Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently

“Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently” thuộc nhóm chủ đề “Describe a experience (miêu tả trải nghiệm)” là đề bài rất phổ biến trong IELTS Speaking Part 2. Bài viết dưới đây sẽ gợi ý bài mẫu, cùng các dạng câu hỏi thường gặp và cách trả lời rõ ràng và mạch lạc hơn. Đồng thời, bài viết cũng sẽ giới thiệu về những từ vựng cần thiết và cách diễn đạt giúp đạt điểm cao.
ZIM Academy
describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently

Bài mẫu chủ đề “Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently”

Cue Card: An outdoor activity you did

Describe an outdoor activity you did

You should say:

  • what the activity was

  • when and where you did it

  • who you did it with

and explain whether you enjoyed it or not.

Phân tích đề bài

Thí sinh cần mô tả một hoạt động ngoài trời mà bản thân đã thực hiện trong quá khứ. Các từ khóa quan trọng ở đây là 'outdoor activity’ và ‘you did’. Dưới đây là sơ đồ tư duy bao gồm các khía cạnh của đề bài mà thí sinh cần giải quyết:


Áp dụng phương pháp “IWHC” để tạo phần ghi chú tóm tắt câu trả lời cho đề bài ở trên. Phần ghi chú này có thể áp dụng trong khoảng thời gian 1 phút chuẩn bị trước khi nói trong phòng thi, góp phần giúp thí sinh nhớ được những nội dung chính cần phải đưa ra trong 1 phứ rưỡi tới 2 phút trả lời sau đó (thí sinh có thể lược bỏ phần “introduction” và “conclusion” nếu cần thiết):

introduction + what the activity was:

hiking, exhilarating experience

when and where you did it:

fall, red and gold, set off, immersed in nature, heart, hustle and bustle

who you did it with:

company, best mates, perfect companions, enjoyable

whether you enjoyed it or not:

pushing limits, incredibly satisfying, physically demanding, tranquility, worth


physical challenge, bonding, stick, in a heartbeat

Bài mẫu

introduction + what the activity was

Today, I'd like to talk about this one time I went hiking, which was an absolutely exhilarating experience

  • Hiking (Đi bộ đường dài): The activity of going for long walks in the countryside or wilderness, often on trails or paths, for pleasure and exercise.

  • Exhilarating experience (Trải nghiệm sảng khoái): An event or activity that is extremely exciting and enjoyable, often providing a rush of adrenaline.

when and where you did it

Now, I did this hike back in the fall, about two years ago. It was during that sweet spot when the leaves are all shades of red and gold. We set off early in the morning to catch the sunrise and spent the whole day immersed in nature. The location was about an hour's drive from my hometown, in the heart of the countryside, and it felt like stepping into a different world, far from the hustle and bustle of city life.

  • Set off (Khởi hành): To begin a journey or start traveling towards a particular destination.

  • Hustle and bustle (Nhộn nhịp xô bồ): A phrase used to describe a place that is filled with a lot of activity and noise, often associated with busy urban areas.

who you did it with

I wasn't alone in this adventure; I had the company of my two best mates from college. You know, the kind of friends who are up for anything. They were the perfect companions, making every step of the journey enjoyable with their jokes and stories.

  • Company (Bạn đồng hành): The presence of another person with you, often used to refer to companionship or someone to share experiences with.

  • Perfect companions (Bạn đồng hành lý tưởng): Individuals who are considered ideal to be with during activities or journeys, often because of shared interests or compatible personalities.

and explain whether you enjoyed it or not

And did I enjoy it? Absolutely, yes! There's something about pushing your limits while surrounded by nature that's incredibly satisfying. Sure, it was physically demanding, but the laughter we shared and the tranquility of being atop a mountain made every aching muscle worth it.

  • Physically demanding (Đòi hỏi sức lực): An activity or task that requires a high level of physical effort and stamina.

  • Tranquility (Yên bình): The quality or state of being calm, peaceful, and undisturbed.


Looking back, that hike was more than just a physical challenge; it was a day of bonding and unforgettable memories. It's one of those experiences that stick with you, you know? I'd go back and do it all over again in a heartbeat."

  • Physical challenge (Thách thức về thể chất): An activity or situation that tests one's physical strength, endurance, and ability to overcome difficult physical tasks.

  • Bonding (Gắn kết): The process of developing a close and harmonious relationship with someone, often through shared experiences or activities.

Từ vựng chủ đề “Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently”

  • Farmland (n)/ˈfɑːmlænd/: đất trồng trọt 

Ví dụ: The United States loses over 4 000 acres of farmland every day.

  • Steep (a) /stiːp/: Dốc 

Ví dụ: The path grew steeper as we climbed higher.

  • Hiking (n)/ˈhaɪkɪŋ/: Leo núi

Ví dụ: He loves hiking with his team.

  • Stunning (a) /ˈstʌnɪŋ/: Rất đẹp

Ví dụ: You look absolutely stunning!

Tham khảo thêm:

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample

1. What outdoor activities do people in your country usually do?

Well people in my country generally love to get outdoors often, so there is a huge range of activities that people can do. People love to go hiking, surfing, camping, boating, fishing, kayaking, swimming, running, rock climbing, having a picnic somewhere nice, and that’s just to name a few activities. We usually have a lot of good weather in my country, and a lot of beautiful nature to see, so spending time outdoors is a pretty normal thing for most people here. Even people that don’t like sport or exercising can still find something to do outdoors.

  • To get outdoors: ra ngoài trời.

Ví dụ: It’s good to get out doors.

  • That’s just to name a few: đó chỉ là một vài cái.

Ví dụ: We can visit museums, parks, exhibitions, and that just to name a few places.

  • Spending time outdoors: dành thời gian ngoài trời.

Ví dụ: He loves spending time outdoors.

  • A pretty normal thing: một điều khá bình thường.

Ví dụ: That is just a pretty normal thing.

2. Why do some people not like doing outdoor activities?

Well that’s hard to say really, but I guess there are generally two kinds of people from my experience; those that love the outdoors, and those that don’t. Some people just don’t like being outside, whether it’s because they don’t like exposing their skin to the sun, or because they are afraid of insects or animals, or something like that. I guess some people don’t like being exposed to the elements you know, like the wind, or the rain, or too much sunshine, or too cold temperatures. I think it depends on your childhood really, and whether you spent much time outside or not. I knew some kids once that lived in a big city and barely ever went outside, and they were petrified of going in the ocean. It was the most bizarre thing I had ever seen to see a teenager absolutely terrified of going in the ocean because he thought he would be bitten by a fish.

  • Exposing their skin to the sun: phơi da của họ dưới ánh nắng mặt trời.

Ví dụ: Exposing their skin to the sun can be good for them.

  • The most bizarre thing I had ever seen: điều kỳ lạ nhất tôi từng thấy.

Ví dụ: That is the most bizarre thing I had ever seen.

  • To be petrified (adj): vô cùng sợ hãi.

Ví dụ: Some people are petrified of doing extreme sports

  • Absolutely terrified: rất sợ hãi.

Ví dụ: I was absolutely terrified.

3. Do you think that outdoor activities are more beneficial than indoor activities?

No, not really. But I do think that they are beneficial in different ways. For example, outdoor activities are usually focused on doing something physical, like playing sports, or doing exercise of some kind. Whereas indoor activities quite often tend to be more focused on using your mind somehow, like playing board games, for instance. So, both indoor and outdoor activities can be beneficial in their own way, but they focus on different aspects, so I don’t think you can say that one is more or less beneficial than the other.

  • Doing something physical: làm một thứ gì đó mang tính thể chất.

Ví dụ: He loves doing something physical such as running or playing badminton.

  • Using your mind: sử dụng tâm trí của bạn.

Ví dụ: You can train your brain my playing sports requires using your mind such as chess. 

  • Focus on different aspects: tập trung vào nhiều khía cạnh khác nhau.

Ví dụ: It’s good to focus on different aspects.

4. Why do some people like doing extreme sports?

Well, I think it's safe to say that the majority of people that do extreme sports, do it for the adrenaline rush. As someone who has dabbled in a few extreme sports myself, I can say that the buzz you get when riding down the side of a mountain at high speed on a mountain bike, or the feeling of jumping out of a plane with a parachute on your back is quite intense. Sometimes it's extremely scary in the moment, and you might even think you’re about to die, but afterwards when it’s all over and you’re safe and sound, that feeling of excitement is well worth the risk, and it can even last for days.

  •  It's safe to say that (idiom): không quá để nói rằng.

Ví dụ: It’s safe to say that learning English is a key to success.

  •  Dabbled in: tham gia, thử.

Ví dụ: She dabbled in arts a few years ago.

  • The buzz: tiếng vo vo.

Ví dụ: I can hear the buzz outside.

  • At high speed: tốc độ cao.

Ví dụ: She drove at high speed last night.

  • The feeling of: cảm giác.

Ví dụ: I have the feeling of sad after watching that movie.

  • In the moment: trong thời điểm này.

Ví dụ: You need to stay in the moment.

  • When it’s all over: khi kết thúc.

Ví dụ: When it’s all over, you will see.

  • Safe and sound: bình an vô sự.

Ví dụ: They are safe and sound.

  • Well worth the risk: đáng để mạo hiểm.

Ví dụ: Climbing mountains is exciting, it’s well worth the risk.

5. Do you think some extreme sports should be banned?

Câu trả lời mẫu:"Whether some extreme sports should be banned is a complex issue. On one hand, these activities can pose significant risks to participants, sometimes leading to serious injuries or even fatalities. From this perspective, regulating or banning certain extreme sports could be seen as a way to protect individuals. However, proponents argue that with proper training, safety measures, and regulations, the risks can be minimized. Banning extreme sports could also be viewed as an infringement on personal freedom and the right to choose one's own activities. Thus, a balanced approach focusing on safety, education, and informed consent might be more effective than outright bans.”

Phân tích từ vựng:

  • Pose significant risks: To present or introduce potential dangers or threats that could have serious consequences.

    • Phiên âm IPA: /poʊz ˈsɪɡnɪfɪkənt rɪsks/

    • Dịch nghĩa: Gây ra rủi ro đáng kể

    • Lưu ý: Thường được sử dụng để mô tả tình huống hoặc hành động nào đó mang lại nguy cơ cao, có khả năng dẫn đến hậu quả tiêu cực hoặc thiệt hại nghiêm trọng.

  • Fatalities: Deaths resulting from an accident, disaster, or other harmful events.

    • Phiên âm IPA: /fəˈtælɪtiz/

    • Dịch nghĩa: Tử vong

    • Lưu ý: Dùng để chỉ số lượng người chết trong các sự kiện không mong muốn như tai nạn, thảm họa tự nhiên, hoặc do bệnh tật. Nó nhấn mạnh tính chất nghiêm trọng và đau thương của sự mất mát.

  • An infringement on personal freedom: An action or policy that restricts or violates an individual's rights to act freely or make their own choices.

    • Phiên âm IPA: /ən ˈɪnfrɪndʒmənt ɒn ˈpɜːsənl ˈfriːdəm/

    • Dịch nghĩa: Sự xâm phạm tự do cá nhân

    • Lưu ý: Ám chỉ các hành động hoặc quy định làm hạn chế quyền tự quyết của cá nhân trong việc lựa chọn và hành động theo ý muốn của mình, thường gây ra tranh cãi về quyền lợi và tự do cá nhân.

6. What outdoor activities are popular in Vietnam?

Câu trả lời mẫu:"Vietnam's diverse landscapes make it an ideal destination for a variety of outdoor activities. Trekking and hiking are particularly popular, especially in regions with stunning natural beauty like Sapa, Ha Giang, and the Central Highlands. Water sports, such as kayaking, surfing, and snorkeling, also attract many enthusiasts, thanks to Vietnam's extensive coastline and beautiful beaches in places like Da Nang, Nha Trang, and Phu Quoc. Additionally, cycling through rural areas and exploring the countryside is a favored activity for both locals and tourists, offering a unique way to experience Vietnam's scenic beauty and cultural richness.”

Phân tích từ vựng:

  • Stunning natural beauty: The breathtaking appearance of the natural world, characterized by remarkable landscapes or features that leave a lasting impression of awe and admiration.

    • Phiên âm IPA: /ˈstʌnɪŋ ˈnæʧrəl ˈbjuːti/

    • Dịch nghĩa: Vẻ đẹp tự nhiên ngoạn mục

    • Lưu ý: Thường được sử dụng để mô tả cảnh quan tự nhiên hùng vĩ, đẹp đến nghẹt thở như núi non, biển cả, rừng rậm, hoặc các hiện tượng tự nhiên khác.

  • Enthusiasts: Individuals who are very passionate about a particular activity, subject, or hobby and often devote a significant amount of time and energy to it.

    • Phiên âm IPA: /ɪnˈθjuːziæsts/

    • Dịch nghĩa: Người đam mê

    • Lưu ý: Được sử dụng để chỉ những người có niềm đam mê mãnh liệt với một lĩnh vực, sở thích cụ thể, và thường xuyên tham gia hoặc tìm hiểu sâu rộng về nó.

  • Scenic beauty: The visual appeal of a place, especially in terms of its picturesque landscapes and natural surroundings, that makes it pleasing to look at.

    • Phiên âm IPA: /ˈsiːnɪk ˈbjuːti/

    • Dịch nghĩa: Vẻ đẹp cảnh quan

    • Lưu ý: Mô tả sự hấp dẫn về mặt hình ảnh của một địa điểm, đặc biệt là cảnh quan đẹp như tranh vẽ và môi trường tự nhiên, tạo cảm giác thích thú và dễ chịu khi ngắm nhìn.

Xem thêm:

Hy vọng thông qua bài viết, người học có thể áp dụng những cấu trúc và từ vựng được giới thiệu trong bài để giúp bố cục câu trả lời rõ ràng và mạch lạc hơn, cũng như là tối đa điểm thi cho bài thi IELTS Speaking chủ đề “Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently”.

Tham khảo thêm khóa học luyện thi IELTS cấp tốc tại ZIM, giúp học viên tăng tốc kỹ năng làm bài, bổ sung kiến thức nhanh chóng, rút ngắn thời gian đạt điểm IELTS mục tiêu.

Bạn muốn học thêm về nội dung này?

Đặt lịch học 1-1 với Giảng viên tại ZIM để được học sâu hơn về nội dung của bài viết bạn đang đọc. Thời gian linh hoạt và học phí theo buổi

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