Describe a time when you taught a friend/ relative something

“Describe a time when you taught a friend/ relative something” thuộc nhóm chủ đề “Describe an experience (miêu tả trải nghiệm)” là chủ đề quan trọng trong Speaking Part 2.
ZIM Academy
describe a time when you taught a friend relative something

Bài viết sau đây sẽ gợi ý sample cho chủ đề “Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something” cùng các câu hỏi thường gặp và hướng dẫn phương pháp trả lời lưu loát cho topic này. Ngoài ra, bài viết còn giới thiệu về những từ vựng cần thiết và cách diễn đạt giúp dễ dàng ghi điểm.

Bài mẫu chủ đề “Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something”

You should say:

  • Who you taught

  • What you taught

  • How the result was.

Dàn ý:

Situation - Taught my cousin how to play the guitar

Task - Began with the fundamentals and then on to chords and strumming patterns.

Action - It was challenging for him at first, but he was really motivated and willing to learn, able to play a simple song after a few weeks, it was a really rewarding experience, it was nice to share my knowledge with someone else and watch them improve

Result - Teaching someone can be a really rewarding experience, it's a wonderful way to give back and help someone else while simultaneously expanding your own learning 

I once taught my cousin how to play the guitar. He had always wanted to learn but didn't know where to begin, so I volunteered to teach him a few lessons. We began with the fundamentals, such as how to hold the instrument and tune it, and then on to chords and strumming patterns.

Training my cousin to play the guitar was a really rewarding experience for me. I've been playing for a long time, so it was nice to share my knowledge with someone else and watch them improve. It also allowed us to interact and connect through a common passion, which was very meaningful.

Overall, I believe that teaching someone something can be a really rewarding experience, especially when it's a subject that you're extremely enthusiastic about. It's a wonderful way to give back and help someone else improve, while simultaneously expanding your own learning and appreciation of the subject. I would absolutely do it again!

It was challenging for him at first, but he was really motivated and willing to learn, so he practiced every day. He was able to play a simple song all the way through after a few weeks, and it sounded very decent! I was quite proud of him and delighted to see how far he had come.

Từ vựng chủ đề “Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something”

  • didn't know where to begin: không biết bắt đầu từ đâu

  • began with the fundamentals: bắt đầu từ những kiến thức căn bản

  • at first: vào lúc đầu

  • motivated and willing to learn: có động lực và sẵn sàng học hỏi

  • all the way through: từ đầu đến cuối

  • how far he had come: quá trình tiến triển

  • rewarding experience: trải nghiệm đáng giá

  • interact and connect through a common passion: tương tác và kết nối qua việc có chung niềm đam mê

  • wonderful way to give back: cách tuyệt vời để cho đi

  • simultaneously expanding your own learning and appreciation of the subject: cùng lúc đó mở rộng kiến thức và có thêm đánh giá mới về chủ đề

Ex: Attending seminars and workshops can be a great way of expanding your own learning and appreciation of the subject.

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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

What practical skills can young people teach old people?

Well, young people could teach old people how to use modern technology, like smartphones and computers. They could also help them learn how to use different apps for online shopping, social media, or even video chat. Additionally, young people could teach old people about current trends and ideas, which could be beneficial in keeping them updated and engaged in society.

  • current trends and ideas: những ý tưởng và xu hướng hiện đại

  • keeping them updated and engaged in society: giúp họ luôn được cập nhật và tham gia vào xã hội

Ex: As a community leader, it's important to keep the elderly population updated and engaged in society by organizing social events and activities for them.

What skills can young people teach old people besides technology?

There are many non-technological skills that young people may teach older people. Many younger people, for example, are proficient in areas such as cooking, sewing, and DIY projects and might teach some of these abilities to older people who may not have learned them as children. Furthermore, younger generations frequently have a different viewpoint on subjects such as social concerns and current events, which might assist older people broaden their horizons.

  • different viewpoint: quan điểm khác biệt

  • broaden their horizons: mở rộng tầm hiểu biết

How can young people teach old people skills?

Young people may teach older people skills by being patient, breaking complex concepts down into smaller ones, and demonstrating how to use the skill with examples and practical applications. It's also crucial to approach the teaching process with empathy and compassion, because different learning styles or preferences may exist among older persons. A pleasant and encouraging attitude can go a long way toward assisting older people in learning new skills from younger generations.

  • breaking complex concepts down into smaller ones: chia nhỏ những chủ đề phức tạp thành những phần đơn giản hơn

  • practical applications: sự ứng dụng vào thực tế

  • go a long way: có hiệu quả rõ rệt

How can we know what to do when we want to learn something new?

We should first determine what we want to study and what our objectives are. Once we're certain of it, we may begin looking for and gathering learning resources, such as books, online classes, or tutorials. To succeed, it's also crucial to break the learning process down into small steps and practice regularly.

  • looking for and gathering learning resources: tìm kiếm và thu thập những nguồn tư liệu học tập

  • break the learning process down into small steps: chia quá trình học tập thành những bước nhỏ

Hy vọng rằng thông qua bài viết, người học có thêm kiến thức về cách xây dựng dàn ý, các từ vựng và câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Part 3 thông dụng cho chủ đề “Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something”.

Người học cần làm quen với các thao tác và làm bài thi IELTS trên máy tính để giúp tự tin hơn trước ngày thi chính thức. Đăng ký tham gia thi thử IELTS trên máy tính tại ZIM có ngay kết quả.

Bạn muốn học thêm về nội dung này?

Đặt lịch học 1-1 với Giảng viên tại ZIM để được học sâu hơn về nội dung của bài viết bạn đang đọc. Thời gian linh hoạt và học phí theo buổi

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