Giải Cambridge IELTS 16, Test 4, Speaking Part 2 & 3

Gợi ý bài mẫu kèm phân tích từ vựng cho đề Cambridge IELTS 16, Test 1, Speaking Part 2 & 3: Describe some technology (e.g. an app, phone, software program) that you decided to stop using.
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giai cambridge ielts 16 test 4 speaking part 2 3

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample

In 2017 when iPhone 8 Plus was first introduced, I came to the nearby Mobile World store to purchased one. It later turned out to be one of the worst purchases I had ever made. It’s so bad that I stopped using that phone after a few days. 

I had been using iPhone 6s for 2 years and I loved the simplicity and elegance that iPhone models offered. I never felt like I need to change my phone because my iPhone 6s was still super fast 2 years after its first release. But when iPhone 8 Plus Product Red was released, I immediately changed my mind because it was so shiny and I suddenly wanted to try a phone with bigger screen. You could say I bought that phone out of spontaneity.

However, later I realized this phone was really heavy, almost twice as much as my iPhone 6s. The curvy polished edge plus the glass back made it super difficult to hold with one hand. My hands were usually sweating whenever I used the phone. The big screen was another problem. Sometimes it’s impossible to hold it while lying on my couch without the fear of dropping in onto my face. I started to realize it was a big expensive mistake. So I returned the brand new iPhone 8 Plus to the store and got a refund, not at full price but it’s still better than to live with something I didn’t like.

I switched back to my old iPhone 6s and have been using it ever since. I’m glad that I decided to return the 8 Plus to get a refund, or else I now have to live with a 1,200$ piece of device that makes me feel uncomfortable.

Từ vựng cần lưu ý

  • To be turn out to be: hóa ra là

  • To change my mind: thay đổi ý kiến

  • Out of spontaneity: hứng lên thì làm

  • Brand new: mới toanh

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

Computer games

Question 1

All kinds of games, I’d say, from online to offline games, first-person shooter to strategy games. The video game industry has developed quite a lot in Vietnam, you know. So you can expect that the types of games we play here are quite diverse. 

Question 2

There are a bunch of reasons for this. In the case of children, I think they just simply find these games more interesting than some sports or outdoor games. They can actually control a character, immerse themselves in the story and decide what’s gonna happen at the end of a game. When it comes to adults, some people have been living with video games throughout their childhood, so these games have become a part of their lives. Some others may just want to find a way to escape from their tedious lives, I assume.

Question 3

No, it’s not really practical. We should only set a minimum age for some games with explicit contents like violence or bad language. There are now a lot of games for children, and literally everyone can play those games, like Tetris. So there’s no need to restrict player’s age in those games.

Từ vựng:

  • First-person shooter game: trò chơi bắn súng góc nhìn thứ nhất

  • Video game industry: ngành công nghiệp trò chơi điện tử

  • Tedious (adj): nhàm chán, tẻ nhạt

  • Explicit content (a-n): nội dung không phù hợp với trẻ nhỏ

Technology in the classroom

Question 1

I think technology will be helpful when it serves as a tool to accelerate students’ learning. Teachers can make use of technology like PowerPoint slides, or even VR to visualise abstract information and make it easier for students to absorb knowledge. 

Question 2

It depends. If the teacher isn’t adaptive to technology, it can be hard for them to utilise classroom technology, so we can say in this case students are better. But if the teachers are proficient at using technological tools, then maybe they’re better than the students. 

Question 3

This is never gonna be the case. Computers are created and designed by humans to our tools. They have no ability to perceive this world and pass down knowledge to our children. Also, I don’t think anyone would ever want their kids to be taught by a machine or a program.

Từ vựng:

  • Accelerate (v): thúc đẩy một quá trình

  • Visualise (v): làm cho thứ gì đó trở nên hữu hình

  • Abstract information (a-n): thông tin trừu tượng.

  • Adaptive (adj): có khả năng thích nghi

  • Proficient (adj): thành thạo

  • Perceive (v): nhận thức

Trên đây là bài mẫu gợi ý cho đề Cambridge IELTS 18, Test 1, Speaking Part 2 + 3 được đội ngũ chuyên môn tại Anh Ngữ ZIM biên soạn. Thí sinh có thể thảo luận về đề thi và đáp án dưới phần bình luận hoặc tham gia diễn đàn ZIM Helper để được giải đáp kiến thức tiếng Anh luyện thi Đại học và các kì thi tiếng Anh khác, được vận hành bởi các High Achievers.

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