can help individuals discover their true passions and strengths, which is crucial for long-term career satisfaction.

Furthermore, not all industries or roles lend themselves well to longevity. For example, in rapidly evolving fields such as technology and digital marketing, changing roles or companies might be necessary to stay relevant and competitive. In such scenarios, early job selection and sticking to it might lead to stagnation rather than satisfaction.

In conclusion, while choosing a job early and remaining in it can lead to a satisfying career for some, it is not a definitive rule for career satisfaction. The dynamics of job satisfaction are complex and personal, interwoven with factors such as individual personality traits, passion, industry characteristics, and personal growth opportunities. Therefore, I partly disagree with the statement, believing instead that the path to career satisfaction is unique for each individual and not solely dependent on the frequency of job changes.

3. Question: "The world of work is rapidly changing and employees cannot depend on having the same work or the same work conditions for life. Discuss the possible causes and suggest ways to prepare for people to work in the future."


The world of work is indeed in a state of constant flux due to several key factors. Chief among these are technological advancements, globalization, demographic changes, and evolving social norms.

Technological advancements, particularly in automation and artificial intelligence, are changing job roles and even eliminating certain types of work. For instance, manufacturing jobs have decreased due to automation, while roles in data science have surged thanks to the rise of big data.

Globalization is another key driver. With the world more interconnected than ever before, competition and collaboration on a global scale are reshaping industries and job markets. Companies can outsource work to wherever labor is cheapest or expertise is highest, creating an international job market.

Demographic changes, including aging populations in many developed countries and increasing diversity in the workforce, are also contributing to changes in the workplace. This shift influences the type of work available, as well as workplace culture and dynamics.

Lastly, societal shifts, such as the increasing demand for work-life balance and a heightened focus on sustainability, are also reshaping the world of work.

To prepare for the future of work, individuals and societies can focus on several strategies. Education systems must place a strong emphasis on lifelong learning and adaptability. This could involve a shift from rote memorization to critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence, which are less susceptible to automation. Moreover, continuous professional development should be encouraged in all industries.

In addition, a stronger focus should be placed on digital literacy and tech skills, regardless of the field of work. Understanding and being able to work with technology is becoming increasingly crucial in almost every job.

Lastly, policy-makers should prioritize social protection and support for individuals during periods of transition or unemployment due to these shifts in work. This can take the form of unemployment benefits, reskilling programs, or support for entrepreneurship.

In conclusion, while the changing world of work presents challenges, proactive adaptation and preparation can turn these into opportunities. Fostering adaptability, focusing on in-demand skills, and ensuring social support are key to preparing individuals for the future of work.

4. Question: "Changing jobs can lead to improved salary and career growth, but it also comes with certain challenges. Do the advantages of changing jobs outweigh the disadvantages?"


The decision to change jobs is an important one, accompanied by potential benefits and drawbacks that can significantly influence an individual's career trajectory. In my opinion, while the advantages of job switching can be substantial, the potential disadvantages necessitate careful consideration, thereby making this a balanced issue rather than a matter of clear dominance of one over the other.

Job changes often bring opportunities for higher salaries and improved career prospects. Changing companies can be a faster way to climb the career ladder and achieve financial growth, compared to waiting for promotions within a single organization. Additionally, exposure to diverse work environments can lead to the acquisition of new skills and a broader professional network, which can further enhance career growth.

Nonetheless, frequent job changes can also present significant challenges. One of the major potential downsides is the perception of instability or lack of loyalty. An employee who changes jobs regularly may be seen as unreliable by future employers, potentially hindering career prospects. Moreover, job changes can involve periods of adjustment and learning, which can be stressful. Changing roles or industries might also mean stepping out of one's comfort zone and facing the pressure to quickly adapt to new colleagues, workplace cultures, and job requirements.

Additionally, frequent job changes might impede the development of deep, specialized expertise that can be gained by dedicating many years to a particular role or company. This specialized knowledge can be crucial for roles in certain industries, such as scientific research or academia.

In conclusion, while job changes can accelerate salary increments and career advancement, they also pose potential challenges in terms of perception, stress, and specialized skill development. Therefore, the decision to change jobs should be based on individual circumstances, career goals, and the nature of the specific roles and industries involved. It's essential to weigh the potential for growth and development against the risks and challenges involved. Hence, I believe that neither the advantages nor the disadvantages categorically outweigh the other; instead, the balance between the two depends on the individual and their particular situation.

5. Question: "Job stability has been a longstanding expectation for employees. What are the reasons behind the changing attitudes towards job stability, and is this a positive or a negative development?"


The changing attitudes towards job stability can be traced back to a variety of factors, primarily advancements in technology, the evolving nature of work, and shifting societal values. Whether this development is positive or negative can vary based on individual perspectives and societal contexts.

Technological advancements and the rise of the gig economy have played a substantial role in redefining the notion of job stability. As automation and AI transform industries, traditional roles are disappearing or evolving, necessitating adaptability and continual skill development. The gig economy offers flexibility and autonomy, making it an attractive alternative to traditional employment for many, particularly among younger generations.

Simultaneously, societal norms and values have evolved. Today's workers, especially millennials and Generation Z, prioritize work-life balance, personal growth, and job satisfaction over job stability. They are willing to change jobs or careers to align with their passions, lifestyle choices, or ethical values.

Is this shift a positive or negative development? The answer depends on one's viewpoint. On the positive side, this fluidity can lead to a more dynamic and adaptable workforce, capable of keeping pace with rapidly evolving industries. It can also increase overall job satisfaction and work-life balance as employees have the freedom to align their work with their personal goals and values.

However, the potential negatives cannot be overlooked. Job insecurity can lead to financial instability and stress, particularly for those with dependents or without a safety net. It also impacts long-term financial planning, making it difficult to secure loans or plan for retirement. From a societal perspective, a high level of job instability can lead to increased income inequality and social unrest.

In conclusion, while the shift in attitudes towards job stability is largely a result of technological and societal evolution, it brings both opportunities and challenges. It heralds a more dynamic, adaptable, and satisfied workforce, but also brings risks of financial instability and societal inequality. Whether it's viewed as a positive or negative development often depends on individual circumstances and societal safety nets. It underscores the need for effective policies and strategies to support workers as they navigate this new landscape, helping them to maximize the opportunities and mitigate the risks associated with job instability.

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Bài viết đã cung cấp một danh sách các collocations chủ đề định hướng nghề nghiệp. Hy vọng bài viết đã giúp người học cũng có một số bài luyện tập để ghi nhớ tốt hơn các collocations này.

Ngoài ra, sách Understanding Vocab for IELTS Writing – 2nd Edition, được Đội ngũ chuyên môn của Anh Ngữ ZIM biên soạn, sẽ giúp người học nâng cao vốn từ vựng về 16 chủ đề thường gặp trong IELTS Writing Task 2 cũng như hướng dẫn phương pháp học từ dựa trên ngữ cảnh - Context Exploring.

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